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[3/4/17] Major bug fixes, Looting bag, clue bottles, bird nests, etc!

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Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:08 AM #1



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Hello everyone,
This weekend's update was primarily focused on fixing many bugs that have gone unnoticed in previous updates while we focused on content. I tried to get as many of them fixed as possible, and while there are still many bugs on my to-do list, I think this update will help to fix most of the major ones. Aside from that, I've managed to add in numerous pieces of content such as the long-awaited Looting bag, clue bottles, bird nests and more!
  • Bonds update reverted
    • Bonds are now back to how they were before due to popular request -- that is, granting a rank increase past Super donator.
  • Hans added to home (south-west):
    • Hans will be able to tell you how long you've spent in the world since you've joined!
  • Shift-click functionality added to client:
    • Following a recent OSRS addition, we've decided to add this QOL feature:
      • Hold shift while clicking an inventory item to drop it!
  • Fixed Boss timer records on PvM lectern:
    • Previously, your solo kill would always be considered a team kill and therefore not counted on highscores. This has been fixed, and you should start to see proper boss kill timers populate the in-game PvM records very soon.
      • For reference, the records are updated automatically as soon as the player who set it logs out.
    • TzTok-Jad added to killtime and kill count records:
      • Jad's killtime will be based on the time that you started the fight cave session, NOT the time it has taken since you first attacked Jad as it normally is.
  • Fixed pet visual bug:
    • After recoloring your Rock golem with an ore (or if one of your pets undergoes metamorphosis), its color would change if you enter a different area (visual only).
      • This has been fixed, the new color of your pet will stay consistent after teleporting.
  • Raids dungeon timer fixed:
    • Issue where it would not show/save your time record has been fixed.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Godsword shards will no longer appear as a "rare drop" yelled under game news for obvious reasons.
    • Fixed Cerberus combat bug
    • You can no longer rest while in combat.
    • Fixed grammatical error on some tips.
    • Colored rock golems that aren't your own pet will no longer show the right-click options.
    • Right-clicking the donation manager to "Check-donations" will no longer show you the "As an ironman, you are not allowed" message.
    • ::support command added to take you to the Support section on the forum
    • Sir tiffy cashien in Falador will no longer be facing the wrong direction sitting on the bench.
    • Fixed Ancient d'hide top graphical error -- now goes over your arms
    • Fixed "Weird old man" chatbox head instead of Brother brace when trying to deposit GP into the Well of goodwill.
    • Pegasian crystals now always announce on the global rare drop yell
  • Skin color saving:
    • If you unlock a skin from the Donation manager, it will now (from this point forward) be re-obtainable for free if you ever wish to change between other skin colors.
      • Unfortunately, those with previously purchased skin colors will not have them saved. You can send me a PM to manually unlock it with a screenshot of your skin.
  • Item requirements fixed:
    • Mages' book - 60 Magic
    • Gilded armour - 40 Defence
    • Saradomin, Zamorak and Guthix rune trimmed armour - 40 Defence
    • Saradomin, Zamorak, Guthix, Ancient and Armadyl godhide armour - 40 Defence and 70 Ranged
    • Odium and Malediction wards (and (or) versions) - 60 Defence
  • Fixed donator benefits for all ranks:
    • Certain rank bonuses were broken -- Eg. A legendary donator would not receive a bonus that a super donator would.
      • The whole system has been reworked to properly support this in all cases.
  • Visual appearance of Superior Slayer encounters have been updated to make them appear more "Superior".
    • This much needed update makes all encounters much more visually appealing.
  • Raids changes:
    • Olm door ~ Quick entry:
      • You can now right-click enter the door before Olm at raids to skip the dialogue
    • Fix for getting points on "all-healing" npcs such as Olm's head before the final phase:
      • Previously, it was possible to stack points on NPCs that healed themselves.
        • It is no longer possible to obtain points for damage that heals an enemy.
  • Abyssal bludgeon special attack fixed:
    • It was previously using incorrect animation.
    • The proper graphics that plays on the ground under your victim has also been added.
    • (Note: The previous "effect" of the Special attack was correctly working and has not been changed.)
  • Banks fixed for noting/unnoting:
    • Many banks were broken in the sense that you could not note/unnote items on them(even if they worked as a bank), including:
      • Varrock west/east, falador east/west, catherby, seers village, lumbridge, neitiznot, ardougne south/north, yanille, tzhaar, duel arena chests, clan wars chests, pest control, mages' bank, crafting guild, raids, edgeville RFD chest.
      • Thanks to @alumentum for compiling this list of banks!
    • Bank noting/unnoting now works on bankers as well:
      • Primarily updated for this to work with the banker in the Donator zone and in the Mages' bank.
  • Abyssal head loot from using your Unsired on the Font of Consumption fixed:
    • Previously, the Abyssal head from the Sire could not be combined with a Slayer helmet to create the Red slayer helmet. This item has been fixed.
      • For those of you with the old item, it will automatically be fixed next time you log in.
  • Woodcutting update - Bird nests!
    • It is now possible for a Bird nest to fall out of a tree while woodcutting!
      • (Any tree except for meat trees in Raids -- 1/256 chance each time you chop a log)
      • Rate is NOT affected by the type of tree you are chopping.
      • There are 10 different nests, including:
        • Regular nest
        • Guthix, Saradomin or Zamorak egg nests
        • Gold ring
        • Easy, medium, hard and elite scroll nests
      • Each donator rank will increase your chance of obtaining a nest by:
        • Uber - 15%
        • Legendary - 10%
        • Extreme - 7%
        • Super - 5%
        • Regular - 3%
    • All nests will give a tree seed reward with the possibility of a ring OR the rare chance of an Uncut onyx
    • If you obtain a god egg, it can be given as a gift to the gods by using it on any altar:
      • These eggs will reward you with prayer experience, as well as the chance of obtaining a piece of the Evil chicken outfit!
        • The Evil chicken outfit pieces are tradable.
    • After opening the nest, it can be crushed with a Pestle and mortar to be used as a Herblore ingredient (specifically for Ironmen)
  • Trading Giant mole skins and claws:
    • You can now trade in your skins and claws from defeating the Giant mole which has been a thorn in Wyson the gardener's side for years.
      • Wyson will be more than happy to give you 1 Bird nest for every 10 claws, or for every 20 skins.
      • (Unlike in OSRS, it is possible for these nests to be God egg nests.)
        • 20 Mole skins = 1 random Bird nest
        • 10 Mole claws = 1 random Bird nest
  • Fishing update ~ Clue bottles!
    • There is now a random chance of a Clue bottle settling ashore!
      • The chance to obtain one is determined by the level of the fish you are catching
    • This rate is reduced by these %s for donators:
      • 15% for Uber
      • 10% for Legendary
      • 7% for Extreme
      • 3% for Regular
    • Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite clue bottles
      • Opening a Clue bottle will guarantee 1 clue scroll of the same type
      • There is also a chance to obtain Corrupted armour when opening a Clue bottle!
        • This armour is untradable.
  • Looting bag now functional!
    • An update that is long past due, the Looting bag is now available for players to use!
    • Obtainable from killing many different enemies in the wilderness
    • Able to store 28 items within -- it is essentially a second inventory that can ONLY be used within the wilderness.
      • The only way to remove the items, though, is to bank the looting bag or to die with it.
        • Banking the looting bag will insert all of its contents into the bank.
        • Dying with the looting bag will release all of the items no matter what.
          • If you died to another player, it will drop for them. Otherwise, the items will only be visible to you for a few minutes.
  • Rune pouch fixes:
    • Previously, the rune pouch would be usable even if it was not in your inventory (banked with runes). This has been fixed.
    • It would also show that you indeed had runes to use on your spellbook and would light up spells, which has also been fixed.
  • Climbing boots access for Ironmen:
    • You can now obtain a pair of Climbing boots from Hamal the Chieftain's shop after completing the Mountain daughter quest.
  • Forum update:
    • Uber rank donator image has been added thanks to @Jedzio
  • Hiscores update:
    • Overall XP will no longer be limited to 2.147m and will now show the correct value.
  • Shop changes:
    • Bounty teleport scroll added for 150 tokens


