Hi there!
I'll make it quick and simple:
I love to pk and I've noticed that alora's wild is pretty much dead. If you find a player in the wild it's most of the time a skiller which you won't kill becuase you won't get any pkp's from it...
Now I have a idea which is
wilderness tickets (PKP tickets actually) you can earn them by skilling, pvming or pking in the wild, the longer you skill, pvm or pk in the wild without leaving it the higher your bounty get's, the higher your bounty the more wildy tickets you will earn from skilling, pking or pvming.
If this will be added it means the wilderness will become a real hotspot since you can earn alot of money from skilling, pking or pvming in the wilderness.
A few things that should also be added then are a few banks in the wild becuase a pvmer, pker or skiller needs to bank their let's say wood, food or loot.
If you bank in the wild you also shouldn't be allowed to bank your wilderness tickets this is a future the owner can add so pkers, skillers and pvmers actually carry risk with them.
Thank you for reading this!
I am very sorry if my grammar is trash
` Cp4326