Hey guys welcome back to the latest edition of the Alora Newspaper. In this weeks edition we will be going over some huge updates, some new staff. and a couple of new rules updates!
Keep up to date with our rules by clicking HERE!
The following rules were added on Alora recently:
10. Bug Abuse
Abuse of a bug or glitch that allows a member to somehow have an advantage over another member or the server itself is not tolerated. We strive to better Alora each and every day. In doing so, we ask all members to report any bugs or glitches as soon as they are found; if tampered with after, a permanent ban will be issued.
• a. Boss manipulation is the flagrant act of maneuvering a boss into a position where it cannot properly perform its functions and/or mechanics. Wrongdoers will serve one hour in jail, followed by 5 hours in jail, with the ending result being a permanent ban.
9. Multi-Logging
The activity of multi-logging is not against the rules of Alora, as we do allow players to be logged in on multiple accounts at once. However, multi-logging with clear intention for personal advantage will result in accounts being terminated. We strive to maintain an environment in which all players do not have an exponential advantage over others by partaking in the same activity while logged in on both accounts.
The update that came 6/15/17 was a huge one! The following were added;
Killcount Milestone Bonuses:
When reaching 100 kills for any bosses, that drop will have a 5% better chance at loot. On your 500th kill you’ll have a 25% better chance. This % caps out at 33%, so after you’ve reached the 750 milestone it’ll always be 33% increased chance.
Free-To-Play Shop has been added which contains the following items;
Full rune, Fancy boots, Fighting boots, Rune scimitar, Rune battle axe, Rune 2H, Full green d'hide, Amulet of strength & Amulet of power, Coif, Swordfish, Lobster, Normal strength potion, Adamant arrows, Maple shortbow
Snakeskin crafting:
Using a needle on a piece of Snakeskin(while having thread in your inventory) will allow you to craft: Snakeskin body, chaps, vambraces, bandana or boots.
Other Updates:
You can find more information about our recent update HERE!
Many thanks to @Omicron for these amazing updates!
Over the past couple of weeks there have been some coming and goings. The following changes have been made to the team. I'm sure you'll all join me in welcoming the new members to the team as well as thanking past staff members for their efforts.
Error has been promoted to Administrator.
Mewtwo has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Ramon has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Poor Level 3 has been promoted to Server Support.
Sheep has been promoted to Global Moderator.
Diva has been promoted to Forum Moderator. We'd like to welcome them back to the staff team, they did a great job in the past and I doubt it will be any different this time.
Lapis Lazuli has been promoted to Server Moderator.
Kenpachi has been promoted Server Support.
Unfortunately there have been some demotons & resignations
6ixkid has resigned from Server Moderator.
I just can has been demoted from Server Support due to inactivity. We'll see where he went when he comes back and work from there.
Scenery has been demoted from his Forum Moderator position.
Collerkar76 has resigned from Global Moderator. We'd like to take a moment to say that Jake has done a lot for Alora, and helping us thrive for the betterment of Alora. It is also likely that we can see them return in the future!
Tabor has been demoted and banned, due to scamming a member of our community. No other details will be said about this.
Freezed has been demoted due to trying to leverage their Alora staff position for a position on another big server, and trying to move to a competitor while being staff on another server puts a bad taste in both server's mouths.
L E O N has been demoted due to inactivity.

This week I've decided to Interview 1 staff member and 2 members from the community I hope you guys enjoy what they had to say!
The first person I interview is Sheep!
Twist bows: Who inspires you?
Sheep: I would say my dad, pretty standard answer but can't think of anyone else. He's a great man, loyal, funny dry *ss humor and supportive.
Twist bows: Who do you aspire to be like?
Sheep: Can't really say that I really am trying to be like someone, just being my self and hate fake people, just be yourself that's good enough.
Twist bows: Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken.
Sheep: We went to Egypt six times in total two times to the same park, it was amazing. I was like 12/13 years old back then and the people were amazing, mostly the life guards at the water slide, great people. Was a big park with private houses, a lot of pools, pizza stores, all in exclusive. All I can say is, amazing... Can't imagine going to a better hotel. My parents also talked with some life guards due to my brother and me and then there was this life guard that wanted to smuggle Vodka out of the park, we obviously did it because he gave us permission to go to the tennis court for 30 minutes! lol... It was hot so it wasn't that nice as expected, we did smuggle it outside and it was hilarious. The next year he recognized us and wanted to do it again, we didn't do it that time. x) Just wanted to share this because it's pretty hilarious.
