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Second Trading Post

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Poll: Trading Post (26 member(s) have cast votes)

Should A second TP be added to Gamble?

  1. Yes (21 votes [80.77%])

    Percentage of vote: 80.77%

  2. No (5 votes [19.23%])

    Percentage of vote: 19.23%


Posted 17 May 2017 - 09:39 PM #1

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Hi, I was talking with some of the hosts at Gamble, if a second TP were to be put @ ::Gamble, it could potentially revive the dead gambling area and make it worth paying for Dice.


This is just an idea that I know will probably be denied but just putting it out there.






Posted 17 May 2017 - 09:56 PM #2



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Agreed! No more need to "PC" anything as well.

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Posted 17 May 2017 - 10:31 PM #3

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At first I thought it didn't make sense to put a tp there when you can just teleport to Edgeville in 2 seconds and use it there, but Jewlion's argument makes sense that it might be easier to check prices if tp was put in ::gamble. It might be too hard to code though and perhaps it would be better spending time on more important stuff.

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<p class='bbc_center'>Posted Image</p>

Posted 17 May 2017 - 10:43 PM #4

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At first I thought it didn't make sense to put a tp there when you can just teleport to Edgeville in 2 seconds and use it there, but Jewlion's argument makes sense that it might be easier to check prices if tp was put in ::gamble. It might be too hard to code though and perhaps it would be better spending time on more important stuff.

Yeah this is a low priority update





Posted 17 May 2017 - 11:34 PM #5


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I'd say no support, in edge bank is a tp and you should go there, if people do something in tp gamble while gambling then he might sell/buy stuff to not pay pot or something like that, there could be multiple reasons, it's just best to avoid that, based with the price check you should just check topic 15800 aka price guide.
No support.







Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:00 AM #6

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I'd say no support, in edge bank is a tp and you should go there, if people do something in tp gamble while gambling then he might sell/buy stuff to not pay pot or something like that, there could be multiple reasons, it's just best to avoid that, based with the price check you should just check topic 15800 aka price guide.
No support.

Checking TP directly is much more reliable than a Forum Price Guide. As for your argument "the hosts can sell stuff not to pay pot" that makes absolutely no sense. 





Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:09 AM #7

Merch gurl

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Checking TP directly is much more reliable than a Forum Price Guide. As for your argument "the hosts can sell stuff not to pay pot" that makes absolutely no sense. 

solid statement seabound, 
sheep how can you argue with what seabound has said?
TP would be very effective @ gamble for multipule reasons.
why flick back and forth between the fourms for a price check when you do it at the Tp if one was to be coded at gamble, would be much more accurate then your fourm post as prices vary every day. And it would also be more convientient for for players to be able to price check @ gamble then have to teleport home, run to the tp, price check, then go back to gamble,

say players wanna flower poker and and one of them drops the classic line "i don't have any seeds"
i think all players would perfer to watch them run to a tp @ gamble then run off @Edge to tp with their bet they placed...
as for your yet to be excuse "host's are trusted", that's invalid. seen multipule host scam.

110% support this suggestion.

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Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:28 AM #8

Big Hero

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I'd say no support.

People would be way more tempted to sell items to gamble, and end up losing bank. I think you should only gamble if you don't care about what you're losing. If you teleport home after a loss, you might consider stopping.

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Thank you fossil for the Signature!!


Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:37 AM #9

Merch gurl

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I'd say no support.

People would be way more tempted to sell items to gamble, and end up losing bank. I think you should only gamble if you don't care about what you're losing. If you teleport home after a loss, you might consider stopping.

mate this is a pretty silly reason to not support this tbh..
firstly people will do what they wanna do reguardless of if there is a tp @ gamble. the amount of times i've seen people place bets till they are cleaned just proves your statement is invalid... "if you teleport home after a loss you might consider stopping"
mate the only reasons i've seen players teleport home after losing is to chuck their bank on the tp because host's wouldn't accept welfare items(items not usually needed could be an item priced from 1-10m)
just to watch them return and chuck the coin they gathered from chuckin bank on the tp.
why not make it more acessable for players i mean if they're going to chuck the bank they're going to chuck the bank.
if anything this would just make gambling much more advanced than other rsps and might even bring more players to alora...

