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@  Kareem Sqr : (24 March 2025 - 12:31 AM)

To start league, you have to make a new acc

@  Kareem Sqr : (24 March 2025 - 12:30 AM)

https://www.alora.io/forums/topic/93719-210325-leagues-50-is-live/#entry511156 @SaladEaterJr

@  SaladEaterJr : (23 March 2025 - 07:08 PM)

how i do league and whats the prize

@  H : (23 March 2025 - 03:27 PM)

make a topic here: https://www.alora.io...rum/27-appeals/

@  10inchcock : (23 March 2025 - 09:30 AM)

any staff available to check my appeal please. account locked for security reasons

@  HighAlch : (22 March 2025 - 10:40 PM)

yo why is it stuck on "connecting to update server" wont load past it I cant log on....

@  HighAlch : (22 March 2025 - 10:39 PM)


@  League Motz : (22 March 2025 - 04:38 PM)

is there a way to check the linked main account for leagues?

@  CUCKCHAIR2 : (22 March 2025 - 11:24 AM)

is there anyone i need to talk to for for league clog entry? i did tithe yday but it is not in #game news on disc

@  Gurnface : (22 March 2025 - 04:19 AM)

Clue guide

@  BaBlo : (22 March 2025 - 12:41 AM)

and when i come back i was in jail

@  BaBlo : (22 March 2025 - 12:41 AM)

i was training thieving and then i get quostion and i didint answer it but i go to smoke

@  BaBlo : (22 March 2025 - 12:39 AM)

can anyone hellp me im in jail

@  BaBlo : (22 March 2025 - 12:38 AM)


@  mrMIYAGI : (21 March 2025 - 10:49 PM)


@  Kirk Lazarus : (21 March 2025 - 10:46 PM)

Omi is currently working on a fix lizards, it'll be up soon

@  mrMIYAGI : (21 March 2025 - 10:41 PM)

I’ll see if his willing to look into it but there isn’t certainty he’d reimburse it

@  TSOHG : (21 March 2025 - 10:37 PM)

any eta on when it will be back up?

@  TSOHG : (21 March 2025 - 10:37 PM)

i hope i didnt lose the archer ring i just got

@  STDs Are Fun : (21 March 2025 - 10:30 PM)

