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triple dropping acid on the train to take the express to hogwarts cunt

Elite Lime
4 leathers 10 rings , 2 tails , 2 heads, 1100+ kc atm .. and no claw still
Apr 20 2019 04:37 PM

Should be streaming some more GIM content tonight. Or perhaps go for boss kills on normie or grind out UIM. Decisions, decisions...

Why do speed walkers look like kids who are told not to run around the pool?

IRON 26 10
Just because someone stumbles, loses their way.. it doesn’t mean they’re lost forever.

Fe China
We give our lives to the people that judge us, then put our middle fingers up to the people that love us?

Code 002 Can't forget you also lose the vision of the big picture when you forget the small things
Apr 08 2019 11:49 PM -

Chuckoramma1 its summer time cut grass eat ass and ill have you know my lawn is fake it don't need lawn care
Apr 08 2019 09:32 AM -

200 iq prime pet hunt: make instance and kill that prime while the one in the normal room respawns - x2 faster kc