Community Status Updates

Hello? Is the Kraken pet here....I can’t seem to find him in game...ugh

We are looking for new server supports to join us, apply today if you have the requirements!

MT Don’t think both of them owe any money to someone in need of a hair transplant
Jan 20 2019 06:42 PM

Fine China
My desktop computer unexpectedly broke down on Friday before I headed out for the whole weekend, luckily I have spare laptop to use in the meantime (most likely until the end of the month).

Fine ChinaI will be buying a new one, as I have had the previous one for a good 3-4 years.
Jan 20 2019 04:58 PM -
EIM Django Sucks man, I've been there before, good time to do upgrades though if you're about it
Jan 20 2019 05:54 PM

Prof Magnata
Jan 20 2019 05:48 PM