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Make pking active again

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Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:22 AM #1

Slob on me

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This server is lit other than the fact that there's 550 players online and 6 people max pking in edge and clanman mode above edge. We need to do something to increase the amount of players pking on here.. As in make it so barrows isn't so hard to get or so damn expensive. I get that you want eco to be so good but there's a fine line with barrows, that's what would get more people to pk.

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:25 AM #2


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I agree with this, Make PKing great again!

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:25 AM #3


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Support to promoting activity within the wilderness.


No support to uping barrows drop rate. Currrently it should be set at 1\16 and there's already a huge supply of items(dh pieces 2-3m ea CHEAP)


Instead of promoting skilling events, and bossing event etc. Our sole focus should be pking on the weekends. This server appeals to everyone aside from pkers, and that's the only thing holding us back from 1k+ players.

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:28 AM #4

Slob on me

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need to make something cheaper you have to pvm for 12 hours and maybe get a drop, or donate in order to get a decent pking set.

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:31 AM #5

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well they coulda do more wildy events, like hills , with clans etc , much more fun , and dh sets no don't make them cheaper or easier to get , well if you find a fight atleast he risk something :) and i think this is pvm server :P

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:36 AM #6


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I disagree when it comes to the barrows thing, And the reason why is because if the sets drops to let's say 1-3m for a dharok's set it won't be as rare anymore and pking a dharok's set wouldn't be as profitable either, Also people could pk with torso, f cape, rune legs ect, and u'd still make alot of profit from the tiers, I just think people need to pk with or without barrows in general, Maybe increase the PKP slightly would be a good option, or let's say for every kill u get a there is a slight chance on 2m drop or something.


So basicly what i'm trying to say, is that by making the barrow items cheap it'll legit ruin the eco i mean, barrows items are actually worth something right now and making them less rare would ruin it.


Just my opinion  ;)  

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:41 AM #7

Iron Divine

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I agree, but this is something that staff cant do alone, some weight lies on the players too!
Of course there could be updates making pking more rewarding, but other than the tier emblems, what else is there on OSRS?
Posted Image

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:47 AM #8

Slob on me

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I disagree when it comes to the barrows thing, And the reason why is because if the sets drops to let's say 1-3m for a dharok's set it won't be as rare anymore and pking a dharok's set wouldn't be as profitable either, Also people could pk with torso, f cape, rune legs ect, and u'd still make alot of profit from the tiers, I just think people need to pk with or without barrows in general, Maybe increase the PKP slightly would be a good option, or let's say for every kill u get a there is a slight chance on 2m drop or something.


So basicly what i'm trying to say, is that by making the barrow items cheap it'll legit ruin the eco i mean, barrows items are actually worth something right now and making them less rare would ruin it.


Just my opinion  ;)  

people do pk with torso and rune and stuff but you dont make shit on tier enblems and you dont get them like ever for killing somebody.

I agree, but this is something that staff cant do alone, some weight lies on the players too!
Of course there could be updates making pking more rewarding, but other than the tier emblems, what else is there on OSRS?

maybe we can sway a bit from osrs for pking to make it more active. im not sure if you have ever entered the wild before but its dead about 75 percent of the time and if you go out in deep wild is just clans with max gear so you cant make money out there either.

Posted 21 May 2017 - 10:53 AM #9


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Always been a hard subject, everyone on the team wants wildy to be active but it isn't that easy, we're open for ideas so comment them all down below.







Posted 21 May 2017 - 11:21 AM #10

Free Market

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I support making the wilderness great.   How ever I would like to see a plan :)

Posted 21 May 2017 - 11:23 AM #11

Iron Psycho

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Make it 2x pk points everyday, so it's acctually worth getting kills without risking bank!

Posted 21 May 2017 - 11:43 AM #12


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If there were even more clans who popped up on here. Team Blackup dominated PK on all servers years ago, we need more big clans going around.


Posted 21 May 2017 - 12:19 PM #13

Iron Psycho

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Another reason its dead AF is becuse of these ''nhers'' just attacking and praying normal ppl trying to pk at edge ditch

Posted 21 May 2017 - 12:44 PM #14


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well I'd stick with this game for months myself... That's the best rsps since soulsplit closed (just mine opinion). However clanning on rsps is now pretty fucked and clanning on 07 doesn't have it's best times aswell. There are only few clans on rsps atm like bbe, shavers etc and most of them stick to nr shitty remakes.

