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Castle Wars or Last Man Standing [Poll]

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Poll: Castle Wars or Last Man Standing!? (35 member(s) have cast votes)

Which would you prefer? LMS or Castle Wars (if you could only pick one)

  1. Castle Wars (16 votes [45.71%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 45.71%

  2. Last Man Standing (19 votes [54.29%] - View)

    Percentage of vote: 54.29%


Posted 14 March 2017 - 10:56 PM #1

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If one of these were to be added by @ Omicron which would the community prefer?


If you could post why you voted for one or the other that would be highly appreciated. I'll add them to the bullet points below possibly.






Caters to newer maxed players (you start the game naked w/ no gear)


Another great area to improve Alora's lacking PVP scene





Castle Wars - http://2007.runescap...iki/Castle_Wars


Cool rewards for spending tickets, such as the golden armor offered on OSRS


Possibly less nerve wrecking for some players than LMS (team environment)


Encourages an environment in which pvm and pvp clans can show off their skills in a fun and fair environment - credits @ Toxicity

Posted 14 March 2017 - 11:01 PM #2


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I've voted for castle wars because it could bring some very competitive people together to work together.. It could also allow many clans such as Lads, TNG, Liths and etc to come together for clan practice. or even split the clan up and compete with eachother for fun :P

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Posted 14 March 2017 - 11:01 PM #3

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last man standing would bring in alot more new players than castle wars would.

Posted 14 March 2017 - 11:02 PM #4

Twist bows

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would be dope if they could implement both ideas, but I would go with LMS because it's a fun mini game requiring you to kill scrubs and see how skilled you're


Posted 14 March 2017 - 11:06 PM #5

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I've voted for castle wars because it could bring some very competitive people together to work together.. It could also allow many clans such as Lads, TNG, Liths and etc to come together for clan practice. or even split the clan up and compete with eachother for fun :P

Thanks for the response, I love that bullet point! It really brings out a chance for a fun environment for clans.

last man standing would bring in alot more new players than castle wars would.

Very true, I would love to see Alora become well known for its pvp aspects.

would be dope if they could implement both ideas, but I would go with LMS because it's a fun mini game requiring you to kill scrubs and see how skilled you're

I too would enjoy seeing both implemented over time.

Posted 14 March 2017 - 11:28 PM #6

Iron Buck

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I've decided to choos Castlewars.

Castle Wars has been around since the end of 2004, It's a mini game that is mostly loved by players due to the nostalgia of when people first became a member on runescape and for the competitiveness for other clans to battle it out without any risk.
What would a oldschool private server be without Castle Wars?

But with Last Man Standing, this I feel would haul in ALOT more players from different areas of the RSPS community as it's such a unique mini game.

Either or you have my support for both but for this post I choose castle wars




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Posted 14 March 2017 - 11:36 PM #7


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Last Man Standing
As "Intimidator" said it would bring more new players.
Both added could be an even better opportunity for the server 

Posted 15 March 2017 - 12:52 AM #8

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I would love to see both mini-games implemented eventually, but every now and then I see new players notice/complain about the lack of PvP on this server. With that in mind I would vote for Last Man Standing to be added first. LMS will also have much more replayability than Castle Wars. Castle Wars IMO is a mini-game that booms for only a few weeks or so, maybe a month, but afterwards becomes only played by new players who want the cosmetics, or possibly old players trying to get achievements (assuming CW-related achievements would be added). Obviously there are multiple ways of combating this problem, such as having CW points being 1.5x on the weekends much like Pest Control, adding new achievements like "Win X Castle Wars games on the Saradomin/Guthix Team", "Win X Castle Wars games in a row" etc.


However LMS is a gamemode that I think would flourish forever. Just the entire concept of it would bring a whole new flavour to this server that most others probably don't have. The reason LMS has more replayability than CW IMO is because of the fact that in CW players are going in with their own weapons and armour. Every match will most likely be the same gear, on the same side, fighting essentially the same people. Sure there is teamwork and coordination to be had and Clans can compete, but in LMS, you start with basically nothing, there are no sides (unless you make truces but ofc there can only be one winner) and you must loot weapons and gear scattered all around the game zone making it a new experience every time. Also since in LMS every player's combat stats are boosted to 99 for the duration of the game, that ensures that new players can join instantly after creating their character.




Last Man Standing > Castle Wars (In my opinion)

Posted 15 March 2017 - 12:55 AM #9


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I have voted for last man standing because Clan Wars wouldn't be very active at all, can remember on other servers that the 1st time when it gets added is very active but just like raids it will drop massively.
Last man standing isn't really known on a RSPS and it could bring more people to Alora, it's also pretty new and exciting, I'm sure that a lot of people haven't played it yet.







Posted 15 March 2017 - 12:55 AM #10


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Pretty sure last man standing is already planned (utorrent talked about it maybe coming next) and castle wars has been trash on every server I've played

Posted 15 March 2017 - 01:02 AM #11


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Both would be cool, but last man standing if I had to choose one, it would bring a lot of people to the server.

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 01:42 AM #12

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Honestly, with Last Man Standing. If high-risk is added(1m entry fee per game per person) then people will just team up. So meh to that.


I'm just gonna go ahead and say castle wars, even though you can get a zamorak, saradomin, and guthix halo from vote shop which is really the only good thing there in my opinion.


Plus I like Capture The Flag types of games.







Posted 15 March 2017 - 06:23 AM #13


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I'm a huge fan of castle-wars as it's a minigame I've always enjoyed since I started playing RS.


Although many RSPS have castle-wars and not many have last man standing (most are custom versions).

I would love for Alora to be the first with last man standing, it would boost the pvp scene within Alora as well as attract some new players.


Hopefully one day castle-wars & last man standing will both be implemented on Alora.

My vote has gone for LMS.

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Posted 15 March 2017 - 06:41 AM #14

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Castle Wars by far one of my favorite minigames mainly because it was the OG pvp minigame in old runescape but unless we had a huge reward system to encourage it i doubt people would play it. However Last Man Standing is a gamemode for people to pickup any time and could be way more reliable for active participations, also in terms of events Last Man Standing could bring a lot more interesting games and tournaments for people to enjoy.

Posted 03 May 2017 - 05:06 AM #15

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