@mrmiyagi Omi has drops logs

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KandyHouse, KaraV89248, Kareem Sqr, KarimHonor, Kartman, Katins, Kawliss, kaykayleague, kaykayleagut, kaykayleaguy, kaylav, Kbjergg, Kbjerggg, KebinTea L5, Kelli43Z93, Kelsareigh, KennyGrish, Kenpachi77, keos, keoss, kerza, ketquanetorg, khiy, KianniDaT, Kieran12, Kieran123, Kieran1234, kikilord111, killerham2, killerham3, killprodigy, Killz4Food, King Holy, King Ladamor, KING OF TH3, KingTommygs, KingZ Dutchy, KingZ Wesley, KingZjoey, kingzjoey1, kiritogol, KiritoPVP, Kirk Lazarus, kkevun, Klepo, KlNGS, Klonopins, ko kay, Kohlrabi, Kominis, kopjeekoffie, Kopjekoffie, Koss, KotaKush2, KotaKush9, KPurple, Kqt, Kres2, KTM1, Kuhao, Kunzee, Kydris, Kylden, Kyle, Kynandel, L T Elite, L Toad, l Zillon l, L3g4cy, L5 Cosmik, l5 Gyoo, l5 Gyooh, l5 Gyoojetai, l5 hakoda, l5 king bumi, laddylongleg, Ladnav, LaidToRest, Lanyard Pls, Larenaagoft, LargeMole, larsi37, Lary, Lassyba, Laszlo, LattePerfect, LBrian, le 5th, League chill, League Fairy, League Gooey, League Her, League Lad, League Motz, league pasty, league silk, League spoon, League Swief, League Tus, League Wren, LeagueBitch, LeagueChase5, LeagueInfHat, leaguejager, Leaguenoob, LeaguePack, LeaguePossum, LeaguerMan, leagues five, Leagues of E, Leagues prod, Leagues5, LeaguesBitch, LeagueSeek, LeagueSilver, LeaguesJesus, LeaguesLlama, leaguesmoon5, LeaguesSnufl, leaguetpk777, LeagueWilson, Leastweasel, leauges mex, leBoink, Leland4837, leli136, lemonLeagues, lemonsplash, LenardGree, leonas, Leopoldogaw, lepeltjuh, LeroyW583, lets funk, lexdysic, Ley, LG Roots, lg5 maindude, lg5maindude2, liambest4, Lied Too, LigerWroro, Liigajukka, Like2party, Lil Chino, Lil League, lillyawa, LilRat, lilwhiskers1, Lime Life, LimitBreak, LincolnSel, Linkari, Lino388, lislis, Little Snack, Live at 5, LJ2k24, llo, llo2, lmage, lnalld, lNVALID, lNVALlD, Locothology, Logan, lokaletku, loko23, Lol russians, Lolo455, Lolo455s, LonRischbi, Look Me Up, Loot Loc, Lord maxed, LordFourth, lordvirius, LorenzaFra, Lose control, Lostryuu, LourdFourth, LowonV2, Ltank, Lucifer94, LUCK FEAGUES, luckluck, luckluck114, luka77, Luke 610, Lukeee, Lumii, Luminitates, lun kun, Lunaleague, Lunamira, Lussie99, Luunappi, lycken, lycken jr, Lyda, LydiaTrude, Lyngo, Lynimpen, Lynxys, M1 Carbine12, m2yacademy14, m57 alt, m57 alt 2, m57 alt 3, m57 alt 4, m57 enjo666, M57 Enjoyer, MablePulle, Mack, MadLama, Mafia Cool, Magdss, Mage, Magenta Cat, Maggis 44, MagicSi, Magnum Heat, magot slayer, Mairon, MAJOR LEAGUE, Makentauras, MalissaKlm, Maniilsaw, Mardzz, Mariska, marisolgamin, MaroldeSoniA, Marrks, Martin23, MaryellenP, Masco313, Mastatoby, Matchaa, Matrozis, Matroziss, Matrozisss, Matrozissss, Matrozisssss, Matter094, Matter94, Mattes13, MattWellard, Max, maxlolol, Maztro, MC KROKET, Mc Savage, McMuffin, melocake, MelodeeSwa, MercyRasy, MesutBrozil, MeTarnished2, metri, Mewtwo, Mhk, Midget