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Community Status Updates



Hello, we're looking for highly motivated and dedicated players to join our staff team as server supports. That can be done via the in-game command ::apply or scrolling down to the management part of the forums, use the template provided to the best of your abilities. If you meet the requirements, don't hesitate to apply. Make sure to read the guidelines before applying!
May 30 2019 07:09 AM
  • BABY MAMA's Photo
    oh boy i hope i get accepted
    Jun 01 2019 07:47 PM

Doc Hellish

Raids 1 bonus (x1.2) will be turned on today from 5pm server time for 2.5 hours!
May 30 2019 12:06 AM


Still deciding on what the next $ event will be.
May 29 2019 08:25 PM
  • Easts's Photo
    josh just stop u bad
    May 30 2019 04:17 AM
  • 40a's Photo
    HCI pvp tourney with a game time cap! So players who can’t get on as much wont be in as much of a disadvantage.

    Just set a capped time that can be exceeded until the day of the fight
    May 31 2019 11:20 PM
  • 40a's Photo
    Can’t be exceeded**
    May 31 2019 11:20 PM


doing inferno with 400-500 ping is fun, barely passed 3 jads fml
May 29 2019 07:47 AM


Give it up for day 23!
May 28 2019 03:25 PM


Looking to buy a laptop within a few days to play more conveniently. Question is which one?!
May 28 2019 05:27 AM
  • Endeavor's Photo
    @Vape Tricks, I was thinking ASUS or MSI. I have built a few custom PCs but laptops are a whole new ball game for me!
    May 28 2019 03:04 PM
  • Not Enzo's Photo
    Not Enzo
    I just wouldn't recommend laptops at all. Not worth it for the long run.
    May 28 2019 04:54 PM
  • Endeavor's Photo
    The thing is @Not Enzo is that I work quite a bit and having that convenience would be a positive for me. Besides, I might just settle for a store bought one to be honest. As I mentioned, I'm not looking for anything spectacular.
    May 28 2019 05:00 PM


The Inferno Grind - Complete.
May 28 2019 12:20 AM
  • Nomad's Photo
    comp cape loc?
    May 28 2019 05:42 AM
  • Endeavor's Photo
    Grats Sin!
    May 28 2019 05:54 AM

J boogs

To all my Veteran's out there, Thank you for your services. Mad respect to you all. <3
May 27 2019 10:13 AM
  • Endeavor's Photo
    May 28 2019 05:54 AM
  • Hot Cakes's Photo
    Hot Cakes
    Don't worry about it, was ez ;)
    May 28 2019 01:15 PM


Hello, we're looking for highly motivated and dedicated players to join our staff team as server supports. That can be done via the in-game command ::apply or scrolling down to the management part of the forums, use the template provided to the best of your abilities. If you meet the requirements, don't hesitate to apply. Make sure to read the guidelines before applying!
May 27 2019 07:49 AM

Code 002

Hello, we're looking for highly motivated and dedicated players to join our staff team as server supports. That can be done via the in-game command ::apply or scrolling down to the management part of the forums, use the template provided to the best of your abilities. If you meet the requirements, don't hesitate to apply. Make sure to read the guidelines before applying!
May 27 2019 02:08 AM


HEY! I know you see this status, don't scroll ANY further... click this link and vote: https://www.alora.io/forums/topic/55020-may-2019-motm-poll/
May 25 2019 07:59 PM


Hello, we're looking for highly motivated and dedicated players to join our staff team as server supports. That can be done via the in-game command ::apply or scrolling down to the management part of the forums, use the template provided to the best of your abilities. If you meet the requirements, don't hesitate to apply. Make sure to read the guidelines before applying!

May 25 2019 04:43 AM