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Classic Mode

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Poll: Classic Mode (98 member(s) have cast votes)

What experience rates should classic mode be set at?

  1. x3 (21 votes [21.43%])

    Percentage of vote: 21.43%

  2. x5 (42 votes [42.86%])

    Percentage of vote: 42.86%

  3. x8 (35 votes [35.71%])

    Percentage of vote: 35.71%

Should bonus experience multipliers be applied?

  1. No, no bonuses at all (39 votes [39.80%])

    Percentage of vote: 39.80%

  2. Yes, all bonuses (29 votes [29.59%])

    Percentage of vote: 29.59%

  3. Partial (No wilderness, no weekend; only vote books) (30 votes [30.61%])

    Percentage of vote: 30.61%

Who can you trade with?

  1. Everyone (34 votes [34.69%])

    Percentage of vote: 34.69%

  2. Only classic mode players (64 votes [65.31%])

    Percentage of vote: 65.31%

Gold coins nerfed? (If Q3 is only classic mode player)

  1. Yes, a decrease in the gold rate (47 votes [47.96%])

    Percentage of vote: 47.96%

  2. No decrease in gold rate (51 votes [52.04%])

    Percentage of vote: 52.04%

Shops - the gear provided

  1. Same as regular shops (41 votes [41.84%])

    Percentage of vote: 41.84%

  2. Basic items only (all shops like OSRS - nothing more) (57 votes [58.16%])

    Percentage of vote: 58.16%

Donation perks restricted?

  1. Yes, no donation perks at all (27 votes [27.55%])

    Percentage of vote: 27.55%

  2. Partial, some of the perks enabled (39 votes [39.80%])

    Percentage of vote: 39.80%

  3. No, all of them enabled (32 votes [32.65%])

    Percentage of vote: 32.65%

Donation Store - type of items in the store?

  1. Cosmetics only (basically Ironman store) (53 votes [54.08%])

    Percentage of vote: 54.08%

  2. Up to mid-tier items (25 votes [25.51%])

    Percentage of vote: 25.51%

  3. Same store as current mode (20 votes [20.41%])

    Percentage of vote: 20.41%


Posted 16 July 2017 - 05:27 PM #1

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Classic Mode Poll


Hey guys,


It has become apparent that people, including myself, want a gamemode that closer reflects the true OSRS experience while still being a private server. This will be the game mode that we will aim to cater to people who enjoy a greater grind while still being in the RSPS community. This poll is not about whether or not the mode should be added, but what sort of experience people want out of this mode. This is also for people who are looking for a more challenging economic mode than the regular game.


Currently, for normal (non-ironman) players:

  • 330x Combat experience
  • 30x Skilling experience
  • The ability to benefit from boosts (wilderness boost, vote book boost, well of goodwill boost, etc)


To add some more challenge to the relatively easy experience rates that exist on Alora, we've started brainstorming for a concept to which we would lower experience rates as well as providing other limiting factors to this game mode.


This would create a much higher level of achievement to show off when an player maxes out a stat and progresses through the game.


All poll options explained: 


Question 1: Simply the experience rate players will be playing at. All skills would be hit by this multiplier. Players are longing for a slower level up style instead of going for 200m in stats, this mode is created just for that.


Question 2: If the ability to use bonus experience multipliers should be allowed or not. Currently all game modes gain experience boost from multiple things, seeing people want to grind out levels we would look into removing these boosts to give more enjoyment and a balance to this game mode.


Question 3: The people you are allowed to trade with; if you should only be able to trade with classic mode players only or everyone. This would split the regular players from classic mode players, giving classic mode players a safe economy to interact with without being effected from the main game mode.


Question 4: Gold coin nerf; the rate at which gold is given to classic mode players. How gold is generated. Currently gold is generated at a rapid pace, this would lower the gold generation essentially scaling down the prices for items, creating a difference in the market and preventing massive gold generation from things such as thieving. 