Most of clans close rly fast nowadays because their leaders are braindead, talk shit to other clans then they close within a month due to losing crash wars n shit like that. I'd rather do fun fights in cwa/wildy but I guess this doesn't work in 2017 on rsps...


But clanning isn't the only dead thing here. Edge wildy is pretty empty too and I haven't an idea why. Guess it's not that great money making method. And rebuying fcape/torso/void isn't the cheapest thing on the world. Aren't barrows gloves 200K too?

Yeh, it's not that much but it might be a lot for people who want to do rune fights.


There are still few things that may be added such as rogue chests.


@ cwa, I'm really happy that we have cw purple portal which works almost perfectly, however there are still few important things that dont work properly. For example: orbs. I'm also rly happy about f2P armour only option but once again, there's no shop with anchovy pizzas (the most common food for f2P warring), str pots.......... Let's be honest, which pker wants to do herblore to make few str pots? Cmon, we aren't ironmen.

Posted 21 May 2017 - 12:48 PM #15


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For myself, and I'm sure others across the web, it's simply that post-2005 pking has been a downhill slope. The advent of 1h crossbows (bronze-rune) was definitely, in my firm opinion as a lifetime rs player, where it all started drooping. Another month passed, and we had Lunars. These were both very, very detrimental to pking in general, as they made it far more about micromanagement and rcb started allowing for some very, very broken weapon swaps and game tick abuse.

The game, if you're wondering, was absolutely NOT Meleescape prior to those updates. However, the highest damage output was most certainly Melee. The trade-off for using Mage/Range was the utility. Back in 2005, and even through the spring of 2006, Karil's Crossbow and Crystal Bow were not only actually used, but quite fearsome. They were usually used in FC builds with Ice Ancients spells. It wasn't considered unfair to farcast back then, as it often is now, because it was seen as a handicap to make up for lackluster damage output.

Anyway. On the topic of our server. My solution is pretty simple. Employ a system that disallows all content from June 2006 forward in the wilderness. The remarkable balance resulting from that would surely bring a healthier competitive atmosphere and thereupon more people pking. I know I definitely would.

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Posted 21 May 2017 - 12:54 PM #16



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In my opinion we need wildy clue steps to increase wilderness or add dmm!

Posted 21 May 2017 - 01:44 PM #17

Big Hero

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Perhaps pkers need to learn to adapt to other things. PVM and skilling can raise capital for gear. Once you have a set, you can pk another and another.

Pkers complain because all they like doing is pking, but you can't expect changes on the server because you don't want to do other things.


That's just my opinion.

Road To 10,000 Cerberus Kills | Level 3 Skiller Progress | Fabulous Skilling Clan


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Thank you fossil for the Signature!!


Posted 21 May 2017 - 01:52 PM #18



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I agree on making the wilderness active.

Disagree about your barrows suggestion.

Ticks aren't near as good as osscape, which is why all the clans are on that server.

Maybe focus on item processing and that will definitely attract clans from all around the community.

Alora is known for having shit combat, which is why the wilderness is pretty dead. No one enjoys pking on this server.

Also, it's very easy to gain money on this game. Which is why it gets boring if people are just sitting outside the lever with complete max gear. You just scare everyone off , and no one wants to go out there anymore, not even to skill.

Posted 21 May 2017 - 02:23 PM #19

Iron Fries

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I agree.. Let's be real here.. The most popular gear to pk in is dharok which is currently priced at about 12m.. That being said 12m isn't something you can get the first hour of playing as a new player. For those who play servers to pk this is most likely a turn off.

Making barrows more accessible for new players would probably increase the amount of people pking.

Dharok isn't used for much besides pking so why does it have to be so expensive?

I myself enjoy dharok pking the most but i don't want to risk 12m. (im sure this is also the case for alot of other players)

Sure you get 12m+ when you pk someone in dharok now but it takes quite some time to find fights and most of them are with your friends.

Barrows should be in a price range in which players wouldn't be so afraid to lose it.


Conclusion.. SUPPORT!!


Posted 21 May 2017 - 04:45 PM #20


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i support it need's to be active but definelty not by dropping the price of barrows

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