  • [Wilderness updates]
  • Wilderness Multi-lines fixed:
    • All multi-zones have been corrected. Some areas were incorrectly multi-zones, and some boundaries were also slightly off.
      • The previous multi zone south-west of the graveyard should not have been multi at all and has been removed.
      • Certain areas such as slightly east of Black chinchompas spanning to the Red Dragon Isle which are supposed to be multi were not.
      • Multi-zone surrounding the Lava maze had boundaries that were slightly off.
      • Wilderness agility course boundaries were way off, the arena itself is not multi at all. Matched to OSRS.
    • A ton of time was spent walking around the wilderness on OSRS to make sure these zones were accurate -- but in case an area is incorrect, please PM me to let me know the exact area.
  • Teleportation ~ Cancelling incoming damage:
    • Teleporting with jewellery will now cancel incoming damage similarly to how spellbooks/levers/teleport tablets do.
    • The way this functionality is handled has been changed a bit to ensure that no damage will be taken, even delayed damage -- except that from poison.
  • Mage Arena changes:
    • Melee/ranged PvP combat is no longer allowed within the Mage arena.
    • Similarly to fighting against Battle mages, you can only use Magic spells in PvP from this point moving forward.
    • This covers all areas within the arena once you teleport through the lever, meaning the sides of the arena are also Magic only.
  • Bounty teleport added:
    • Unlocked through a *tradable* Bounty teleport scroll -- Purchasable from the PKP shop or web store.
      • Spell works from either the Normal, Ancient or Lunar spellbooks with a requirement of 85 Magic.
      • Requires 1 Law rune, 1 Death rune and 1 Chaos rune and grants 45 experience.
      • Chance of not using runes to cast with a Staff of the dead/SOTD or Kodai wand.
    • Function:
      • Will teleport you within 12 squares of your target, as long as you are both in the wilderness and you are not teleblocked or in combat.
  • PKP Shop updates:
    • Dragon claws, Abyssal dagger and Heavy ballista removed from PKP shop.
    • Bounty teleport scroll added to PKP shop
    • Overall PKP prices slightly increased
  • Emblem exchange changes:
    • Emblems will now give 30% more coins and 25% less PKP.
  • Food->Combat delay fixed:
    • Eating food (not potions) will now have a more accurate delay before being able to attack again.
    • This includes certain healing potions, including: Saradomin brews, Guthix rest, and Xeric's aid.
  • Teleblock fix:
    • Previously, a player could turn on Protect from Magic very late after the teleblock spell is casted and still be protected from it and halve its time.
    • This was incorrect, as the "check" for protection prayer should be checked for immediately when the attacker casts the spell and not after that.
  • Ranged fixes in PvP(and PvM):
    • Many players are aware that many bolt specials were broken and mostly non-functional. These have been fixed to balance the combat triangle:
      • Dragon bolts (e) effect:
        • Damage increased by 45%
        • Does not work if the enemy is wearing an Anti-dragon shield, Dragonfire shield or drank an Anti-fire potion.
      • Diamond bolts (e) effect:
        • Increases max hit by 15%
        • Lowers target's Ranged defence by 25%
      • Onyx bolts (e) effect:
        • Damage increased by 20%
        • Heal your health by 25% of the damage dealt
        • The healing part of this special was already functional before, but not the damage increase.
      • (Emerald bolts (e) effect tweaked as well)


