Hello community,
Here are some suggestions that may help the game.
Timer Tracker
A System to track running timers in-game was created, now you may be able to keep track of how long until a potion effect wear off, or how long until you can use some ability again.
Baby Dragons Pet
I do not know if have the dragons pet in the game, but if do not have it, it would be nice to have it, because now when you pick up a slayer task, you can take the task of killing Black, Red, Green and Blue Dragons And try to catch the pet, for example, they will drop an egg, and when you open the egg, comes the pet, of course if you kill a green dragon, will come a green pet.
Examples of Baby Dragons Pet (07):
200m xp cape

I do not know if have it in the game, but if do not have it, it would be a good idea to put it, now whoever gets 200m xp in some skill will also get this cape, you can change their colors,It is equal to the 99 cape, only gives to edit some things and is the cape of 200m xp.
PK Tournament

Is a tournament that works as follows, would have a table of 10 players, every time you kill your target in pk, you earn points, and who accumulate more points until the end of the event, is in the top 10, of course the best Prizes are from the top 1,2,3, the event ends every 1 month.
Top 3 Tournament winners will have a trophy displayed over their head until the next tournament is over.
Top 1 - Gold

Top 2 - Silver

Top 3 - Bronze

Others examples:

Bank Settings / Bank Presents

It would be nice to put these two new systems in the game, the bank settings is for you for example, when you only have 1 item in the bank, and you take away, it stays placehold automatically, why you modified to stay like this.
Bank presents is for you to save a set that you like to use or some pk set, then you just click it, and there is everything you saved automatically, for example, a pk set with a backpack full of food.
It would be nice to have this command in the game, then when some player pick up max / comp / music cape, or some 200m xp the whole game can see.