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Beginner Guide

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:21 PM #41


Posts: 41
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Clan: Alora
Location: UK

  •  Member since:
    13 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
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Use the CRTL + F command to search for your desired monster!


Let me know if I’m missing any essential monsters/bosses!





Aviansie (Level 69) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Ankou (Level 75) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Ankou (Level 82) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Ankou (Level 86) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Ankou (Level 95) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Aberrant spectre (Level 96) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Aberrant spectre (Level 96) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Ahrim the Blighted (Level 98) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Barrows)


Abyssal demon (Level 124) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Abyssal demon (Level 124) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Animated Rune Armour (Level 138) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Warriors Guild)


Aviansie (Level 148) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Angry barbarian spirit (Level 166) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Abyssal Sire (Level 350) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)





Banshee (Level 23) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Black Knight (Level 33) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Blue dragon (Level 48) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Baby dragon (Level 48) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Basilisk (Level 61) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Bloodveld (Level 76) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Bloodveld (Level 76) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Bloodveld (Level 81) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Blue dragon (Level 111) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Bronze dragon (Level 131) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Brimhaven Dungeon)


Bronze dragon (Level 131) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Berserk barbarian spirit (Level 166) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Black demon (Level 172) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Black demon (Level 172) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Brimhaven Dungeon)


Black demon (Level 172) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Black demon (Level 172) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Chasm of Fire)


Black demon (Level 184) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Black dragon (Level 227) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Brutal Green Dragon (Level 227) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Brutal Green Dragon (Level 227) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters>Waterfiends)


Brutal blue dragon (Level 271) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Brutal red dragon (Level 289) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Brutal black dragon (Level 318) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)





Crawling Hand (Level 8) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Crawling Hand (Level 12) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Chaos druid (Level 13) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Chaos druid (Level 13) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Cave crawler (Level 23) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Cockatrice (Level 37) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Chaos dwarf (Level 48) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Cyclops (Level 56) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Cyclops (Level 56) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Warriors Guild)


Cyclops (Level 76) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Cave horror (Level 80) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Cyclops (Levels 81) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Confused barbarian (Level 132) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Chronozon (Level 170) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Chaos Fanatic (Level 202) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Crazy Archaeologist (Level 204) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Chaos death spawn (Level 215) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Chaos Elemental (Level 305) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Cerberus (Level 318) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Commander Zilyana (Level 596) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Corporeal Beast (785) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)





Disciple of Iban (Level 13) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Deadly red spider (Level 34) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Desert bandits (Level 57) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Dagannoth (Level 74) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Dagannoth (Level 90) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Dagannoth (Level 90) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Waterbirth Island)


Dagannoth (Level 92) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Dust devil (Level 110) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Dharok the Wretched (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Barrows)


Deviant spectre (Level 169) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Dark beast (Level 182) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Demonic gorilla (Level 275) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Gorilla Crash Site)


Demonic gorilla (Level 275) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Dagannoth Prime (Level 303) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Dagannoth Rex (Level 303) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Dagannoth Supreme (Level 303) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)





Experiments (Level 25) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Experiments (Level 51) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Earth warrior (Level 51) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Elf warrior (Level 90) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Elf warrior (Level 108) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Enraged barbarian spirit (Level 166) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)





Fire giant (Level 86) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Brimhaven Dungeon)


Fire giant (Level 86) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Fire giant (Level 104) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Fire giant (Level 109) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)





Giant Spider (Level 2) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Giant Rat (Level 3) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Giant Rat (Level 6) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Goblin (Level 12) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Goblin (Level 17) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Ghost (Level 19) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Ghost (Level 19) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Giant Bat (Level 27) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Green dragon (Level 79) (Teleport Wizard>PvP>West Dragons)


Greater demon (Level 92) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Chasm of Fire)


Greater demon (Level 100) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Greater demon (Level 101) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Greater demon (Level 113) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Gargoyle (Level 111) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Guthan the Infested (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Barrows)


Gorak (Level 149) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Greater Nechryael (Level 200) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Giant Mole (Level 230) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


General Graardor (Level 624) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)