king, miedo15, Mikes alt, MikeShaby, Miklo13, MilkDragon, MillaBenne, mille jaoks, Millo, Millsboy, mindcontrol, MinionCow, Minou, MinStappen, mis jule, misbehave, MisessMocha, misleadiiing, Misonator, miss the gym, Mitsuki RE, MLK1997, MLYLily701, MMXX, Mobile Daddy, mobile danny, Mobious Dick, mochiii, moin1, MoisesU, Mol Balmog, Mollydon, Monkey Eye, Monkeyhugger, Monster11, Mooder, mooham11, moohamhead12, Mordiib, Morgul Blade, Moron, MotoRazor, Motzerella, Moxibae, MpenziDeago, Mr Bolts, Mr crank, Mr Richard, mrallgood97, mrashihama, mrb iron, MrBigfoot, MrIssues, MrMacchiato, MrMaromorn, mrno0ne, Mrragealot, Ms Bums, Mtam, Mufasa, MujeRieGo904, Munchichi, muneriego904, Munken, Mvp Chex, mx rules, My Valhalla, My0wnMan, myauris11, Myda, myGP, MyNameSucks, MyOwnLight, Mysterium, N00BI, N1c, NadineHero, NadineLord, NagginNagger, Nail Yo Sis, Nalcs, NaldBigga69, napinbrill, Naralath, Natae-Tyanna, natedawg97, NatEnHardII, Nbness2, nbness2L, nbnesss, NCYD, Nedas159, needahrimjob, NellieHutc, Neon Rust, neonamicbank, Netho, Newbile, newbilian, Newbilian1, Newbilian12, newmadeacc, Nezzz, nhacauytinc, Nice wood, Nicks Main, Nicoc, Niveksyat, nivvy0, NKYPops, no one knows, NoBeunoAmigo, Noble Panda, nodrystreak, nofapguy, Noize, noja, NoLuckNeeded, NomSlay, noobydoobydo, Norax, Norox, Not Blu, Not Shadow, not trying, Not XtU, NotABitch, notagoodname, NotGuronsan, Nova Life, NovaAvevY, novandi, Novaxx, Novaxxx, Novazz, NovellaWei, Novocaine, nox hally, Nox0, nozzo, nty jnr, NU3, Nudy, Nurox, nutface, NXOTyree63, Nytmare, NYZ0, nzFINEST, o0 noobs 0o, obsidianpyre, obypker0wns, Odin 4, Odn, odonmemes, Oergezond, Og Jp, OG way, OGSTOKKIE, oh, Oily Chit07, Oinkages, Oji, OldSpaghetti, Omicron, Omio, OmiOmi, Omiomiii, Omniman, Onions, Onthenodagen, Oonsar, oopsy, OpheliaOat, OpheliaOVARY, orange cat35, Orikalka, Orikalka 2, OrmemundkeP, Orps, Orugu, Ostn, Otked, otten, Otto, Outcasted, OutComeZz, Overseeker, Oylrig, Ozaki07, oZaq, oZaqzy, OZXAdrienn, Ozzyyy, p i z z a, P O M, Padrin, PainForGain, Paladini, pantalones, Papa Girtj, Papa Steve, PAPIRUKI, Parisjof, PastaSaladJR, Paul, pauly 176, PBR Chugger, pckle tckler, Peere, PenneyPump, PeowPeow, pepud on elu, Percero, PerryCox, pessidiot, Peter G, Pexy, Pezznyneek, Pezzyneek, pg I3, PH Official, Phanny phart, Pharm, Pharm Mule, pharmD2, Phat Sam, Phosani, Phyniex1, pickletoe, Pierrex009, Pikenrolas, Pilc VI, Pillin, pimpnispimpn, pintogori, pintogouri, Piso, Pitac21, PIXELGOD3D2, PIXELGOD3D3, Pizdukastank, Pizdukasz, Pk1ng, Plum25, Plummie, Pmwestonia, point whore, poke88, Polind, Pollnivneach, Pommie420, pomsky, Pookiebear, POOKS, POOKS CLUES, PoonchLeague, POOOKS, Pottom, Pr93mium, praxi league, pretent, Preto fodido, Preto Ladrao, PridwynAltem, primeape, Probruh, Prodiggy, Prody, Professor K, prorusher, Prxme, Pukahontus, PukaLeague5, pulqz league, punishment07, puppys, Pur3bs817, PurpleSword, Purr