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Alora Newspaper 15/03/17

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:02 PM #1


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Hi guys and welcome to the latest edition of the Alora Newspaper. In this weeks edition we have some awesome ingame updates along with some new staff changes, a couple of new rules updates, some juicy winners & much more!


The update that came on 11/03/17 was another big one! The following were added;


Wilderness/PVP updates:

Combat fixes for prayer; Previously, a major bug in combat to do with the timing of prayer switches caused the game to not recognize your prayer if you toggled it as soon as another player's attack animation began.

Barrage orb added; This content is not from OSRS, but it is a useful feature that shows an "orb" graphics if you land a barrage on a target that is already frozen.

Food dropping in the wilderness is now limited; While you are still able to drop food/brews in the wilderness, any dropped will now have a 10x longer delay before appearing to other people.


Bonds update reverted:

Bonds are now back to how they were before due to popular request -- that is, granting a rank increase past Super donator.


Corporeal beast sigil rates fixed:

The previous update did not have the correctly calculated sigil drop rates. These have been corrected, and are matched exactly to OSRS: 1/585 chance to hit the sigil table, then a roll between 1-7 (not 1-100):

Elysian (1/7 chance)

Arcane (3/7 chance)

Spectral (3/7 chance)

We've decided to keep the rate exactly like OSRS as our version of Corp is considerably easier and faster to kill. This means we didn't apply the usual 1.23* multiplier which we do to our rare drops, but we did essentially make it 10x easier to get Sigils.


The Woodcutting Guild;

To get to the guild, you can use the newly added option in the Teleport wizard's Skilling section.

Any player with 60+ woodcutting may enter. An invisible +7 Woodcutting level boost is present within the guild.

The guild contains all common types of trees, as well as the new Redwood trees which are exclusive to the guild!


Extreme Slayer task updates:

Corporeal beast: 3-10 assignable.

Kree'arra (Armadyl boss) & Commander Zilyana (Saradomin boss) 5-25 assignable.

K'ril tsutsaroth (Zamorak boss) - 5-30 assignable



Other updates:

You can find the full update list here!


Many thanks to Omicron for the great work put into them.


There's been some new rules added over the past couple of weeks. They can be viewed in RED.


We've decided to officially allow PvP multi logging in Alora as well as change the ragging restrictions to only levels 1-5 in the wilderness.

Part added/Changed: RED


10. 3rd Party Software


We will not tolerate cheating of ANY kind as we know that it causes unfair advantages over other members that are attempting to play the server through fairness. We will do our best to enforce this and such things includes auto-clicking, cheat clients etc., that help the member gain EXP, cash or other various way of helping them better their experience either faster or unfairly.

a. Autoclicking:

First Offence - 5 hour ban | Second Offence - 24 hour ban | Third Offence - Permanent Ban

b. Botting Clients:

First Offence - Permanent Ban | Second Offence - IP-Ban

c. Playing on multiple accounts at once while participating in the same activity is prohibited. For example, having one account at corporeal beast and one thieving is acceptable while having two accounts thieving is not. PvP multi logging is exempt from this rule. 

PLEASE NOTE - If you are caught botting on one account, it will result in that account receiving a permanent ban, and your main account will receive a 48 hour ban along with a bank wipe; greater offences take precedence.

First Offence - 48 hour ban (+ bank wipe on all accounts involved) | Second Offence - Permanent Ban | Third Offence - IP-Ban

d. Autotypers: This will be allowed to a certain extent, you can use an autotyper HOWEVER it must be set 15+ seconds any less will be considered spamming. 

First Offence - 24 hour mute | Second Offence 48 hour mute | Third Offence - Permanent Mute


11. Player Vs. Player (PvP)

Alora is not held responsible for members who have lost, disconnected etc., while in the wilderness. We also do not have set rules for the wilderness, so go in there at your own risk.


a. PVP-Farming will be an automatic permanent ban with no chance of appeal. | Second Offence - IP-Ban.

b. X-Logging from the server is a banable offence, as this causes an unfair advantage for other members of the community.

c. Luring players into the wilderness will be an automatic permanent ban with no chance of appeal. Second Offence will be an IP-Ban.


