Community Status Updates

Updated with some hotfixes and added them to the last update topic:

You already know, ;;2fa = a secure account! p.s thanks for all the love and support lads, won't let you down!

We're looking for Server Supports! If you meet the criteria feel free to apply!

Code 002
Code 002 We're looking for Server Supports! If you meet the criteria feel free to apply!

J boogs
Dynasty applications are currently open, we are looking for high tier, active players. Check it out under Clan recruitment section or ::topic39620!

Elite Hacker
You probably got less hours than me per week
it'll be here when you get home
Mar 02 2019 01:24 PM -

Elite Hacker
I would also have to agree myself less running to other farm patches
Mar 02 2019 01:23 PM