Enjoy, and as always, please report any bugs that you find :)

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:09 AM #2


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Shift-drops? Get out of town! Unreal updates, my man. Love these QOL's; amazing syncs.

Posted ImagePosted Image

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:11 AM #3


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loved it , thanks omi! <3 keep up the good work! :D

best regards
3rdage :)

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:12 AM #4

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So pumped. Thanks a bunch for the long awaited updates!

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:12 AM #5


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Very big and nice update, Well done on this. Thanks to all who participated in making this update possible.

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:14 AM #6

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great updates

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:15 AM #7

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Incredible!!!!!!!! You're a beast!!! Woohoo keep it up omi ;) <3

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:15 AM #8

Itz dolph

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Love you Omicron, Thanks for the updates!

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:21 AM #9

BAMF Pinoy
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Damn, time to get that looting bag! 


Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:23 AM #10

Ava max cape

Ava max cape
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look forward to logging back on ^.^

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:26 AM #11

Iron Buck

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Awesome Job on these updates +1 from me! 




- New Account (Pet Olmlet) -



​Ironman - Pet Olmlet

​Ex-Main - Iron Buck

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:27 AM #12

deathz Guru
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Thanks for the updates. great work! 

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:28 AM #13

Iron Bryan

Iron Bryan
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Way to please the masses ;)

KeOjx5x.png Bryan KeOjx5x.png



uqJkwwo.png Ironman x28C7T1.png

Thanks to @Heavy_Balls for the awesome sig.

That's my duder!

Posted 04 March 2017 - 02:45 AM #14


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Great updates, good work.







Posted 04 March 2017 - 03:00 AM #15

UIM series

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RFD chest and Zulrah chest are still broken for UIM, I also made a bug report.

Posted 04 March 2017 - 03:18 AM #16

Iron Sux

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Amazing updates as always. 

Thanks a lot and keep up the great work. 

Posted 04 March 2017 - 03:48 AM #17


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amazing updates


Posted 04 March 2017 - 03:51 AM #18

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Nice updates

Posted 04 March 2017 - 05:42 AM #19


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Thanks for the amazing updates Omicron, let's go Alora #1!

Part of Alora's Dream Staff Team

Oldschool Inc.


classic_large.png Classic Mew 1.2/4.6B

hcim.png Death Loc



Posted 04 March 2017 - 06:03 AM #20


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This is excellent, well needed
good shit omi!

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