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Big suggestions

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Posted 25 February 2017 - 08:36 AM #1


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  • platinum tokens
  • Shift-click drop
  • Nightmare zone (custom point shop)
  • Last man standing
  • Hill giant boss (Crystal key drop chance)
  • World 2

These are some big but lovely additional updates/ new content I would like to see on Alora. I know this could not be in the update list next week... But in a long term, this will boost our content compared to other servers a lot if you ask me.

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Posted 25 February 2017 - 08:49 AM #2

Turban eater

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Some people may not know what Platinum Tokens are since they are fairly new, please edit post and explain so others will know whether to support or not.


Anyway, support all of these.







Posted 25 February 2017 - 08:55 AM #3


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  • Yes
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  • I guess, useless boss though - I may be wrong?
  • Server isn't active enough for a second world, would split the community, not needed.


Posted 25 February 2017 - 09:27 AM #4


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good suggestions but the the hill giant boss is meh..

id rather see infernal items work and an infernal harpoon added :P

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Posted 25 February 2017 - 09:28 AM #5

Iron Senpai

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I agree with all besides the second world. It's not even that I don't think we have the necessary players, more so just that at this point I feel like it is kind of unnecessary. Support for the others though  :D

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Posted 25 February 2017 - 10:44 AM #6


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I support all of these besides World 2. I personally don't think that the community should be split.

Posted 25 February 2017 - 11:03 AM #7

Lun Lun

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While i can infer, I really don't feel comfortable supporting a suggestion that has no explanation tied to it. Elaborate.


Posted 25 February 2017 - 11:52 AM #8


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Don't like the idea of a world 2, our player count dips at night (EST -5) below 200, would be awkward to have an even lower count. Agree with the others, especially tokens.

Posted 25 February 2017 - 04:27 PM #9

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Support all but world 2, nice list.

Posted 25 February 2017 - 05:23 PM #10


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While i can infer, I really don't feel comfortable supporting a suggestion that has no explanation tied to it. Elaborate.

What's to elaborate, everything is literally self explanatory. But here you go.


  • platinum tokens = So you can have more than 2147m in coins.
  • Shift-click drop = So you can drop items easier, it's a new osrs update.
  • Nightmare zone (custom point shop) = This is the only suggestion which could be explained more, but meh not really. If this was added, it'd be nice to have the shop polled.
  • Last man standing = Osrs content, no need to explain this.
  • Hill giant boss (Crystal key drop chance) = Osrs content, no need to explain this.
  • World 2 = Not much reason to explain this either, obviously so areas are less packed but can be done in different ways, it's personal preference.


Posted 25 February 2017 - 06:16 PM #11

Lun Lun

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What's to elaborate, everything is literally self explanatory. But here you go.


  • platinum tokens = So you can have more than 2147m in coins.
  • Shift-click drop = So you can drop items easier, it's a new osrs update.
  • Nightmare zone (custom point shop) = This is the only suggestion which could be explained more, but meh not really. If this was added, it'd be nice to have the shop polled.
  • Last man standing = Osrs content, no need to explain this.
  • Hill giant boss (Crystal key drop chance) = Osrs content, no need to explain this.
  • World 2 = Not much reason to explain this either, obviously so areas are less packed but can be done in different ways, it's personal preference.


-I've never heard of a platinum token in my life. I've seen servers use 100m and 1b tickets before but that's it.

-Shift-click sounds fine

-Never played nightmare zone, I have no idea what you have to do, how much effort it will take to develop, what the rewards are or how much they'll cost and I have no idea how well it will synergize with the other content we have. So yeah, needs a little bit more of a fucking explanation.

-No idea what this is, it's content I never got experience in my brief time on OSRS.

-Again, never saw it in OSRS, no idea what it's going to entail.

-World 2 is self-explanatory in a sense but I have no idea if it will be the same as World 1 or if it's donators only or what.


Not all of us played OSRS that long, I only played it for around 6 months with my dad and he continued on far longer than I did to get his cooking cape. I remember a load of RS2 content, but I wasn't there for the majority of OSRS content. So please, hold the hands of people like me rather than forcing me to not support what could be actually really nice content just due to ignorance of the subject and how it's suggested to be implemented.


Posted 25 February 2017 - 06:45 PM #12


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-I've never heard of a platinum token in my life. I've seen servers use 100m and 1b tickets before but that's it.

-Shift-click sounds fine

-Never played nightmare zone, I have no idea what you have to do, how much effort it will take to develop, what the rewards are or how much they'll cost and I have no idea how well it will synergize with the other content we have. So yeah, needs a little bit more of a fucking explanation.

-No idea what this is, it's content I never got experience in my brief time on OSRS.

-Again, never saw it in OSRS, no idea what it's going to entail.

-World 2 is self-explanatory in a sense but I have no idea if it will be the same as World 1 or if it's donators only or what.


Not all of us played OSRS that long, I only played it for around 6 months with my dad and he continued on far longer than I did to get his cooking cape. I remember a load of RS2 content, but I wasn't there for the majority of OSRS content. So please, hold the hands of people like me rather than forcing me to not support what could be actually really nice content just due to ignorance of the subject and how it's suggested to be implemented.

5 Months 3 weeks longer than I have played actual OSRS for :D But I do see your point, normally with suggestions like this I go straight to wiki to find out the full information on it, as even with someone explaining they may miss out some important details, I also find using wiki to reference things can help with coming up with better ideas. Normally when it comes to suggesting OSRS content I personally just copy/paste or screenshot the wiki page so it gives people the full information on it.


^ Although, NMZ/LMS as you'll see by checking out the wiki pages contains a lot of descriptive information about it, maybe a bit too much to copy/paste or screenshot onto the forums :P.


http://2007.runescap.../Nightmare_Zone <-- It's a bit of a read to get the full understanding. Bit hard to screenshot it all.


http://2007.runescap...st_Man_Standing <- Is also a bit of a read, but I have to say LMS is some amazing content! Defiantly worth checking out.


To access the hill giant boss you basically just kill hill giants, they drop a key which allows you enter this new cave which was added. Contains the boss, doesn't drop much to care for, I believe it dropped a new item called a Hill Giant Club, like a fun weapon. 



Hopefully this helps describes Beproud's suggestions a little bit more for you and anyone else looking for more information on them. :)


Posted 08 March 2017 - 02:20 PM #13


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These are some really good suggestions, I support all of them.

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Posted 09 March 2017 - 11:18 AM #14

Heavy Balls
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Just like most everyone else, support all but another world. If we had 15000 players sure.

In any case no server, no matter how popular should have any other worlds. Everyone should be together.

Posted 03 June 2017 - 12:59 PM #15

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Looks like most of these were added, we'll look into Nightmare Zone in the future.

Your suggestion has been accepted.




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