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Off-topic Discussion

Post non-game related discussion. Not the place for spam!

  • 66 topics
  • 338 replies
Happy birthday to me. - last post by GIM SPUDLET


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Showcase GFX that you have made or share your techniques here!

  • 327 topics
  • 3035 replies
I'm back! (again) - last post by Sagacious


Any discussion related to music. Make sure to share any artists you think others may enjoy!

  • 143 topics
  • 2867 replies
What Song Are You Currently... - last post by SCIM Tamber


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  2. Pictures,
  3. Anime,
  4. Television/Movies

Share media that is not related to Alora

  • 227 topics
  • 1120 replies
Age Log - last post by strudelle


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  2. Playstation,
  3. Xbox,
  4. Other

Share all your gaming experiences here

  • 34 topics
  • 299 replies
Call of Duty® | Modern Warf... - last post by S3


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All other threads that have no designated section

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  • 6652 replies
Notice me Senpai - last post by Jacob


Old posts & spam go here.

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