Hill giant (Level 28) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Hill giant (Level 28) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Hobgoblin (Level 28) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Hobgoblin (Level 28) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Hobgoblin (Level 41) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Hobgoblin (Level 42) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Hobgoblin (Level 42) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Hobgoblin (Level 47) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Hellhound (Level 122) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Hellhound (Level 122) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Hellhound (Level 122) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Nieve's cave)


Hellhound (Level 127) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)





Imp (Level 7) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Icefiend (Level 18) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Ice Giant (Level 53) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Ice Warrior (Level 57) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Infernal Mage (Level 66) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)


Iron dragon (Level 189) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Iron Dragon (Level 189) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters>Steel Dragons)


Iron dragon (Level 215) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)





Jogre (Level 58) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Jelly (Level 78) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)





Kalphite Worker (Level 28) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Kalphite Soldier (Level 85) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Karil the Tainted (Level 98) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Barrows)


Knight of Saradomin (Level 101) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Knight of Saradomin (Level 103) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Kurask (Level 106) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


King Sang Crab (Level 107) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Kalphite Guardian (Level 141) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


King Black Dragon (Level 276) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Kraken (Level 291) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Kalphite Queen (Level 333) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Kree'arra (Level 580) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


K'ril Tsutsaroth (Level 650) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)





Lizardman (Level 53) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Lizardman (Level 62) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Lizardman brute (Level 73) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Lesser Demon (Level 82) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Lesser Demon (Level 82) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Chasm of Fire)


Lesser demon (Level 87) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Lesser demon (Level 94) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Lost barbarian (Level 132) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Lizardman shaman (Level 150) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Lava dragon (Level 252) (Teleport Wizard>PvP>Lava dragon maze)





Mugger (Level 6) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Magic Axe (Level 42) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Moss giant (Level 42) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Moss giant (Level 42) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Brimhaven Dungeon)


Monk of Zamorak (Level 45) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Monkey zombie (Level 98) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ape Atoll Dungeon)


Mutated Bloodveld (Level 123) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Monkey guards (Level 167) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Mithril dragon (Level 304) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Mithril dragon (Level 304) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)





Nechryael (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Slayer Tower)





Ogre (Level 58) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Ork (Level 107) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)





Poison Scorpian (Level 20) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Pirate (Level 26) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Pyrefiend (Level 43) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Pyrefiend (Level 48) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Possessed pickaxe (Level 50) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Poison spider (Level 64) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Poison spider (Level 64) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)










Rock crabs (Level 13) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Rockslug (Level 29) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Red Dragon (Level 152) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Brimhavem Dungeon





Skeleton (Level 21) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Skeleton (Level 22) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Skeleton (Level 22) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Skeleton (Level 22) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Skeleton (Level 25) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Taverly Dungeon)


Skeleton (Level 25) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Skeleton (Level 45) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Soldier (Level 56) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Soldier (Level 62) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Saradomin priest (Level 113) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual ranger (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual warrior (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual ranger (Level 118) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual mage (Level 120) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual mage (Level 121) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual ranger (Level 122) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual warrior (Level 122) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual mage (Level 123) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual warrior (Level 125) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Spiritual ranger (Level 127) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Skeleton brute (Level 132) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Skeleton thug (Level 132) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Skeleton heavy (Level 132) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Skeleton warlord (Level 132) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Spiritual warrior (Level 134) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Shade (Level 140) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Skeletal Wyvern (Level 140) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Asgarnian Ice Dungeon)


Skeleton (Level 142) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ape Atoll Dungeon)


Skeleton hero (Level 149) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Smoke Devil (Level 160) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Smoke Devil Dungeon)


Scorpia (Level 225) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Steel dragon (Level 246) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)


Steel dragon (Level 274) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)





Thug (Level 10) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Tz-Haar Hur (Level 74) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Fight Caves)


Turoth (Level 83) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Turoth (Level 85) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Turoth (Level 87) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Turoth (Level 89) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Fremennik Slayer Dungeon)


Twisted Banshee (Level 89) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Tz-Haar Mej (Level 103) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Fight Caves)


Torag the Corrupted (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Barrows)


Tz-Haar Xil (Level 133) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Fight Caves)