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Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:42 AM #10


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Edited: We'll see how it turns out. Neutral.
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Posted 18 May 2017 - 12:51 AM #11

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Means we could PC items and other people could PC items they gamble without having to run home aswell :)


massive yes from me boys n girls!

It's a no support from me, even with all the arguments, good luck though.

Why would you no it? :-/ it's not going to effect you :( 

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Posted ImagePosted Image

Posted 18 May 2017 - 01:18 AM #12


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Means we could PC items and other people could PC items they gamble without having to run home aswell :)
massive yes from me boys n girls!

Why would you no it? :-/ it's not going to effect you :(

We'll see...
I mean it'd be very unique to have a trading post there, if it doesn't affect anything then I don't really mind, also if it turns out bad if it gets accepted it can always get removed. ;]
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Posted 18 May 2017 - 03:49 AM #13

Buck Jr

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Yes please add this in! Great Idea

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Posted 18 May 2017 - 04:02 AM #14

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At first I thought it didn't make sense to put a tp there when you can just teleport to Edgeville in 2 seconds and use it there, but Jewlion's argument makes sense that it might be easier to check prices if tp was put in ::gamble. It might be too hard to code though and perhaps it would be better spending time on more important stuff.

idk anything about coding or whatever, but couldnt this be as simple as a copy/paste bascially?

I support this idea

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Posted 18 May 2017 - 04:32 AM #15

Iron Divine

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If you are in need of checking prices, theres a price guide on forums that is being updated frequently, and its there for a reason. No support from me :\

Posted Image

Posted 18 May 2017 - 04:34 AM #16

Lapis Lazuli

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I support because when someone goes to edge after a loss or a win you never know if they come back, they could say they were gonna sell something for money but in the end they just leave. Having is TP there is in my opinion less of a risk of getting scammed.



Posted 18 May 2017 - 05:01 AM #17

Big Hero

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mate this is a pretty silly reason to not support this tbh..
firstly people will do what they wanna do reguardless of if there is a tp @ gamble. the amount of times i've seen people place bets till they are cleaned just proves your statement is invalid... "if you teleport home after a loss you might consider stopping"
mate the only reasons i've seen players teleport home after losing is to chuck their bank on the tp because host's wouldn't accept welfare items(items not usually needed could be an item priced from 1-10m)
just to watch them return and chuck the coin they gathered from chuckin bank on the tp.
why not make it more acessable for players i mean if they're going to chuck the bank they're going to chuck the bank.
if anything this would just make gambling much more advanced than other rsps and might even bring more players to alora...

I don't think you need to seem so pissed off about it; but I respect your opinion amyway. Nothing makes my statement invalid, because that is also my opinion. I had a situation yesterday where I lost to @ Jewlion , went back to skilling and then considered going back for a bit of fun. Then decided against it because I had other things around me to distract me, hence why I said what I said in my previous post.

If you like gambling, fair enough, it's just my opinion that people would be more inclined to sell items because the host is right there.

I change my vote then to no vote, since you clearly aren't happy with my opinion.

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Thank you fossil for the Signature!!


Posted 18 May 2017 - 05:10 AM #18


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My opinion on it would be, try it out. Put it in ::gamble and see how it does. If it revives the gamble community, then I'd say keep it in. If it doesn't then remove.

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Posted 18 May 2017 - 05:30 AM #19

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I don't think you need to seem so pissed off about it; but I respect your opinion amyway. Nothing makes my statement invalid, because that is also my opinion. I had a situation yesterday where I lost to @ Jewlion , went back to skilling and then considered going back for a bit of fun. Then decided against it because I had other things around me to distract me, hence why I said what I said in my previous post.

If you like gambling, fair enough, it's just my opinion that people would be more inclined to sell items because the host is right there.

I change my vote then to no vote, since you clearly aren't happy with my opinion.

You are entitled to your opinion, thats fine. There is a reason why this is a Poll and theres a YES and NO option.





Posted 18 May 2017 - 06:52 AM #20


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I'd say no support, in edge bank is a tp and you should go there, if people do something in tp gamble while gambling then he might sell/buy stuff to not pay pot or something like that, there could be multiple reasons, it's just best to avoid that, based with the price check you should just check topic 15800 aka price guide.
No support.

I agree with this but I also agree with it being put st gamble

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