titan, pyle525, Q C, qhost, Quaggsire, quarto, QUICCnTHICC, Quincense, QuinnRoush, Radagon, rafexx, Rafiel, ramonnoe, Randypyday, Ranger Bootz, Rangerpk ko, rareflower, RatedRed, Raud Hugo, Raymonsib, Razoul, Rdudley5, RE Mitsuki, real beer, Real Cheese, real halo, Real Ivy, Real NWO, real praxi, Real Scar, RealBigAl, realligator, realplayer, Realzach, Reaper, ReasonedWood, red nova, RedaAbdo, redcar, redelephantz, Redrum13, Redvelvet13, RegalChunk, ReginaJara, reginee, regnosol, Relisade, Rellik2110, rerunsss, REXOC, RG12, RichardMes, Rigz, rigzxx, rike77, Rimkhanio, rizzooo, RNG Smith, Rob103, Roberteffok, RobertGold, RobertoB20, RochelleCa, RockHardIron, roda4ever, RogueStar, roney57, ronrigatoni, Rooger, roosie, rootsikunn, RosalinaKl, RoseBL44, RowYourBoat, Rs Is Gay, Run4me, Runecraft, RuneDaddy, Runemage3, RuneMommy, Ruwk, RuxHi, Rvz866, Rxr, RyliesacY, Ryslatha, Ryuu, ryuuleague, S 13, S a n d elsz, s7s, saer, Saerdna, saerk, Sagacious, Sage Leagues, Sage Squid, sageleagues, Sagetoad2443, sailing main, Saint Demon, Saint mesus, SaladEaterJr, salama, SALxSpartan, Sammy Frog, SamuelDunr, Sancho, SandroTonali, SanityDance, Santa mauled, SaSnah, Satan Smash, SauceIM, Savan7, scamleagues, scarfed cat, ScaryLarry, scaryz, Scoopy, Scorn, Scorny, ScottIron, scram, screw cb xp, ScroteStroke, Se7en S1ns, Seany07, SeeknSurge, Seiran, Selas420, Sell to me, SensaiUchiha, Sephrothdx, Ser Germain, serverisgay, sewerinhand, sexoman, sexth, shade ice, Shadow L5, Shadowweasel, Shane r, She wasnt 17, ShellaEsca, SheriMonzo, Shitter dab, shivanis09, Shohei, shotzy, Shoupp, ShowNudes, shrexy, SICVI, SICVII, SideHoe, SidneyMrd, SidoniaDup, siiiiiiiiiii, Silevaw, Silsa, Sima, Simal, Simply Sober, sip n purp, SIPH0N, Sir berus, sirkeravnosl, SirTarnished, Sixfoot, Skavlar, skendon, skill4lyf3, Skinnylard12, skylar29, sladereal, Slapnuts, Slayer07, SleepyJoe229, Slickback999, slisards, slugmanuts, Slunt, SlutForTrade, smallyewlogs, SmashPack, Smest, Smiksmaks, SmilesHard, Smiv League, Smoking dabs, Smollox, smoothcock91, smoothrock91, Snaip1t, Sniper Shots, snowstorm, SoFarMIA, Sogpunisher, soliddude, Solo Dodgerr, Solo Joseph, Solo Rookie, solodolo68, somethinn, SoNotLyda, Sorb, SotilasNibs, Souleague, SoulfulxLady, Soulfuse, Soulitaio, Souliuge, Sovereign6, spacecowboii, spacecrayon, Speakeasy01, SpecterZeo, Spellmonger, Spetsnaz, Spunj, Squeal acc8, squeal acc9, Squeefstew, SRT Playboy, Sshxne, St Maximo, StacyKirke, StampedeDNB, STANI, StanleyHin, Stark Ind, Starve, stbpwn312, STDs Are Fun, Stefanbof, StellaOju, Stentorsk, Stephynben, StevenJer, StickyBoy3, Still Crappy, Stonchief420, Stormy LEEG, StretchHoles, Stretchy345, Strif165, Strongdude99, strudelle, suck this, Sucka 4 luv, Sudds, Sully28, SunnyGummy, Superior, Supernovae, superslam29, Supervisor, Suspiria, Sweaty Feets, Sweatypillow, Swief, swizls, swordfigh180, Sylor, Synarex, synnyxx, Synyx, T