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Content Poll - HCIM

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Poll: Content Poll - HCIM (160 member(s) have cast votes)

Should the experience rate be more challenging on HCIM?

  1. Yes, both combat and skilling should be 5x (43 votes [26.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 26.88%

  2. Yes, both combat and skilling should be 10x (25 votes [15.62%])

    Percentage of vote: 15.62%

  3. Yes, both combat and skilling should be 15x (9 votes [5.62%])

    Percentage of vote: 5.62%

  4. Yes, both combat and skilling should be 20x (22 votes [13.75%])

    Percentage of vote: 13.75%

  5. No, leave the experience rate the same as regular ironmen. (61 votes [38.12%])

    Percentage of vote: 38.12%

Should HCIM players be able to benefit from XP boosts (wilderness, well of goodwill, vote books)?

  1. Yes, from all of them. (76 votes [47.50%])

    Percentage of vote: 47.50%

  2. Yes, from the wilderness only. (19 votes [11.88%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.88%

  3. Yes, from the wilderness and well of goodwill. (18 votes [11.25%])

    Percentage of vote: 11.25%

  4. No, no boosts at all. (47 votes [29.38%])

    Percentage of vote: 29.38%


Posted 25 March 2017 - 03:29 PM #1



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Hardcore Ironman Poll


Hey guys,


It has been made very clear that HCIM is something that players would love to see implemented into Alora, and we've also made the community aware that it is something that will be added in the near future to join the other two ironman modes. This poll is not about whether or not the mode should be added, but what sort of experience rate should exist for players who choose this mode.


Currently, for normal (non-ironman) players:

  • 330x Combat experience
  • 30x Skilling experience
  • The ability to benefit from boosts (wilderness boost, vote book boost, well of goodwill boost, etc)


For ironmen AND ultimate ironmen:

  • 30x Combat experience
  • 30x Skilling experience
  • The ability to benefit from boosts (wilderness boost, vote book boost, well of goodwill boost, etc)


To add some more challenge to the relatively easy experience rates that exist on Alora, we've proposed the idea that the new mode have an even lower experience rate, with the possibility of not being able to benefit from boosts, or at least not from certain boosts.


This would create a much higher level of achievement to show off when an HCIM reaches level 99 in a skill or maxes out, rather than it being exactly the same as the other ironman modes. We've tried to stay away from the typical RSPS "game modes" where you can choose your experience rate, so this idea is intended to meet in the middle and to make HCIM more interesting.


Vote and comment below to let us know how you want to see HCIM in Alora! :)




Posted 25 March 2017 - 03:34 PM #2

Giant Imp

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This will be interesting, I'd love to know the outcome.

Never used the Hardcore Ironman/Ironman mode as of yet. 

Posted 25 March 2017 - 03:42 PM #3


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What if hardcore iron-men could still receive bonus xp from the well but it would be less bonus xp than you usually receive, it could possibly be half the bonus xp?

Just a thought.


As for the combat and skilling XP I'm thinking either 15/20x would be perfect. 

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Posted 25 March 2017 - 03:51 PM #4

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Would love to have HCIM added into the game! :D I have a HCIM in osrs 07 and loved the challenge. I did get 99 firemaking on a HCI but that's being with the normal xp rate for runescape. I'd say 10-20 for experience wise, not too difficult but not too easy.

Posted 25 March 2017 - 03:59 PM #5

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I'm a fan of x20 exp or less. I was in absolute love with ironman mode on osrs (almost 1750 total, quest cape etc.), but never enjoyed it on Alora - as the experience rates were often too easy, and not satisfying.


I'm also a fan of them getting bonus exp in the wilderness (duh!! they're a hardcore ironman how badass is that risk! I'm open to the thought of them not being able to use vote books however (mains just funnel vote books on their HCIM, or VPN vote on said HCIM)


I'd also like to suggest HCIM not have the ability to use the PKP shop, this way when a HCIM has an item from a godwars boss it's actually been earned from the boss.


Granted players may argue that HCIM can pk, and should be able to get rewards, I just don't see that happening, although I might be wrong.

Posted 25 March 2017 - 04:08 PM #6

Iron Colotic

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Definitely think that 15x experience for combat/skilling is ideal. Also HCIM should receive bonus experience from the wilderness, as they are risking their title as a HCIM.

Posted 25 March 2017 - 04:46 PM #7

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Love this idea!

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Posted 25 March 2017 - 06:19 PM #8


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I think hardcore iron man should have all kind of weird restrictions, just halving the xp is not the problem because it only takes like 48 hours to get max on a normal iron man, doubling that wouldn't have that much of influence

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Posted 25 March 2017 - 07:10 PM #9


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I would say the 15x xp is perfect for the HCIM. I feel it's not too hard and not too easy. HCIM should recieve wilderness bonus since your risking so much in the wilderness (like most HCIM die in the wilderness) that's the whole world map of osrs and posted on 10th of February. The rest of the bonuses they should have [well/votebook bonuses]


Source of map: Twitter post here



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Posted 25 March 2017 - 07:55 PM #10


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When implementing this mode please make sure safe deaths are safe - don't lose HCIM status:


- Raids

- Duel Arena

- Clan Wars

- Pest Control

- Lunar diplomacy dream section


NB: Not Zulrah - on osrs standard deaths revoke HCIM status, whilst elite diary grants 1 resurrection per day.

(probs just make any death at zulrah not safe - high risk/high reward)

Posted 25 March 2017 - 07:58 PM #11


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Sounds good might as well make it a little different from the rest of the iron man modes. lowest xp, least amount of xp benefits just feel bad for the people that already got drops as iron man and would have to start over again. 

none the less support and sounds like a good idea.



