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Make one item ragging bannable!

TurbanEater Mourinho Daily Ragging raggers Wilderness ruin nofun

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:30 PM #1

You 4 lunch

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Dear reader,


Are you also tired of these raggers after lvl 5 ragging you everywhere demanding a payment? Then this is the topic for you to read and change this for ever in this beautiful rsps delivered us by great staff!

The raggers that I have seen who are seriously trying to damage PK/Skill areas in wildy are: Turban Eater and Mourinho. They take great pride in ruining this for all of us other players. Are we going to allow this to happen? I don't think so. 


What can we do about it besides of course hating these players in game? We can petition to make one item ragging bannable. I think it would be a great idea if we set at least a minimum of 110k+ risk to be allowed to rag one another after level 5 wilderness. 


I prefer ragging to be banned in general since it is a very low kind of thing to do on Runescape, especially on a RSPS. Maybe some people disagree on this so can we at least try to get this rule in place so that we keep making money of these 3 ragger guys trying to ruining the wilderness for us?


I hope you all sign the petition below here with a comment saying; Aye!


Kind regards,


You 4 Lunch

Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:32 PM #2

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Ragging is on normal Runescape, ragging should be allowed on here too. Man up!

Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:33 PM #3

Turban eater

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I don't rag skillers, as I am rather protecting them instead. You and your buddy were up there PKing people and I attack you to stop you from killing them for a few hundred PKP.


Not my fault you pick on skillers then get picked on by raggers.


Also, I once asked @Haris who spoke to an admin I believe about a subject I wasn't sure about. Demanding people to pay them in order to do something in the wilderness like skilling.


You know what the moderator said? it's fine, not breaking any rules. So I honestly don't see the difference.


Good luck with this my friend, I wish you only good things in the near future.







Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:33 PM #4


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Support this!

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:37 PM #5

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I don't know the definition of ragging exactly, but i don't think it should be bannable. I do however think that if you have video proof of someone 1 iteming you they should be put in jail for a certain time as punishment.


So i vote no 1 item in wild.

Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:39 PM #6

You 4 lunch

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Ban might be to harsh, a punishment would be more suitable indeed. Though I do think it is seriously harming deep wildy pk to be honest. And that is something I and probably a lot of other people as well like to do!

Posted 21 March 2017 - 02:55 PM #7


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If you wanna skill in wildy, there might aswell be a risk to it, if it's a person that is ragging you for 1 hour or 3 days. I think it's fair the way ragging rules are at the moment.


No support.

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:04 PM #8


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Support the 1 item zgs at chins is just annoying and they achieve nothing

Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:05 PM #9


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If this would be applied they just do it with gear so not really a point to even punish them it still in wildy and it on your own risk to go there im a skill er my self and I hate them but you cant really do something about it just my opionon on it

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:08 PM #10

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Ragging is definitely a large issue for every server I've ever played.


My statement shouldn't be viewed to represent the staff teams opinions - but rather my own.


For a player to "rag" another, they are spending their own time doing so, often numerous hours a day. The issue however is it's often being taken to an extreme, which is where I see issues arising. 


There are players who risk large amounts, and use skilled teamwork/solo play to pk in deep wildy, often to have it come to an annoying end, because the same user(s) is/are attacking them with 1 item w/ no risk.


There's multiple routes that can be taken in regards to ragging, both by addressing it, and by doing nothing.


  • A player has to risk 100,001 gp in coins in order to take ragging to the extreme (these users know who they are)
  • No ragging in level 1-5 (our current rules)
  • Allow ragging everywhere, -aka do not intervene with ragging
  • Add mechanics (owner codes it into the server) to prevent most ragging, aka you can't attack (skull) w/ out enough risk to register pkp drop if said ragger is killed (would be tough to do I believe) - players can always find a work around usually
  • Allow it, but obviously address users who rag as a lifestyle
  • Adjust the pj pvp mechanics (if a player is attacking another, they cannot be pjed - similar to previous runescape pvp mechanics)

My suggestion would be to add an option to the BH guy (dude who sells pkp items) in which user's have to pay 100k+  (each death when skulled results in the user losing 100k per death from their coin coffer)


This way skillers can still risk nothing (assuming they don't skull)


The raggers will obviously skull.. and if they don't it's clearly not them initiating the "ragging"


--This obviously has issues because players won't want to risk 100k most likely, or they won't be able to initiate fights because they didn't know they had to add 100k+ to skull in wilderness.