Ragging is prohibited from levels 1-5 in the wilderness on Alora as it negatively affects our PvP community as a whole and debases the dignity of the wilderness. Our definition of a ragger is one who consistently attacks other players without true intentions of killing them as they purely want to prevent them from participating in PvP. All ragging reports must be reported with video proof. Video proof for scam reports must be approximately 5 minutes long showing that you are being prevented from participating in PvP.


First offense -  5 hour jail | Second Offence | 24 Hour Ban | Third Offense - Permanent ban



Over the past couple of weeks there have been some coming and goings. The following changes have been made to the team. I'm sure you'll all join me in welcoming the new members to the team as well as thanking past staff members for their efforts.



Otto has been promoted to Administrator. I'll be taking over from Ikta with assisting Blank with quality control and general administration duties.


Mewtwo has been promoted to Global Moderator. A much deserved promoted. Best of luck with the new role.


Haris has been promoted to Global Moderator. Haris has impressed huge amounts since the promotion to Moderator & we hope it may continue with this role! Good luck Haris.

Diva has switched across to Forum Moderator. This is a small change in position for Diva and gives them a little more responsibility. Good luck with the new role!


Iron Sux has been promoted to Server Moderator. Congratulations and good luck with the new role!


Flexicution has been promoted to Server Support. Flex is a Veteran player and we're happy to have him joining the team. Good luck with the role.


Unfortunately there have been some demotons & resignations.


Poor Level 3 resigned from Server Support. We'd like to thank Joey for all their hard work and efforts. Best of luck with the future.

Gigabyte was demoted from Server Support. Best of luck with your future endeavors.




We have decided to change Player of the Week to a Player of the Month award. The player who wins the Player of the Month will receive 1x Bond and an Award. As Syntax was the last winner of Player of the Week, we've gone ahead and made them the first winner of the award. The winner will be revealed on the 1st of every month.


This week Haris is interviewed! Haris is our newest Global Moderator.


O - Hey Haris. Great to have you joining us today for the interview. Firstly, tell us a little about yourself?

H - My name is Haris, I was mainly known as "Frac7ure" for a couple years before dropping that and changing everything to my irl name. I'm 21 years old, and I was born in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Currently living in Upstate New York.


O - Are you in any sort of education(if so what?) or do you work?

H - Currently 1 year in for my Financial Services Management degree, taking a break at the moment though. Working at company that supplies medical supplies to hospitals across North America and some Asian countries.


O - How did you first hear about Alora and what made you decide it was the server for you?

H - I heard about Alora from Blank and Utorrent back when it was released. But I stopped playing RSPS for some time so I wasn't really interested at that moment in joining. After a few months of working and irl things, I started getting bored at home and had nothing to do. A friend of mine started playing Alora and asked me to join. As I knew Omicron from his previous server, I knew the quality of it would be great so I decided to try it out. I'm glad I did and plan to stay for a long time.


O - What is your prefered activity to do ingame?

H - May sound cliche but I don't have a preferred activity, I want to enjoy everything the server has to offer. Things like reaching max cape, getting achievments done, buying all things from achievment shop, doing raids, and trying out all the bosses.


O - What's your favourite type of Music?

H - Hip hop/Rap but I give everything a chance, as a genre I may barely listen to could have songs that I really like.


O - Why do you enjoy that genre and who's your favourite artist?

H - It's been my favourite genre since I was young, my brother introduced me to it shortly after we came to America. In both languages we speak, english and bosnian. My favourite artist at the moment would be, A Boogie Wit Da Hoodie. I think he's got great talent and expect him to rise furthur in popularity as he makes nothing but great music.


That concludes our interview for today with Haris, thanks for your time and best of luck with the new role.




We ran a poll regarding how often the Alora Newspaper should be released. The results are in and it's to be released twice per month. These dates will be the 1st and 15th of the month.


The NH Ironman tournament drew to a conclusion. There was a lot of fun had by all the participants and overall the event was a huge success. I personally took part and although I couldn't make the final, it was great for Alora and we'll look at doing something similar in the future.


Skot was the winner of the tournament. In the process they bagged themself a $150 cash prize and an exclusive Black Santa hat. Congratulations!

In second place finished Main Yasuo, winning a $50 cash prize and an exclusive Ankou set!