Posted 25 March 2017 - 09:36 PM #12

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Would love to have HCIM added into the game! :D I have a HCIM in osrs 07 and loved the challenge. I did get 99 firemaking on a HCI but that's being with the normal xp rate for runescape. I'd say 10-20 for experience wise, not too difficult but not too easy.

wintertodt lol

When implementing this mode please make sure safe deaths are safe - don't lose HCIM status (zulrah, raids etc)

zulrah isnt a safe death lol u lose status on osrs at zulrah





Posted 25 March 2017 - 11:18 PM #13

Queef Grease
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I'd love to see a more challenging mode, no boosts, and slower experience for sure. If it's the same, it'll just be like playing regular ironman all over again, it's not easy to die on here :D.  x5, and no boosts I have voted for.

Posted 25 March 2017 - 11:37 PM #14


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I guess this depends on what you want "Hardcore" to represent for this gamemode.


I would personally be a fan of a low xp rate and no access to vote books, or at the very least no access to crystal chest.

This is because crystal chest can pretty much solo half of your cooking/ fm / smithing / crafting / fletching, FAR too op for a gamemode that i'm assuming you want to be somewhat hard.

Also, how much of a challenge is maxing a HCIM going to actually be if you just need to stay alive for 2 days?


A repeat of UIM just wouldn't be any fun




Granted just the increased risk from using wilderness methods will be a deterrent and therefore a xp nerf for hcim, but i dont think it is quite enough to make this gamemode actually challenging.


Another question i had was, how are the deaths going to work? will be have the option for more than 1 life like rs3, with a maximum of 3, or limited to 1.

Will we derank to normal ironman on death or account disabled?


In my opinion HCIM should have:

-access to wilderness xp, just for those willing to risk everything for some slightly faster xp

-access to skill of the day bonus (this makes training skills efficiently slightly more dependant on foreplanning)


and shouldn't have:

-access to vote bonus

-access to weekend bonus

-access to PKP

-access to crystal chest

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Posted 26 March 2017 - 03:00 AM #15


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I believe the xp rate should be lowered. It's well known you can max in under 48hours gametime.

I voted for 5x exp (keep in mild I'm for the skill bonuses)

Based on the polls, currently 39 (cumulatively) are for reducing the xp rate vs. 14 for the xp rate to remain constant.


I think we should be given access to wildy/skill day/well/vote/c chest etc.

- Part of the fun/challenge for me is foreplanning - i.e. doing slayer/thieving to afford votes and c keys for smithing etc.

- Stocking up on supplies to use on the respective skill day.

- Risking your status for those wildy xp rates & planning what combat lv/time zone you should venture into the wildy.

- Otherwise it just becomes boring: "oh yeah I guess I'll cut some trees today", rather than "okay so on Friday I'm going to use the weekend bonus + skill day on Firemaking which means I'll need to woodcut soon, but before that I should get a d axe and therefore I need to go to dag kings now"


Hex is right, votes and c chest is op. But that's part of the fun - you work towards utilising it in your maxing order. & it makes this rsps unique.



Lower the xp rate & keep all xp bonuses.

wintertodt lol

zulrah isnt a safe death lol u lose status on osrs at zulrah

Haha oh shit I was thinking of the western elite diary revive. 

Posted 26 March 2017 - 06:57 AM #16

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Personally, I'm fine with allowing HCIM to use all bonuses as long as they can only claim one vote book per 12 hour period.  This would hopefully allow players who don't have mains/money on their main to stay competitive on the highscores. 

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Posted 26 March 2017 - 09:48 AM #17


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Personally we should leave the experience rate to the same as currently all ironmans mode has and no access to vote books as we see people just transfer them from other accounts.


In other NO


- Access to weekend events

- Access to bonus skill day

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hcim.png Death Loc



Posted 26 March 2017 - 09:49 AM #18


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Personally, I'm fine with allowing HCIM to use all bonuses as long as they can only claim one book per 12 hour period.  This would hopefully allow players who don't have mains/money on their main to stay competitive on the highscores. 

This seems like a fair middle ground that still allows the server to benefit from votes of the HCIM playerbase while still being balanced.

I like it.

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Posted 26 March 2017 - 08:53 PM #19


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Personally, I'm fine with allowing HCIM to use all bonuses as long as they can only claim one vote book per 12 hour period.  This would hopefully allow players who don't have mains/money on their main to stay competitive on the highscores. 

Fair compromise. This makes the game mode more genuine.

It also means: 1hr of vote xp per 12 hours (& smithing, crafting, cooking, firemaking are harder/slower)


This as a game mode will be a good challenge to max, something that was needed (considering you could max in <48h).


Given the restrictions of this mode:

- 1hr vote xp per 12 hrs  (+ hardly any supplies from c chest)

- 1-death => probably won't be using wildy 1.5x


& still wanting to make it challenging, I'd propose a 15xp rate - this is comparable to the xp rate you get on post-99 skill currently.

I believe most people will be satisfied with this.


This makes the mode still a challenge, but not ridiculous - 1/2 usual xp rate, with HCIM restrictions.

Posted 27 March 2017 - 08:01 AM #20


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Please do not make XP rate the same as regular ironman. It was too easy to max this account, no challenge at all. Hardcore mode should represent its name. Make the XP rate x5 or x7. It was definitely NOT a fun thing to kill spiritual mages for 30 minutes for dragon boots and get all melee stats to 99. It should not be like that. It should require some more time and effort and serious grinding, hence the name "Hardcore". 

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