[even osrs punishes raggers - granted it's only done when they're bothering streamers]

Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:29 PM #11

peach boy

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i dont mind if someone with black dhide raggs me, but if i get a one item Crystal bow SUICIDER on me thats were i draw the line.

Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:34 PM #12

You 4 lunch

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That is exactly what I am saying peach boy, also nice comment Syntax I think the coin coffer could be nice but also brings other issues with it though

Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:45 PM #13


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This issue will be discussed in the next staff meeting (hopefully this Friday) and we can all be on the same page about ragging.

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Posted 21 March 2017 - 03:48 PM #14


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Support, it's one thing if someone attacking you is geared and ready to fight.

But if you've got someone with only a ZGS at black chins freezing you everytime you tele there and rags you for 15 minutes+ there should be a line drawn.

Posted 21 March 2017 - 04:03 PM #15


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a. Defamation of players or staff will not be tolerated. Obsessively stating, IE spamming, that a player had scammed you without sufficient proof will be considered defamation and you will be punished.

I have never ragged you nor do I take payment for off so remove my name from the list you've posted. This falls under the ruling of defamation of character.

Hypothetically speaking though if I were to make people pay for off it isnt any different from DP members back a few months ago making people pay to use the deep wilderness resource area as Turban stated above.

Don't feel as if you have to list entire #CSTEP because you probably did something to one of our members which aggravated them.

Have a nice day and please remove me from your list because i do not associate with you nor will i ever after this post unless provoked.

@You 4 lunch @Staff

edit: no support.

edit2: i just actually saw some screenshots of you flaming in PM(s) and basically baiting out a conversation which is easily seen as provoking someone.

Posted 21 March 2017 - 04:10 PM #16

You 4 lunch

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@Daily, topic made by one of your members. Including you saying I cannot hear you. I just put you alon with the rest of the team. By the way you have rushed me over 100 times in edge. So don't act all innocent now I can see rushing as ragging to when continiously performed on the same guy aka me. Don't care about your support you are one of the rush/raggers anyway. Will remove you out of post but do not come here with false defamation accusations when clearly you are part of that tribute rag team. Also look at alora awards best ragger? Hypocrite much.


Posted 21 March 2017 - 04:19 PM #17


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@Daily, topic made by one of your members. Including you saying I cannot hear you. I just put you alon with the rest of the team. By the way you have rushed me over 100 times in edge. So don't act all innocent now I can see rushing as ragging to when continiously performed on the same guy aka me. Don't care about your support you are one of the rush/raggers anyway. Will remove you out of post but do not come here with false defamation accusations when clearly you are part of that tribute rag team. Also look at alora awards best ragger? Hypocrite much.

I never said I dont rag. Im the best ragger on here hands down.

The problem is you included me in a post where I have no part to be in.

1) you talked about the "i cannot hear you" post that was on the tax rebate thread in which i was responding to someone that said I was poor ingame in which setup the response this has nothing to do with ragging.

2) you classify it as ragging i classify it as rushing you said i rushed you a hundred times i dont look at names when i rush people they either die or they dont just ask @6ixKid @Jare, i've rushed them plenty of times and they dont bitch and moan about it. Stop trying to make this as if youre the target because youre not as important as youre stating yourself to be.

3) if you dont care about my support then this entire thread is a joke fueled by adolescence, frustration, and immaturty because you are looking at things subjectively vs objectively by not accepting and reviewing everyones thoughts and suggestions.