Tortured gorilla (Level 141) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Gorilla Crash Site)


Tz-Haar Ket (Level 149) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Fight Caves)


Tz-Haar Ket (Level 221) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Fight Caves)


Tz-Haar Ket (Level 221) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Fight Caves)


Thermonuclear Smoke Devil (Level 301) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Smoke Devil Dungeon)










Vampyre (Level 77) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Verac the Defiled (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Minigames>Barrows)


Vet'ion (Level 454) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)


Venenatis (Level 464) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)





Wild dog (Level 63) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Brimhaven Dungeon)


Werewolf (Level 93) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Godwars Dungeon)


Waterfiend (Level 107) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Ancient Cavern)


Warped Jelly (Level 112) (Teleport Wizard>Dungeons>Kourend catacombs)


Waterfiends (Level 115) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)










Yaks (Level 22) (Teleport Wizard>Monsters)





Zombie (Level 18) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Zombie (Level 24) (South of Edgeville>Edgeville Dungeon)


Zulrah (Level 725) (Teleport Wizard>Bosses)

Posted Image

Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:21 PM #42


Posts: 41
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Clan: Alora
Location: UK

  •  Member since:
    13 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
      63d 1h 21m 5s

  •  Total level:


Obtaining all pets on Alora - let me know if I'm missing any pets from any of the categories! 






























Posted Image

Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:23 PM #43


Posts: 41
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Clan: Alora
Location: UK

  •  Member since:
    13 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
      63d 1h 21m 5s

  •  Total level:


I am the creator of this guide (you may see this guide posted elsewhere)




Mithril Seeds

How to obtain: Donator store (x25 seeds for 12 tokens), trading post




Dice Bag

How to obtain: Donator store ($75 donation)






Game type: Flowers

Name: Flower Poker

Other name(s): FP



Step 1

The first thing that you should do when wanting to gamble is to find a host who offers the flower poker game type, however you should be careful as to who you choose - members of the community could scam you so try to pick someone who is well known/trusted. This is to ensure you that your items/money are in the right hands. It is however impossible to predict when scammers will strike, therefore we insist that you record your bets.




Step 2

Before rushing yourself to make a bet, step back and reassure yourself that you’re playing the correct game. This has happened many times in the past and betters have complained. For example, the host may think you wish to play Hot & Cold where in reality you wish to play Flower Poker.




Step 3

When yourself and the host have confirmed and accepted everything (items to host) the game will begin. You will then both plant a total of 5 Mithril Seeds and aim to get the better hand. If you both manage to get the same hand (2 pair vs 2 pair for example) you will both replant another 5 Mithril Seeds. If either one of you manage to plant a White or Black flower, the hands are discarded and you will both replant another 5 Mithril Seeds. The winner of the hand wins the game and therefore the pot.





Flower types



Image: Red_flowers.png

Name: Red flowers



Image: Blue_flowers.png

Name: Blue flowers



Image: Yellow_flowers.png

Name: Yellow flowers



Image: Orange_flowers.png

Name: Orange flowers



Image: Flowers_pastel.png

Name: Pastel flowers



Image: Purple_flowers.png

Name: Purple flowers



Image: Flowers_mixed.png

Name: RYB flowers



Image: Black_flowers.png

Name: Black flowers



Image: White_flowers.png

Name: White flowers




Flower examples



1 Pair - Red_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.pngOrange_flowers.png



2 Pair - Orange_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.png



3 Oak - Flowers_pastel.pngYellow_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.png



Full house - Red_flowers.pngRed_flowers.pngRed_flowers.pngYellow_flowers.pngYellow_flowers.png



4 Oak - Purple_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.pngPurple_flowers.pngFlowers_mixed.png



5 Oak - Blue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.pngBlue_flowers.png







Game type: Flowers

Name: Hot or Cold

Other name(s): HC



Step 1

The first thing that you should do when wanting to gamble is to find a host who offers the hot or cold game type, however you should be careful as to who you choose - members of the community could scam you so try to pick someone who is well known/trusted. This is to ensure you that your items/money are in the right hands. It is however impossible to predict when scammers will strike, therefore we insist that you record your bets.