In third place was HOPES ENDING who won themself a $25 cash prize as well as 4 Mystery boses.

uTorrent has done a great job hosting some Battle Royale events recently. There was also a cash prize tournament for that, with Husthelegend winning themself a 25$ cash prize, Ancestral Robes and a Kodai Wand.

Great job by all and congratulations on your prizes!

December 13 2016 - Server Support
January 16 2017 - Server Moderator
February 7 2017 - Global Moderator
March 15 2017 - Administrator

Now just a Veteran passing by...

"Dead Otto"
"HC Otto V4"
"Another Otto"
"PlankmanOtto" ingame now. Feel free to add me! I will get good at Hardcore...

Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:08 PM #2


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Thanks for having me for the interview and of course you've done a great job once again on the paper.

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:24 PM #3

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The new rule changes in regards to the wilderness ragging rule will clear up a lot of confusion for both players, and staff alike. 


Reverting the bonds was a great decision, and Lowkey did a good job posting a feedback thread in regards to what should be done, it's clear it was the right decision, as bonds have never been more in demand.


Fixing corporal beast opens up a boss in which was being heavily camped for almost every moment of the day prior to the sigil rates being messed up, so this is a huge plus.


The woodcutting guild is another great addition, and it's nice to see content moving in to Zeah - it will be great to see more in the future on zeah. Good job Lowkey again helping Omicron with the xteas for zeah.


The update for extreme slayer tasks which was suggested by Drewsy is great to see, not only is it new content for slayer - but it's nice seeing Omicron giving players credit for their suggestions in his update threads for the server.


Congrats to those recently promoted, and best of luck to those leaving the staff team (whether temporarily or permanently) 

- I still think the incident involving Chiszle should be at least listed in the demotions part of Blank's staff update, rather than ignored/swept under the rug. It's something that the community should know about (that's my viewpoint on the matter).


  • I'm glad to see player of the month, rather than player of the week - as it represents a greater period of time and duration for a players dedication to the server. It's also nice to see forum badges being better utilized by the administration team to help recognize players more.


I enjoy reading the interviews, especially for some of the newer staff members (at least new to most of the current community of Alora). I remember seeing uTorrent and Haris in another servers discord days before he was promoted to the staff team and thought that there was some type of correlation. I noticed you mentioned Omicron had a previous server, I'm curious as to what it was, and I know many others are as well. Again thanks for being apart of the interview.


Excellent job Otto on the newspaper and I look forward to them in the future.

Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:35 PM #4


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Always love to read them keep em up!

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 04:48 PM #5


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Nicely done as always, congratulations to @Syntax on being the member of the month.

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 05:43 PM #6

Iron Sux

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Solid newspaper as usual - a pleasure to read.
Also a great interview with Haris. I agree with what Syntax mentioned about interviews with "new" staff members. The rest of the staff team have already gotten to know Haris pretty well but I think it's a great way to let the rest of the community get to know him a little bit better as well.

Posted 16 March 2017 - 04:28 AM #7

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Excellent read Otto, a lot of changes have happened the past two weeks.

Thank you for keeping us up-to-date with the bi-weekly newspapers. 

Nice interview & congratulations once again to MOTM.

Posted 16 March 2017 - 04:38 AM #8


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Really like these newspaper


Posted 16 March 2017 - 11:38 AM #9

Giant Imp

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Nice interview, love the thread layout also.

Posted 16 March 2017 - 07:16 PM #10


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Syntax was promoted to SS. @Otto, how did you not know that?

Posted 17 March 2017 - 03:45 AM #11


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Syntax was promoted to SS. @Otto, how did you not know that?

He was promoted after this edition. It will be mentioned in the April 1st paper :)
December 13 2016 - Server Support
January 16 2017 - Server Moderator
February 7 2017 - Global Moderator
March 15 2017 - Administrator

Now just a Veteran passing by...

"Dead Otto"
"HC Otto V4"
"Another Otto"
"PlankmanOtto" ingame now. Feel free to add me! I will get good at Hardcore...

Posted 17 March 2017 - 09:15 AM #12


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Thanks for the newspaper, just saw it. Congratz yall and sad to see some go.







Posted 31 March 2017 - 06:16 PM #13

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Great updates!!! Love every one!

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Posted 04 April 2017 - 11:20 AM #14

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You should have a list of people who maxed. JUST A SUGGESTION ;)

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