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Can ToB please give me my Justiciar chestguard? May Alora jesus be with me, amen.

I can't catch up. By the time I finish planting, my other patches are done.
Mar 05 2019 06:08 PM -

Code 002
Pretty solid birthday yesterday thank you to everyone who told me! And maxing, plus my TOB dry streak ended at 110kc with a scythe then a chest plate. It didn't stop there, I then got ancestral robe bottoms and an elder maul at COX

Elite Hacker
Guys, my Fiances Uncle was shot in a drive by just a little bit ago.. Keep him in your mind, i'm probably not going to be on long depending on his condition. I'll keep updated if something changes.

Elite Hacker
Update; We was called to come back up here due to brain swelling after we’ve already went home for the night at around 1:30 I called in at work and told them I wouldn’t make it but he can hear you and move but he won’t open his eyes so he’s still fighting, thank you to all you guys for your thoughts. Looks like it’ll be a long recovery if he pulls through, but that’s better than being dead. But if he turns for the worse they will end up pulling the plug on him. But like I said thank you guys.
Mar 05 2019 03:11 PM

EIM Cruel
@Fine China I miss you guys more
Mar 04 2019 12:54 PM -
EIM Cruel
@Nomads Iron we’ve got some good new staff I’m sure they can handle it
Mar 04 2019 12:55 PM -
Mar 05 2019 03:10 AM