Question 5: Shops; the shops currently provide a wide range of everything - classic mode shops would restrict this so it would become a more player driven economy and what not. Stuff such as herblore supplies, food and potions would be removed allowing a more economic focus to be put and giving skillers a new goal. Allowing them to find a new way to make money.


Question 6: Donation perks restricted; no access to donor zone and other benefits - please list which ones you would like to see if you selected partial; we will then see which ones we decide to keep. 


Question 7: The store options that you would be presented with if you were to donate under those accounts. 


Vote and comment below to let us know how you want to see in Classic Mode! 







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Posted 16 July 2017 - 05:32 PM #2

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I think a classic mode that is as close to OSRS (besides XP rate) would be so cool to see!

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Posted 16 July 2017 - 05:55 PM #3



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Yes! This is going to be awesome.  :D  :D

Posted 16 July 2017 - 07:21 PM #4

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Below are my opinions on each question listed above and how i personally feel each will affect both the long and short term. I believe this game mode will strive off its short term, but with the necessary changes can sustain the appeal longer then many of the different game modes. As far as the game mode I can't wait to try it out and i know a lot of others have been looking forward to a different more difficult game mode to play. 




*White = Questions*


*Orange = Opinions/Answers*



Question 1: Simply the experience rate players will be playing at. All skills would be hit by this multiplier. Players are longing for a slower level up style instead of going for 200m in stats, this mode is created just for that.


If our intentions are to make the a "harder" gamemode then Hardcore Ironman i believe a drop to experience rates x5 or x3 would be a perfect fit. I feel like x5 would make more sense compared to how hardcore ironman turned out. The argument for x3 would be thats its a harder gamemode but i feel some people might get to burnt out on it or might rather just want to play x1 rates of osrs over it.


Question 2: If the ability to use bonus experience multipliers should be allowed or not. Currently all game modes gain experience boost from multiple things, seeing people want to grind out levels we would look into removing these boosts to give more enjoyment and a balance to this game mode.


In my opinion we should 100% have some sort of bonus experience. But the real question is for what and how much, i think it would be a lot simplier to have the same experience bonuses as hardcore ironman had. 


  • XP-boosting equipment (eg. Ardougne cape for thieving)
  • Training in the wilderness above level 25 (Usual 25% boost)
  • Well of Goodwill (15% boost instead of the usual 30%)
  • Skill of the day (Usual 25% boost)
  • Weekend bonus XP when active (Usual 50% boost)
  • Vote book boost:
    • NOTE: Vote books can only be opened once every 12 hours on a Hardcore Iron Man.

Question 3: The people you are allowed to trade with; if you should only be able to trade with classic mode players only or everyone. This would split the regular players from classic mode players, giving classic mode players a safe economy to interact with without being effected from the main game mode.


I think this is pretty straight forward i would love to see classic mode forming its own community market and what possibilitys it can create. I feel allowing trades from normal players to classic players may seem a bit to overpowered trading expensive gear to buff your character will get boring. However if you are lucky enough to get rares first on classic you can make some serious bank quick, like a fresh economy.



Question 4: Gold coin nerf; the rate at which gold is given to classic mode players. How gold is generated. Currently gold is generated at a rapid pace, this would lower the gold generation essentially scaling down the prices for items, creating a difference in the market and preventing massive gold generation from things such as thieving. 


This would make sense overall for the game mode, with the game being released close to a year ago a lot of players already know of different ways to make money. I think along with adding its own economy this would greatly increase the chances of its future economy and lifestyle.


Question 5: Shops; the shops currently provide a wide range of everything - classic mode shops would restrict this so it would become a more player driven economy and what not. Stuff such as herblore supplies, food and potions would be removed allowing a more economic focus to be put and giving skillers a new goal. Allowing them to find a new way to make money.


