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So.. about "Money Sinks" & this "TAX"...

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Posted 16 August 2017 - 10:37 AM #21

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What about an instant noter aswell?


Some kind of magic box you can have in your inventory to note items when you're not close to a bank.

The pay-fee could be related to the quality of the item(s) you wish to note. (Guam - Torstol / Tin - Runite)


I'm not sure if this is something that could be useful. If not I'm all here to bump the thread.


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Posted 16 August 2017 - 10:43 AM #22


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Really good idea Support 100%, for too long has the gambler npc done nothing he should sell mithril seeds for around 400-500k ea and rule books for both flower poker and dice game to help out the players wanting to learn about them.
as a dice host I usually get about 10 or so people a day asking me about those, not really needed so much as theres the thread but just another idea to add to the shop :)


Posted 16 August 2017 - 02:07 PM #23

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What about an instant noter aswell?


Some kind of magic box you can have in your inventory to note items when you're not close to a bank.

The pay-fee could be related to the quality of the item(s) you wish to note. (Guam - Torstol / Tin - Runite)


I'm not sure if this is something that could be useful. If not I'm all here to bump the thread.


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Hmmm. I guess it could come in helpful with certain farming runes & collecting dragon bones


Really good idea Support 100%, for too long has the gambler npc done nothing he should sell mithril seeds for around 400-500k ea and rule books for both flower poker and dice game to help out the players wanting to learn about them.
as a dice host I usually get about 10 or so people a day asking me about those, not really needed so much as theres the thread but just another idea to add to the shop :)

That's an interesting idea, I like it.

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Posted 16 August 2017 - 02:54 PM #24


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No gold sink is ever going to compete with the insane amount of gp generated by thieving/caskets/ensouled heads on a daily basis.

The "tax" is probably the best attempt as it will scale with inflation.


I support the seed shop, but I think the price should be revisited as the value of gp decreases, leaving the donation store as the preferable means to acquire them (so the server stays alive and all that jazz).


EDIT: Another method to remove some gold from the game could be charging people to use the teleport wizard. Charging for travel is a common gold sink in many MMORPGs.

Maybe make the price increase exponentially based on total level, so it isn't really detrimental to new players, but for higher total level players the cost is noticeable but fair, possibly 50-100k per tp?

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Posted 01 September 2017 - 03:53 PM #25

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added to main suggestions 

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