Maybe one of your friend(s) should be your spokesman because things seem to be getting quite emotional vs realism

edit: the alora award is a meme man from when they released alora awards.

edit 2: you still havent removed my name from the tags

Posted 21 March 2017 - 04:22 PM #18


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I totally support this. Since we just changed our ragging rule to just level 1-5 wilderness 
a lot of people been abusing it. It cause more harm than good for our community even 
thought it implied to improve it. For the punishment I'd say a certain amount of jail time
should be fine. But once again we the staff team will be discussing this on friday.

Best Regards,

                   6ixkid. :P

Posted 21 March 2017 - 04:40 PM #19

You 4 lunch

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@Daily I edited post to remove name, also this is not fueled by emotion or anything else. I pmed just in game about a hour ago to have a talk on discord about it all. You ignored it so you had the chance to talk. Did not say it was personal did I? I said you continiously hit me while rushing which then implies that you targeted me at the moment. Anyway we will all see what the staff decides about it. I am against ragging in general but it is part of RS. You are making it personal yourself now I will remove you from anything of this topic to make sure you realize this is not about you anymore it is about the others then. Ragging in my opinion is a sad non skill move to do, just because you have time on your hands to kill does not mean we all do. Or all want to waste our time on it. I am just riddling on now since I can't be bothered to make it look like a propper response for you since I do not care the slightest about you in this game. 

Dear reader,


Are you also tired of these raggers after lvl 5 ragging you everywhere demanding a payment? Then this is the topic for you to read and change this for ever in this beautiful rsps delivered us by great staff!

The raggers that I have seen who are seriously trying to damage PK/Skill areas in wildy are: Turban Eater and Mourinho. They take great pride in ruining this for all of us other players. Are we going to allow this to happen? I don't think so. 


What can we do about it besides of course hating these players in game? We can petition to make one item ragging bannable. I think it would be a great idea if we set at least a minimum of 110k+ risk to be allowed to rag one another after level 5 wilderness. 


I prefer ragging to be banned in general since it is a very low kind of thing to do on Runescape, especially on a RSPS. Maybe some people disagree on this so can we at least try to get this rule in place so that we keep making money of these 3 ragger guys trying to ruining the wilderness for us?


I hope you all sign the petition below here with a comment saying; Aye!


Kind regards,


You 4 Lunch

Do not see your name in it anymore so pay attention please I edited 20minutes ago already.

Posted 21 March 2017 - 04:58 PM #20


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@Daily I edited post to remove name, also this is not fueled by emotion or anything else. I pmed just in game about a hour ago to have a talk on discord about it all. You ignored it so you had the chance to talk. Did not say it was personal did I? I said you continiously hit me while rushing which then implies that you targeted me at the moment. Anyway we will all see what the staff decides about it. I am against ragging in general but it is part of RS. You are making it personal yourself now I will remove you from anything of this topic to make sure you realize this is not about you anymore it is about the others then. Ragging in my opinion is a sad non skill move to do, just because you have time on your hands to kill does not mean we all do. Or all want to waste our time on it. I am just riddling on now since I can't be bothered to make it look like a propper response for you since I do not care the slightest about you in this game.

Do not see your name in it anymore so pay attention please I edited 20minutes ago already.

You did not fix what I told you to in which I said remove my name from the TAGS so how about you pay attention?


Also you say it's not fueled by emotion of anything but this entire thread is you'd have to be blind or incoherent not to believe so.

Even you saying you cannot be bothered to type a proper response proves that point further - thats called inferior complexity where you are not confident in your own ability to create a valid argument due to your ego getting in the way of destroying your "e-persona" you have built for yourself and your friends.

Anyone would target you if you're low-hp in the wilderness don't get it twisted saying that nobody else would 9/10 times someone would rush you if you're at 55 HP risking more then 1M Alora GP.


Doesn't even have to be you could be anyone so don't put yourself on a pedestal. 

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