Leagues, T5 Fuq, Taj Enseke, Tak, Tak jr, Takaraquige, Tale Of Us, Tale Of V, Tales Of IV, Tales Of X, Tamber, TamikaMons, Tammacon, Tankboi, Tauri, Tauri League, Tdadddyyyy, teber15, tebersalt, Technoblade, Technowicki, Ted48H7403, teecko, teh lye, Tehnoobshoww, Temu Tina, TERK, terrycrew, Tesier, ThanhNoyes, ThatMex, The Carry, The Exalted, The Maiar, The Winner, theatermaker, TheDonTrump, theeeek, Theek, theg0d125, TheGas, TheMenace, TheRealAmpz, TheSpark, TheTrueAlpha, TheTWiGG, ThnkUBasdGod, Thorr2, Thorru, Thunderbeard, TickleMeYone, Tidemann, tiffo, tijlvh108, TillyHeadl, timed, tinfoill, tinytreees, Tism Fe, Tistina, To gain, Tofuoyl, toke on rawz, Tom11141, TomNem925, tompika7, ToniBmn419, tonk L5, tonyt, toonamii, Tothiana, Tr1pped, tramias, TreeDad, Triangulum, Tridenti, Tridentti, Tripa, Trippy Trip, TrudiLovek, Trump MAGA, TrumpWonBro, TSOHG, Tsovtovhmoob, Tumor Thijs, TunexYT, Turbo Moose, Turd Burglar, Tus L5, TWGG, TYBG, tylerrod, Tylorpaul777, tyluuuhh, tyluuuhhh, TyrellGawl, U, Ubbington, UIM Goofy, UIM Leagues, Ulquiorra227, Ultra Ball, ultramarina, UnderBeefer, UnderCalroot, up the arse, UpChurch, uriel867, Urmas1000, Urmas10000, urmas1000000, USA VERY FAT, uwk, VaginaGood, VaikePeenis, Val cross, ValKaiz, Valkeny3, ValorieZzz, VampirePrinc, Variant, VARlANT, vcaregvv, VedaWhitel, velleagor, Velleghor, veuleke, VEWDelila, Vi na, viking boi, Viola Lynn, Violynn, VirginiaKi, Virtualdr3am, Vis Maior, Vitarah, volvo V70, voodroo1, vprimestar, vss, vyst, VZCocu, w i k i, W00lly sheep, w00llysheep, w2leaguesloc, Wallnut26, WallStBlend, Wapd1109, wapd1109wa, Waq, Wariko, was a freak, Waza1, Wazflaz, Wdavid457, We Raid, weeditarian, Weeksbeats, Weissach, Weissach RE, wesley046NL, westerne, wet alt, wet one, whatssup, wheel fixer, whitelight01, whiteranger1, whiterice, Whitetuna69, WhoSaidThat, whtssup, whyback, wiegerdam, WilliamsonVo, WillisFife, Wilma1235, Win All Day, Windrunner, Wingull, winnie poop, Wisardthe2nd, Wittoncob, woffer, wolt babajus, Woolly Hat, wooly23, Wtf Dennis, Wtfamido1ng, Wumbo Jumbo, wumbu jumbu, WxM sheep, x marcelo x, X VioLenc3 X, X3k, Xam420, xar3, xAzeal, xAzeal hc, xBandz, xBeans, xDivini, Xdwill, xelorg, xemicLT, Xentbeu, XercesKi, xferanger1, xHubrisx, xhusky, xianyuki, XL3f, XL3fx, xLiam, xLoudness, xMistics, xohhx, Xomyachifka, Xp Monster, xpaw, Xsis, xsnow, xsnoww, xsnowx, xTdizzle, XtU, XxLostxXOnyx, xYorgen, Yautja, Yautya, YeetMcSkeet, yelloww, yesimdunn, ykard, YLFN, Yo, YOINKEDGANG, Yolanda95O, Yoo leagues, Yorgen, Yotarn, you only, YouAreAU, YouLose, Yovany45, ypahukujy, Yujii, Z u m i i, Za Za, Zaantje, zachmighty, Zalent, Zamorak UIM, Zaqzy, zBatman, Zeam Zocket, Zearon, zeds dead bb, Zedsdeadbaby, Zee best, Zerkme3times, Zethix, Zionist, ziron, Zita06V856, zobbey, Zoe Parker, zowla, Zsal, Zuidmuis, Zulra 512, Zulrah Slave, zulrahleague, Zulu pihtaa, zurditto, Zuted, Zyler, zynahara