Hey guys Chance here! Hope everyone is having a great day.
Wanted to make a fun little post seeing if anyone has ever got banned or lured on runescape If you did, tell us your story.
How I got banned was botting on my osrs account 2 years back (2015), he was f2p so I didn't really care much but, I wanted to get him some nice decent stats. Was botting chickens lmao.
A time I got lured was when I was around 7. Just got myself some membership and this was when around the time clan-wars was released (2007) so some guy told me that he'll give me money if I ran in the red portal at clan wars. I did then he said he dropped it. I ran toward the coins and then he ice barrages me and I lost my adamant armor back then that's all I had. I guess you could call this one a lure, which happened recently. When the demon masks released in osrs. Some guy said you can be rich with these and he said I'll sell you them for like 2m. I had the money but wasn't going to pay 2m for a mask...so I was like no. Then he said about 400k total for 5 heads. Then I was ok sure. I'll sell them for a high price. Little did he know I sold the heads for 140k each and sold them for 560k total giving me a profit of 160k which wasn't that bad lol. I was lured in the beginning then made profit in the end. Thought it would be a fun little story to tell.
It was embarrassing thinking back to it now lol