In my opinion this should be one of the most debated topics, i 100% believe that their should be some sort of nerf on the shops but for what items specifically its a bit more difficult. In terms of some of the skilling supplies the shops are way to op and for sure they need to be taken out for the game mode possibly for all players. However we cant remove to many items from the shops because it could cross the line to ironman which would remove the purpose. Most of the armor/weapons/cosmetics seem pretty fine to keep but the skilling supplies should be looked into.


Question 6: Donation perks restricted; no access to donor zone and other benefits - please list which ones you would like to see if you selected partial; we will then see which ones we decide to keep. 


Personally i dont see the donation perks being to overpowered for the game mode, if you are willing to spend the money for a small boost in rates or chances its not the worst thing. I can see a few of them being removed such as the item loot increases (raids, rare items, and casket bonus) as they seem like the strongest buff.



Question 7: The store options that you would be presented with if you were to donate under those accounts. 


All of the Weapons, Armor, and  Special categories completely removed so players cant just pay to win for items as it would remove the purpose of the others above. As for the rares and the pets section it has no real harm besides cosmetics so it would be nice to see some of the classic players having partyhats and such. I'm not sure how i feel about mystery boxes tho, i can see them being pretty decent for the game mode. But can also be really op and really contested between the Classic players.

Posted 16 July 2017 - 07:40 PM #5

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I would LOVE to see an entirely separate mode for classic players, I think that would be amazing! Another world would add a LOT of appeal to new players and people browsing on rsps top lists, therefore bring more players I think (and that means more money donated ;) )

It isn't too hard from my understanding to copy the coding for one world and just edit it a bit to create a second, and imo it would be well worth the effort, I'm sure many players would agree with me as well. A new world means a new start with new opportunities, something that a lot of people wish for (eg  people who are perm muted etc on "world 1")


If it is too much work i understand, it'd just be nice.

Posted 16 July 2017 - 07:41 PM #6


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I like the idea besides,


Question 3: The people you are allowed to trade with; if you should only be able to trade with classic mode players only or everyone. This would split the regular players from classic mode players, giving classic mode players a safe economy to interact with without being effected from the main game mode.


it will divide the community even more.


Posted 16 July 2017 - 08:34 PM #7

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Keen as a bean for this!

I think this would make it a lot more challenging than what it is now.


Posted 17 July 2017 - 02:46 AM #8


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Question; Lets say question 3 passes, will we still be able to use bonds and vote books on the account, like we can with ironmen?


EDIT: Would pk drops be removed aswell?

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Posted 17 July 2017 - 04:38 AM #9


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Should disable the crystal key chest and the PKP shop.

Posted 17 July 2017 - 08:41 AM #10


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Below are my opinions on each question listed above and how i personally feel each will affect both the long and short term. I believe this game mode will strive off its short term, but with the necessary changes can sustain the appeal longer then many of the different game modes. As far as the game mode I can't wait to try it out and i know a lot of others have been looking forward to a different more difficult game mode to play. 




*White = Questions*


*Orange = Opinions/Answers*



Question 1: Simply the experience rate players will be playing at. All skills would be hit by this multiplier. Players are longing for a slower level up style instead of going for 200m in stats, this mode is created just for that.


If our intentions are to make the a "harder" gamemode then Hardcore Ironman i believe a drop to experience rates x5 or x3 would be a perfect fit. I feel like x5 would make more sense compared to how hardcore ironman turned out. The argument for x3 would be thats its a harder gamemode but i feel some people might get to burnt out on it or might rather just want to play x1 rates of osrs over it.


Question 2: If the ability to use bonus experience multipliers should be allowed or not. Currently all game modes gain experience boost from multiple things, seeing people want to grind out levels we would look into removing these boosts to give more enjoyment and a balance to this game mode.


In my opinion we should 100% have some sort of bonus experience. But the real question is for what and how much, i think it would be a lot simplier to have the same experience bonuses as hardcore ironman had. 


