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Make pking active again

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Posted 21 May 2017 - 09:04 PM #21


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its 2017 pking skill gap is crazy high


ppl been pking for 13-14 years..


if you never really pked before you stand very lil chance, it becomes discouraging for ppl


its not that its updates that discourage pking, people just dont like getting slapped

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:34 PM #22


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remove buy back on untradeables

unban ragging

increase barrows drop-rate or decrease amount of barrow points needed to purchase


create pkp hotspot region which is edge / wests / easts  (do not put them in deep wild)


remove announcements of killstreaks etc but add it to the pkp scoreboards


remove (3) doses and add in (4) doses to shop or make it so every player can decant @ the decanter


make runes less price.


add in free rune pouch


fix pure pkp algorithm so they're rewarded properly for their participation in pking



or maybe consider the fact that this server doesn't have any melee pkers and that they're likely to go to another server that supports a full spawn system in which they can easily pk in.

Posted 22 May 2017 - 01:59 PM #23


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Always been a hard subject, everyone on the team wants wildy to be active but it isn't that easy, we're open for ideas so comment them all down below.

Instead of promoting skilling events, and bossing event etc. Our sole focus should be pking on the weekends. This server appeals to everyone aside from pkers, and that's the only thing holding us back from 1k+ players.


Re-evaluate the emblem tier system. Adjust the bounty targeting reward system. 

If I was actually familiar with the systems I would list variable open for improvement.


Make rune pking more desireable so it appears the wilderness is active.

Adjust rune(armor) sell price within the general shops so you have a basis of income.


Super set should come in 4. This is a must for pkers, I understand you want ppl to have an extra benefit. They can use this for brews restores etc.


PK events? Every. ****ing. Day. If you want to promote something consistency is the #1 value. (aside from quality control)

By events I don't exactly mean DH or rune pk events etc. Start some clans up say Blank versus Omnicron and have all the players have at it in the wilderness. Let's be creative, I'm sure with over 300 players we can come up with something.


Create an NPC with PK sets valued @ shops price. Welfare hybrid, pure sets, and rune pk sets.


I'll edit this later with additions. 

Posted 03 June 2017 - 12:54 PM #24

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