Twist bows: What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
Sheep: At our neighbors they had a home made cable slide, car or how you name it. This rope from one point to another where you have to sit on a rope with some chair on it... can't come up with the name, well what happened. I went on there, it was pretty high, there was a rope from the chair that would touch the ground, I was like 6 at that time and my brother was 7/8. I hopped on the chair thing and my brother grappled the rope and then I fell off and fell on my arm, bone was sticking out, if I fell wrong it would've killed me big *ss lumb on my arm, (my bone) cried like a b*tch, mum heard me and ran to me and saw it and kinda crapped her pants because it looked horrible, went to the hospital got a operation and they made a cast and after that cast they stitched it and got this big scar on my arm, will be there for live.
Twist bows: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
Sheep: A girl, don't ask me why, you know it...
Twist bows: How did you find Alora & what is your favorite thing about it?
Sheep: I found it at runelocus, I always have these random moments as most staff know and I felt like playing RSPS again after 6 months or a year. Without knowing the in game version came out on 4th of November, I joined 11th of November, played a month in silence, met a guy named @
Twist bows: What are your hobbies in real life?
Sheep: Gaming, hanging with friends, chill on my own, mowing the lawn.
Twist bows: Do you prefer PVMING or Gambling?
Sheep: Gambling, PVM'ing isn't really for me, kinda boring, staking is more my thing, stressing out when the duel starts but that's what makes it fun.
Twist bows: What your Alora experience like?
Sheep: It's great, met some awesome people in the staff team, also some ex staff, still talk to them, also a lot of the players. It's a great community with a great, kind owner and it's definitly the best server I've ever played.
Twist bows: If you could meet up with anyone in the world who would it be?
Sheep: Would be funny to see everyone in real life from staff team, @
Twist bows: You're the new Global Moderator on our team how are you liking it?
Sheep: It's great, started from the bottom now I'm here. Been exactly 7 months till I got this title so definitely enjoying it because this was really my goal, and worked my ass off for it, been some times when I was down and felt like resigning but I don't like to quit or resign in the end, really loyal and want to stick to the end. In a few weeks vacation starts so will be more in-game to do my duties.
Twist bows: What are your current goals as a Global moderator?
Sheep: Just to stay active, helpful, friendly and professional. Also to fulfill my duties in the background. My next goal would be administrator but that goal is mission impossible, going to be extremely hard, but still will go for it because I like a challenge.
Twist bows: Do you believe you need to improve on anything?
Sheep: At the moment activity in-game but that would definitely go up after my internship, 7 months ago I was immature af, believe I actually changed and become professional in handling things, feeling good about the future and can only say in-game activity at the moment.
Well thanks sheep for giving us this great story!
Next on our list is Scenery!
Twist bows: Who inspires you?
Scenery: I've many inspirations for many reasons. Lately I've been dappling in FL Studio making sick new beats which are actually subpar right now but hey its progress. Donald Glover aka the rap god is who I owe thanks to for this.
Also when I was part of the staff team a good majority if not all of them slowly helped me better myself personality wise as well as gave me the push to do better with my life. Ya'll know who you are.
Twist bows: Who do you aspire to be like?
Scenery: This question is just as vague as the typical elementary school question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' I'm still working on what I want in life. I also want to be as rich as
Twist bows: Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
This was around my 18th birthday. My dad took me to go get my passport and once I recieved it I decided to just go on a nomadic kind of adventure into the states. I made it as far as Ohio then I lost my passport at the bus station. I paniced and went to security and they must've thought I was sketch and so they called the cops and they picked me up to question me. Ultimately they didn't believe I lost my passport and deported me back to CA. Fun times. Oh and the passport? It was in my pants that I had packed away.
Twist bows: What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
Scenery: My sister kicked the fuck out of me right in my face when we were younger. It was the summer of 200x and it was the final night of Monday night smack down. All combatants entered the trampoline ring and the referees secured the nets so as few bodies flew out as possible. She grabbed my leg as i was jumping and the momentum flung her upside down and her heel smashed me right in the eyeball. I now have a permanent battle scar.
