When you first register and login; Create a prompt screen disallowing any access till they acknowledge the support or help cc, the support boards + note the command functions (;;commands) [If text example is required I will provide via PM @Dev]
Remove Alora cc.
Intertwine Alora, Help, and support cc so all players can easily access our help chat.
Create another normal game chat channel. "Chat" or "Talk"
Allow active normal players to have a kick rank. Chosen through staff selections; whoever is deemed eligible.
1. Improves new players' knowledge base. This will make new players aware of the support systems made available from the community.
2. Supports 3, and 4.
3. Ease of access: Most players when joining a new server they'll type in the servers name looking for help. With our current Alora chat you're more likely to be trolled. Thus creating a bad first impression for the new players.
4. To help players with the removal of Alora CC.
5. Eases work off of staff members that shouldn't require their attention. Leaves room for abuse, this is why it's staff selected. There's a wide 8 hour gap that there's almost no staff on. If they are on they aren't doing anything in terms of the public. (Which looks horrendous)
For any opposing views; Please provide an example of why said idea is harmful to Alora or would be considered a waste of time.