  • XP-boosting equipment (eg. Ardougne cape for thieving)
  • Training in the wilderness above level 25 (Usual 25% boost)
  • Well of Goodwill (15% boost instead of the usual 30%)
  • Skill of the day (Usual 25% boost)
  • Weekend bonus XP when active (Usual 50% boost)
  • Vote book boost:
    • NOTE: Vote books can only be opened once every 12 hours on a Hardcore Iron Man.

Question 3: The people you are allowed to trade with; if you should only be able to trade with classic mode players only or everyone. This would split the regular players from classic mode players, giving classic mode players a safe economy to interact with without being effected from the main game mode.


I think this is pretty straight forward i would love to see classic mode forming its own community market and what possibilitys it can create. I feel allowing trades from normal players to classic players may seem a bit to overpowered trading expensive gear to buff your character will get boring. However if you are lucky enough to get rares first on classic you can make some serious bank quick, like a fresh economy.



Question 4: Gold coin nerf; the rate at which gold is given to classic mode players. How gold is generated. Currently gold is generated at a rapid pace, this would lower the gold generation essentially scaling down the prices for items, creating a difference in the market and preventing massive gold generation from things such as thieving. 


This would make sense overall for the game mode, with the game being released close to a year ago a lot of players already know of different ways to make money. I think along with adding its own economy this would greatly increase the chances of its future economy and lifestyle.


Question 5: Shops; the shops currently provide a wide range of everything - classic mode shops would restrict this so it would become a more player driven economy and what not. Stuff such as herblore supplies, food and potions would be removed allowing a more economic focus to be put and giving skillers a new goal. Allowing them to find a new way to make money.


In my opinion this should be one of the most debated topics, i 100% believe that their should be some sort of nerf on the shops but for what items specifically its a bit more difficult. In terms of some of the skilling supplies the shops are way to op and for sure they need to be taken out for the game mode possibly for all players. However we cant remove to many items from the shops because it could cross the line to ironman which would remove the purpose. Most of the armor/weapons/cosmetics seem pretty fine to keep but the skilling supplies should be looked into.


Question 6: Donation perks restricted; no access to donor zone and other benefits - please list which ones you would like to see if you selected partial; we will then see which ones we decide to keep. 


Personally i dont see the donation perks being to overpowered for the game mode, if you are willing to spend the money for a small boost in rates or chances its not the worst thing. I can see a few of them being removed such as the item loot increases (raids, rare items, and casket bonus) as they seem like the strongest buff.



Question 7: The store options that you would be presented with if you were to donate under those accounts. 


All of the Weapons, Armor, and  Special categories completely removed so players cant just pay to win for items as it would remove the purpose of the others above. As for the rares and the pets section it has no real harm besides cosmetics so it would be nice to see some of the classic players having partyhats and such. I'm not sure how i feel about mystery boxes tho, i can see them being pretty decent for the game mode. But can also be really op and really contested between the Classic players.

This, just this. :)

Posted 18 July 2017 - 05:15 AM #11


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Below are my opinions on each question listed above and how i personally feel each will affect both the long and short term. I believe this game mode will strive off its short term, but with the necessary changes can sustain the appeal longer then many of the different game modes. As far as the game mode I can't wait to try it out and i know a lot of others have been looking forward to a different more difficult game mode to play. 




*White = Questions*


*Orange = Opinions/Answers*



Question 1: Simply the experience rate players will be playing at. All skills would be hit by this multiplier. Players are longing for a slower level up style instead of going for 200m in stats, this mode is created just for that.


If our intentions are to make the a "harder" gamemode then Hardcore Ironman i believe a drop to experience rates x5 or x3 would be a perfect fit. I feel like x5 would make more sense compared to how hardcore ironman turned out. The argument for x3 would be thats its a harder gamemode but i feel some people might get to burnt out on it or might rather just want to play x1 rates of osrs over it.


Question 2: If the ability to use bonus experience multipliers should be allowed or not. Currently all game modes gain experience boost from multiple things, seeing people want to grind out levels we would look into removing these boosts to give more enjoyment and a balance to this game mode.


