I'm sure it has probably been suggested already. But I've looked at the top 2 pages of suggestions and didn't see it.
Construction is one of my favorite non combat skills besides farm/herblore & it would be awesome to have it added.
Because every1 is so obsessed with the pets, I thanks one of these options should be added once construction is added.
1) a spot in the garden you can add a pet house and if you put all your pets in the pet house then the pets will be running around your house when you and/or friends are in the house. Maybe even make it so that you can still keep them in your bank and use them outside of your house. (I thank rs3 already made this)
2) a buildable pet room where all your pets just stay in a room & walk around.
I'm just a thought. I love construction and the pet idea sounded cool to me. Also if houses are out in the game you can make it so players have to find a gilded alter either by training construction or going to another players house to use bones on. (Leave the alter in edge for restoring prayer but you need one in a house to use bones on.