Hi there,
I'd like to see more fashionscape gear, like the Halo's. The shop can (my opinion) much more be filled.
Remove the Coal bag/Fighter torso/Pet rock
Mind adding these?
Zamorak team hood
Zamorak team cloak
Zamorak banner
Saradomin team cloak
Saradomin team hood
Saradomin banner
Decorative magic hat
Decorative magic robe top
Decorative magic robe legs
Decorative range top
Decorative range legs
Pink boots
Flared Trousers (idk if u can get them from Clue scrolls on here)
Gnome Goggles
Gnome Scarf
- Purple elegant cannot be weared (only use option if u left-click on it)
- Imp mask should be fixed
Have more idea's to be added into the Vote shop? Comment them down below and I'll add them to my list.