In my opinion we should 100% have some sort of bonus experience. But the real question is for what and how much, i think it would be a lot simplier to have the same experience bonuses as hardcore ironman had. 


  • XP-boosting equipment (eg. Ardougne cape for thieving)
  • Training in the wilderness above level 25 (Usual 25% boost)
  • Well of Goodwill (15% boost instead of the usual 30%)
  • Skill of the day (Usual 25% boost)
  • Weekend bonus XP when active (Usual 50% boost)
  • Vote book boost:
    • NOTE: Vote books can only be opened once every 12 hours on a Hardcore Iron Man.

Question 3: The people you are allowed to trade with; if you should only be able to trade with classic mode players only or everyone. This would split the regular players from classic mode players, giving classic mode players a safe economy to interact with without being effected from the main game mode.


I think this is pretty straight forward i would love to see classic mode forming its own community market and what possibilitys it can create. I feel allowing trades from normal players to classic players may seem a bit to overpowered trading expensive gear to buff your character will get boring. However if you are lucky enough to get rares first on classic you can make some serious bank quick, like a fresh economy.



Question 4: Gold coin nerf; the rate at which gold is given to classic mode players. How gold is generated. Currently gold is generated at a rapid pace, this would lower the gold generation essentially scaling down the prices for items, creating a difference in the market and preventing massive gold generation from things such as thieving. 


This would make sense overall for the game mode, with the game being released close to a year ago a lot of players already know of different ways to make money. I think along with adding its own economy this would greatly increase the chances of its future economy and lifestyle.


Question 5: Shops; the shops currently provide a wide range of everything - classic mode shops would restrict this so it would become a more player driven economy and what not. Stuff such as herblore supplies, food and potions would be removed allowing a more economic focus to be put and giving skillers a new goal. Allowing them to find a new way to make money.


In my opinion this should be one of the most debated topics, i 100% believe that their should be some sort of nerf on the shops but for what items specifically its a bit more difficult. In terms of some of the skilling supplies the shops are way to op and for sure they need to be taken out for the game mode possibly for all players. However we cant remove to many items from the shops because it could cross the line to ironman which would remove the purpose. Most of the armor/weapons/cosmetics seem pretty fine to keep but the skilling supplies should be looked into.


Question 6: Donation perks restricted; no access to donor zone and other benefits - please list which ones you would like to see if you selected partial; we will then see which ones we decide to keep. 


Personally i dont see the donation perks being to overpowered for the game mode, if you are willing to spend the money for a small boost in rates or chances its not the worst thing. I can see a few of them being removed such as the item loot increases (raids, rare items, and casket bonus) as they seem like the strongest buff.



Question 7: The store options that you would be presented with if you were to donate under those accounts. 


All of the Weapons, Armor, and  Special categories completely removed so players cant just pay to win for items as it would remove the purpose of the others above. As for the rares and the pets section it has no real harm besides cosmetics so it would be nice to see some of the classic players having partyhats and such. I'm not sure how i feel about mystery boxes tho, i can see them being pretty decent for the game mode. But can also be really op and really contested between the Classic players.

I agree with all of this, apart from the bonus experience bit. The entire point of classic mode is that it should be a challenge and quite similar to OSRS. All the multipliers will do is make it easier, so I don't quite understand why you think they should be in the game mode.

Posted 18 July 2017 - 07:43 AM #12

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Personally I don't think this classic mode will attract many players, nor will it enlighten many players we already have besides a select few.


That being said, I don't see the point in wasting development time to create it, especially when we have so much other content that needs looking at:

  • Slayer has not been finished since release
  • Farming has many bugs
  • Construction in the works
  • manyy things in the suggestions forum that haven't been looked at


Just my two cents  :ph34r:

"You never quit Runescape, you're only afk."