Step 2

Before rushing yourself to make a bet step back and reassure yourself that you’re playing the correct game. This has happened many times in the past and betters have complained. For example, the host may think you wish to play Flower Poker where in reality you wish to play Hot or Cold.




Step 3

When yourself and the host have confirmed and accepted everything (items to host) the game will begin. Before the host plants he/she will ask you to pick either a Hot flower or a Cold flower. When you give them your answer (Hot/Cold) they will then plant 1 Mithril Seed. If the host plants what you selected you win the game and therefore the pot. The flower types for this game can be seen below.




Flower types



Flower type: Hot




Flower type: Cold




Flower type: Host win




Flower type: Replant








Game type: Dice

Name: Dice Duel

Other name(s): DD



Step 1

The first thing that you should do when wanting to gamble is to find a host who offers the flower poker game type, however you should be careful as to who you choose - members of the community could scam you so try to pick someone who is well known/trusted. This is to ensure you that your items/money are in the right hands. It is however impossible to predict when scammers will strike, therefore we insist that you record your bets.




Step 2

Before rushing yourself to make a bet step back and reassure yourself that you’re playing the correct game. This has happened many times in the past and betters have complained. For example, the host may think you wish to play Blackjack where in reality you wish to play Dice Duel.




Step 3

When yourself and the host have confirmed and accepted everything (items to host) the game will begin. You both will then roll the dice a total of 3 times (1 after the other). The aim of this game is to get a higher number than the other person 3 times, the first person to reach 3 points is the winner of the game and therefore the pot. 







Game type: Dice

Name: 55x2

Other name(s): -




Step 1

The first thing that you should do when wanting to gamble is to find a host who offers the flower poker game type, however you should be careful as to who you choose - members of the community could scam you so try to pick someone who is well known/trusted. This is to ensure you that your items/money are in the right hands. It is however impossible to predict when scammers will strike, therefore we insist that you record your bets.




Step 2

Before rushing yourself to make a bet step back and reassure yourself that you’re playing the correct game. This has happened many times in the past and betters have complained. For example, the host may think you wish to play Dice Duel where in reality you wish to play 55x2.




Step 3

When yourself and the host have confirmed and accepted everything (items to host) the game will begin. The host will then roll the dice – if the host rolls 55 or below you unfortunately lose the game. If the host rolls a 56 or more you win the game and therefore the pot.







Game type: Dice

Name: Blackjack

Other name(s): BJ



Step 1

The first thing that you should do when wanting to gamble is to find a host who offers the flower poker game type, however you should be careful as to who you choose - members of the community could scam you so try to pick someone who is well known/trusted. This is to ensure you that your items/money are in the right hands. It is however impossible to predict when scammers will strike, therefore we insist that you record your bets.




Step 2

Before rushing yourself to make a bet step back and reassure yourself that you’re playing the correct game. This has happened many times in the past and betters have complained. For example, the host may think you wish to play 55x2 where in reality you wish to play Blackjack.




Step 3

When yourself and the host have confirmed and accepted everything (items to host) the game will begin. The aim of the game is to get as close to 100 as possible – the host will roll the dice for you first then himself/herself. If you wish to stick at a number that the host has rolled for you simply say “Stay”, however if you wish to continue and hope you get closer to 100 simply say “Hit”. If you continue to hit your number and go over 100 you unfortunately lose the game. However if you stay on your number the host will then roll for themselves. The host’s goal is to beat your number no matter what – if he/she gets a higher number than you they win the game. If the host continues to hit their number and go over 100 you win the game and therefore the pot.

Posted Image

Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:23 PM #44


Posts: 41
Likes: 494
Clan: Alora
Location: UK

  •  Member since:
    13 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
      63d 1h 21m 5s

  •  Total level:




How to donate



Donator Ranks and Benefits






How to vote




Donating with RuneScape Gold


If you wish to donate to Alora via RuneScape (RS3/07) donations you need to message Omicron on the Forums. The exchange rate from 07 to Alora is 1m = $0.9 with a minimum of a 10m OSRS donation.