Twist bows: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
Scenery: Literally anything would be more exciting than what I do now. I'd trade places with an acorn just to experience something different for once.
Twist bows: How did you find Alora & what is your favorite thing about it?
Twist bows: What are your hobbies in real life?
Scenery: Afking
Twist bows: Do you prefer PVMING or Gambling?
Scenery: I chose the ironman life to combat the crippling addictions of gambling. Sometimes I manage to swindle some coin from some idio-- I mean friends and make my way down to the duel arena only to come out with a sore forehead covered in sand and nothing left to my name. It's like getting divorced but worse.
Twist bows: What your Alora experience like?
Scenery: As an ironman its complete hell. You want a blowpipe? Better prepare to invest 87 days of your life praying at zulrah before you even think of getting one.
Twist bows: If you could meet up with anyone in the world who would it be?
Scenery: Kim jong un. I bet he's cool but people just give him a hard time because he's new in power. Its like bullying the new staff member on the team.
Twist bows: You're the new Veteran on our team how are you liking it?
Scenery: I've always been a Veteran at heart. The man the myth the legend. It's nothing different than what I've experienced prior to receiving the rank.
Thanks Scenery for sharing your story!
Next on our list is the man himself Tobbo!
Twist bows: Who inspires you?
Tobbo: Utorrent's events definitely served as the inspiration behind mine, they inspired me to give back the community.
Twist bows: Who do you aspire to be like?
Tobbo: When I first started I aspired to be like neeco, well his bank
Twist bows: Tell me about the best vacation you’ve ever taken & What is the weirdest scar you have and how did you get it?
Tobbo: My best vacation was a couple of years ago with the family (Parents + me steph and the kids) to Flordia. We had an amazing time in Disneyland and universal studios even though the main thing the kids enjoyed was the pool at the hotel fml.. We're away on holiday again on Monday which I think everyone knows now as I keep going on about it, Cannot wait!! Be back on the 28th. As for the scar I wouldn't say I have a wear scar but I do have a few of them.. I've had my gallbladder removed along with my appendix and I've also got a metal place in my jaw.
Twist bows: If you could trade lives with one person for an entire day who would it be and why?
Tobbo: Donald Trump because I think it would be great to the America for a day and see what I could do.
Twist bows: How did you find Alora & what is your favorite thing about it?
Tobbo: I believe I found it via looking for a RSPS on google, My favorite part is hands down the community (90% of it but every server has its downside lol) Everyone has a really good laugh at gamble most the time and we all get along great. Everyone is really friendly and I literally come online just to chat half the time and chill.
Twist bows: What are your hobbies in real life?
Tobbo: Playing Alora lol
Twist bows: Do you prefer PVMING or Gambling?
Tobbo: That's a silly question. I've hardly done any PVM'ing on the server as I'm far too lazy and as you know I yolo my bank far to often. I had 4b cash left on the 15th went all in won did x2 and won 16b then went all the way to 40b on the 16th I lost 10b cash but gained 6b in items + phats sets + rainbow + ely! Not a bad couple of days!
Twist bows: What your Alora experience like?
Tobbo: Like I've said above, Really enjoyed the server and being a part of the community. So many really friendly people who I speak to on a daily basis. I do hide on a new account now and again to see who's nice and try to reward them sometimes also
Twist bows: If you could meet up with anyone in the world who would it be?
Tobbo: If I could meet up with anyone it would more then likely be Margot Robbie because... its Margot Robbie lol As you may have seen I've got her tattooed on my arm already lol.
thanks Tobbo for sharing your story with us!

This week Artist goes to Jedzio!
Check out his shop by clicking HERE!

Best Overall Admin: Lowkey
Best In-game Moderator: Twist bows
Best Global Moderator: Sheep / F 8
Best Forum Moderator: Diva
Best Server Support: Cuddeh
Most active on Discord: Blank
Most active in-game: Miss Sara
Most active on forums: Sheep
Most respected: Lowkey
Best Staff Member: Lowkey
Most Active In-game: Morgen
Most Active on Forums: Chance
Most Active Overall: Morgen
Most Respected: Tobbo
Best Helper: Postimees
Best Main Pker: Casual
Best Hybrid: Take Notes
Best PvMer: Irvo
Best Skiller: Unknown
Best Clan: Live to Kill
Best Youtuber: Take Notes
Best Streamer: Korn