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UIM Suggestion

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 08:53 AM #1

UIM Tickt

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Hello, UIM Tickt here, umm i know this suggestion will not be a top priority as UIM is the smallest comunity of the different account types in Alora or OSRS even in general, but its worth a mention for the simple fact that this is my favorite game mode as i feel it challenges me more and i have to think out every move i do and in a certain order as to where i do not screw myself by not having room to do something late game from doing something else early game that effected it..


So to the suggestion point... So in OSRS UIM have options to have alittle more space, [zulrah bank when dieing to store items], holes in walls for clues etc to stash items needed near a particular clue step [UIM store items here aswell for more "space"], Also if you look into OSRS there are some other ways to store alittle more other than having to use the bank [the whole point of a UIM]. So in a nutshell what I'm asking is maybe implement another way for UIM to store alittle more [make it match what you could store with zulrah death bank etc or some other way Alora specific to make up for that, id be open to anything I just feel its not the same traditional UIM way as it is actually less space on here for crucial things I need that I have to sacrifice..


Other than that, in the meantime, this is a newer UIM [I almost have a maxed regular ironman and have a maxed regular acc], so there is plenty for me to do on the UIM in which I do have space for currently.. Just talking about this suggrstion before I get into later later game content [raids,corp,bigger bosses etc..]


Like I sid I know most people wont care about this as they would rather have fixes and other content that would be more "top priority" to all account types.. and I do agree that this is not a priority for everyone whatsoever, just something maybe id like to see in the future to just make up for the extra space a UIM should have in OSRS.


Anyway, thanks to whoever read!! ENJOY MAKING THEM GAINS TO THE MAINSSSS!!


Sincerely, UIM TIckt


Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:10 AM #2


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The UIM community is small and doesn't have much of a voice but I really hope they hear us and add more of these updates for us. They are currently working on construction and so I hope they add the costume storages and I've noticed that hidey holes are already in the game, they just need to be coded in. (maybe this could come with an overhaul of clue scrolls with the actual OSRS clues and a buffed reward system.. ;)

Also! They really need to fix bugs related to items dropping on death, currently if you die with too many items on you (full looting bag ect) not all your items will appear everytime. I have lots soo much to this bug :/

Back on topic... Support 100% 


EDIT: I just realised that UIMs in OSRS can hold practically ALL their combat gear in zulrah death store. WE NEED THIS PLZ

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 09:49 AM #3

Iron Bastard

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SUPPORT! UIM looks hard enough as it is, why not give a little extra space.


Posted 28 April 2017 - 10:04 AM #4

UIM Tickt

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Yes to both of you, not like were asking for space that isnt in osrs, we have less than osrs, just make it same :). Thanks for the support guys!! <3 and yes ruf i have seen the storage holes ingame as theyre on the map, just not coded to have any type of right click etc.. so id imagine it wouldnt take an arm and a leg to code it in. we shall see. Either way its not gonna make me give up my UIM GRIND

Posted 28 April 2017 - 10:22 AM #5

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I totally support this idea. UIM is the most challenging mode we have so even with perks of having more monsters and stuff easy to access you still have an insanely tough time

Posted 28 April 2017 - 11:15 AM #6


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I support this, especially without construction released. you guys have very little storage. that being your inventory and a looting bag. Definitely makes it much, MUCH more difficult. 


Supporting 100%

*Insert badass name sig here*





Posted 28 April 2017 - 03:24 PM #7

Iron Restart
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oh bro bad news you're uim even worse than ironman in omi's eye you will not being getting updates lol

Posted 28 April 2017 - 03:30 PM #8

Fat nerd

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just to make this topic a little more direct. what we need is:


hidey holes - places to store clue related items near the clue location.( not only saving uim lots of time re collecting the items will also help speed up clues for regular players and possibly motivate them to do the clues)


Zulrah bank - the main storage system on osrs ( this is amazingly helpfull on osrs and it would be nice to see here on alora )


construction - helps store clue rewards, void, gracefull, skillcapes would be very awesome to see in alora along with all the teleports/jewlerboxes ect...


what we do currently have is the untradables shop which is very nice and kind of fills the need for construction but construction would still be an all around bonus for alora imo.


and please fix the looting bag bug where you lose items if you have to many in it. i messages omicron about this previously and i know he was looking into it but i guess never found a fix.

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Posted 28 April 2017 - 04:14 PM #9



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Support! I'd like to see the server become more UIM friendly so I could give it an honest try ^_^



Posted 29 April 2017 - 07:23 AM #10

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I support this! I would love to store more items, hopefully this will happend with constructions :D 


Posted 01 September 2017 - 07:11 PM #11

2 swords

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uim already have the ability to note any items they want, in osrs you don't

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