 Well of Goodwill




The Well of Goodwill grants the global experience to everyone who's online. In order to fill up the well yourself and other members of the community must pour a total of 25,000,000 (25m) coins into it - this grants 30% bonus experience for the next 2 hours. Once these 2 hours have come to an end, the well deactivates and you must pour more money into it in order to activate it again! For new players, it's difficult to participate to the well. However, richer members of the community tend to fill this well up for themselves, but as it grants global experience you're able to benefit off that. Train as hard and as fast as you can when the well is active - don't put the bonus experience to waste! The Well of Goodwill is located at ::home.







Normal Altar




This altar restores a player's prayer points to the fullest.





Altar of the Occult




This altar allows players to change their spellbook. There's a selection of 3:



Normal Spellbook





Ancient Spellbook





Lunar Spellbook








Max Cape




In order to be able to purchase the Max cape you must have 99 in every trainable skill.





Achievement Cape




In order to be able to purchase the Achievement cape you must have finished every achievement in the achievement tab.





Music Cape




In order to be able to purchase the Music cape you must have unlocked at least 140 music tracks.

For a guide on how to unlock the Music Cape, take a look at Thunk's Guide.




Completionist Monkey




In order to be able to purchase the Completionist cape you must meet the requirements of the Max cape, Achievement cape, Music cape and Infernal cape. You must also have a total of 1 billion experience as well as 3 skills with 200m experience (one of which being a combat related skill).

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:24 PM #45

Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:24 PM #46


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Partial credits to Jewlion and Sammi.




Q: How do I deiron my account? I no longer want to be an Ironman!        


A: Speak to the Paul NPC located south of the General Store at home. This is irreversible, therefore if you choose to remove your ironman status on your account you’ll never be able to get it back!



Q: Which skills aren’t trainable in Alora?


A: Construction and Dungeoneering isn’t trainable in Alora.



Q: What are the bonus experiences?


A: You can gain bonus experience by opening Vote Books, the Well of Goodwill, the Bonus skill of the Day feature, bonus experience events and the wilderness bonus experience.



Q: How can I see the drop rates of the monsters that I’m killing?


A: In Alora we have a helpful interface that allows players to search for item drops from specific monsters and bosses. Within the Game Panel in the client there’s an option called “View Monster Drop Tables”, which is where you can search for a list of specific items and drop rates for the monsters that you’re killing.



Q: Where can I purchase skill capes?


A: You can purchase skill capes from the Wise Old Man NPC who’s located north-west of the home location. The skill hood costs 100,000 (100k) coins to purchase. Upon purchasing these hoods, the untrimmed and trimmed capes are also given to you.



Q: Where is the Loyalty shop?


A: The Loyalty shop is accessible by speaking to an NPC named Sir Loyle T. This NPC is located west of the home location.



Q: Where is the Achievement shop?


A: The Achievement shop is accessible by speaking to an NPC named Achievement manager. This NPC is located south of the home location.



Q: Where is the Vote shop?


A: The Vote shop is accessible by speaking to an NPC named Vote manager. This NPC is located south of the home location.



Q: Do we have rooftop agility courses?


A: Yes! The Seers (level 60) and Ardougne (level 90) rooftop courses work wonderfully.



Q: How can I use the Yell feature? I want to speak globally as well!


A: In order to use the yell channel you must be a regular donator or a member of staff.


Q: How do I make a Slayer Mask?

A: Combine a black mask (acquired from cave horrors) and a spiny helmet. Furthermore, you can imbue it at the Slayer Master for 7500 slayer points



Q: Does Alora have a Grand Exchange? I like that feature.


A: Alora has a Trading Post, which is somewhat similar to a grand exchange. This Trading Post can be found inside the Edgeville bank.



Q: How do I teleport to monsters or other locations?


A: We have a Teleport Wizard NPC who takes you to various locations around Alora. This NPC can be found in the center of Edgeville.



Q: I need help from a member of staff. Help!


A: In order to contact a member of staff whilst in-game you need to use the command ::staff to see who’s online. Once you see the member’s of staff that are online feel free to contact any of them.



Q: Where can I see the points that I’ve achieved?


A: The Quest Tab shows you how many points you have (Loyalty, Slayer, Vote, Runecrafting, Pest Control, Mage Arena and achievement).



Q: How can I see how many barrows points I have?