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Posted 18 July 2017 - 11:28 AM #13



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how about adding new features to alora, instead of making a new role that just makes you level up slower, and you still achieve the same things, which is boring .


maybe new minigames ? get creative.


im tired of logging in, just pvming , barely any pkers , the same type of events of every week. alora is getting boring because its so repetitive.


we need content to attract more players.


im not a coder, but im pretty sure the community manager & event hoster can come up with ideas if they actually sat down and collaborated.

Posted 19 July 2017 - 01:18 AM #14

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Nerds who wants slower xp LOL, ur all forgetting this is a PS

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Posted 19 July 2017 - 06:51 PM #15


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The more restricted you make this mode the less players it'll yeild since the mode doesnt offer any 'extra benefits' compared to the currents.

I can work with not being able to trade with the current live modes since you dont want players to bank 200m all on day 1. But removed NPC shops to where they are basic forces these users to do near ironman methods sounds counter productive.

Posted 20 July 2017 - 10:31 PM #16

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Question 1: Simply the experience rate players will be playing at. All skills would be hit by this multiplier. Players are longing for a slower level up style instead of going for 200m in stats, this mode is created just for that.


I'd prefer x3, but x5 or x8 would also work for me.


Question 2: If the ability to use bonus experience multipliers should be allowed or not. Currently all game modes gain experience boost from multiple things, seeing people want to grind out levels we would look into removing these boosts to give more enjoyment and a balance to this game mode.


I personally don't think any of the bonus experience multipliers should be applied.  I'd love a bigger grind for the highscores.


Question 3: The people you are allowed to trade with; if you should only be able to trade with classic mode players only or everyone. This would split the regular players from classic mode players, giving classic mode players a safe economy to interact with without being effected from the main game mode.


Players should only be able to trade with other classic players.  A new economy would be refreshing.


Question 4: Gold coin nerf; the rate at which gold is given to classic mode players. How gold is generated. Currently gold is generated at a rapid pace, this would lower the gold generation essentially scaling down the prices for items, creating a difference in the market and preventing massive gold generation from things such as thieving. 


YES! GP from monster drops, caskets, crystal chest, thieving, etc.. should all be lowered significantly. 


Question 5: Shops; the shops currently provide a wide range of everything - classic mode shops would restrict this so it would become a more player driven economy and what not. Stuff such as herblore supplies, food and potions would be removed allowing a more economic focus to be put and giving skillers a new goal. Allowing them to find a new way to make money.


I think classic mode shops should be exactly like OSRS.  Skilling supplies, armour, weapons, food, etc... would actually be worth something.  


Question 6: Donation perks restricted; no access to donor zone and other benefits - please list which ones you would like to see if you selected partial; we will then see which ones we decide to keep. 


I really have no opinion on this.  It would be nice if there weren't any donator perks, but I could live with some of them. Just not the ones that reward extra gp or loot increases.


Question 7: The store options that you would be presented with if you were to donate under those accounts. 


Just cosmetics.  In fact I also think the PKP shop and vote shop should be removed also(or changed into just untradeable cosmetics)


Posted 23 July 2017 - 03:54 AM #17


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Love this concept.


Voted accordingly!

IGN : Sklp

CC: Ironman OG



Posted 23 July 2017 - 11:51 AM #18


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Such a waste of development time..


Posted 23 July 2017 - 01:30 PM #19

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Such a waste of development time..

Not at all, There would be a shed load of new players and players who quit previously due to looseing their bank.


New eco would solve that for them (Only classic trading classic)


I'm the richest on the server and I'd still love to see this.

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Posted 23 July 2017 - 02:30 PM #20


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Not at all, There would be a shed load of new players and players who quit previously due to looseing their bank.


New eco would solve that for them (Only classic trading classic)


I'm the richest on the server and I'd still love to see this.

It's not an original idea, it's been done before on several servers, and it never works out. All it does is split the community even farther than needed.

And about people losing their banks, I assume you mean from staking? If you don't want to lose your bank don't stake, it's the whole risk of it.


There's also nothing wrong with the eco, besides staff doing daily 500m+ giveaways (that's something i'd support in changing) they need to put more control on stuff like that.


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