Could it be lowered to something as 100 combat level, with 99 slayer?
Right now im 105 CB 20 def pure, and I would love to have extreme slayer tasks, I have slayer with 18.5m xp and Ive never gotten a abyssal demon task, I guess its a extreme task? Would love to have those.
Or atleast make it unlockable from the store with points if u are lower level.
Abyssal Demons is not an extreme task, it's a hard one. I guess you just need to get lucky! I also think extreme tasks should be lowered to just a 99 Slayer requirement.
Abyssal demons - Abyssal sire (currently bugged tho, Sire doesn't come out of his throne at stage 2 or 3 at times, alot of times tbh)
There HAS to be more, but idk atm can't reach in that part of my brain
Ogre should be Bandos
Aviansies - Arma
Black dragons should also be KBD
Support for the pures doing extreme tasks #purelivesmatter since they're a minority here hehe xd
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Eagle (scout)
Vados (pure)
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