A: You need to speak to the Strange Old Man NPC who’s wandering around the Barrows hills.



Q: Where do I use my crystal key?


A: Inside the Edgeville bank there’s a closed chest along the north wall. Use your crystal key on this chest to receive rewards!



Q: I want to change my spell book, how?


A: In order to change your spell book you must use the Altar of Occult. This Altar can be found inside the building north of Edgeville (alternatively, use the ::thieve command).



Q: I lost my untradeables, how do I get them back?


A: In order to retrieve your untradeables you must speak to an NPC named Lost Item Manager. This NPC can be found south of Edgeville.



Q: I just voted, how can I claim my vote?


A: In order to claim your vote and receive a vote book you must head over to a vote booth and enter your code in there. These booths are scattered all over Alora however people tend to use the one at ::home as it’s the easiest one to get to.


Q: How do I get achievement points?

A: In order to receive achievement points you must complete the tasks that are listed for you in the Achievement Tab.



Q: What is an Alora bond?


A: An Alora bond is equivalent to $10. You can either sell it or use it. Upon using this bond, you’re also given 100 donator points which you can spend in the donator ::store.



Q: How many Pest Control points do I need in order to purchase full void?


A: 310 for a set with one helmet. 510 if you are going for elite void set with one helmet, and an additional 60 points per helmet.



Q: How do I insure my pet?


A: In order to insure your pet you must speak to an NPC named Probita. This NPC can be found south of Edgeville.



Q: How do I reset my levels?


A: You can only reset your combat-related stats. In order to do this you must speak with the Combat Master NPC. This NPC can be found south of the general store.



Q: How can I lock my experience?


A: In order to lock your experience you must speak to an NPC named Combat Master. This NPC can be found south of the general store.



Q: I’m an Ironman, what sort of shops do I have access to?


A: Speak to the Paul NPC if you wish to purchase ironman armour or skip PvP achievements.



Q: How do I get barrows gloves?


A: Speak to the Gypsy in the ::thieve building. You will fight the monsters from the recipe for disaster boss fights. You do not need ice gloves, and you cannot pray. The monsters aren't particularly difficult, just take good food and potions and your best combat style.



Q: There’s no bank pin, how do I secure my account?


A: In order to secure your account please take a look at Volta’s 2-Factor-Authentication guide



Q: How do I restore my special attack quicker?


A: The pool of rejuvenation, located by the furnace in Edgeville, will restore special attack, hitpoints, prayer points, run energy and cure you of poison.



Q: How do I get a dragon defender?


A: Whilst the Warrior's Guild exists, the best free method is to teleport to the Kourend Catacombs and head south to the Cyclops' there. They also drop dragon defenders at a rate of about 1/100.



Q: How do I get a fighter torso?


A: The fastest method is by playing Pest Control, as it only costs 100 points.

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:24 PM #47


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If you're having trouble with the Forums or something Game-related please feel free to contact the Support Board. Members of staff and the community will be able assist you an hopefully resolve your issue. If you have a private matter and you wish to only concern members of staff please create a thread in the Private Support section of the Forums. 




If you're having trouble connecting to the server try accessing Alora using an alternative method. There are many ways to access Alora:




If you've encountered a bug on the Forums or in-game please create a thread in the Bug Report section of the Forums.

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Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:24 PM #48


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If you wish to appeal for a punishment, please click here. A member of staff will look into your case and deal with you accordingly. These appeals are private.




If you wish to submit a report on a player or member of staff, please click here. These reports are private.






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Posted 15 August 2017 - 03:25 PM #49


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Credits to Haris: The only member of staff who was willing to dig into the situation regarding experience rates and giving me an accurate answer.



Credits to Postimees: General help with the thread (answering many questions).



Credits to Collerkar76: General help with the thread (answering many questions).



Credits to U n i q u e: Lending me items in order for me to record item stats.



Minor credits to the following members for answering a couple of my questions



If you need additional help feel free to join the 'Alora' or ‘Help’ clan chats in-game or contact a member of staff



If you see any issues with this thread please contact either myself or a member of the forum staff team



Thanks for reading - let me know if you have any suggestions!


Happy Scaping!



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