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Member Since 05 Feb 2018
Previous Username: Classic Arkz
Offline Last Active Jun 30 2023 10:02 AM

#334208 Road to 4.6B and Realism Pure

Posted by Bad Behavior on 29 January 2020 - 10:53 PM

This is a quick run down of what i plan on doing on Alora.






#333803 TOB Scaling

Posted by Elite on 27 January 2020 - 10:06 PM

What is your suggestion?: Scale down the hp on the bosses in tob 150 hp per party member missing (-150 for 1 less person, -300 for 2 less people etc) 

Is this in OSRS?: No.

Has this suggestion been accepted already?: No.

How would this benefit Alora?: It would be a simple qol to TOB. CoX currently scales down/up to the number of people in your party and it would be nice to see TOB do the same. I've seen many groups disband due to the fact they can't find a fifth man and don't feel they can 4 man, maybe taking that extra 150 hp off each boss could show them it's possible for them, just a thought I had :)

#329896 Christmas Giveaway Drawing

Posted by Aritus on 03 January 2020 - 03:35 AM

Smh rich getting richer..


OT: Congratulations everyone and now we can twin irl too with your new upcoming sweater @Arkadus / @Fe Arkz!

#329056 December 2019 MOTM (Winner)

Posted by oijnmukfvrg on 29 December 2019 - 07:22 AM

Hey guys,

This months winner (December 2019) is
SuperiorIQ  Check your donation manager within 48 hours for your 3 bonds! You have also won a forum award and will be on the front page for the entire month.

Thank you to everyone who voted and participated! See you guys next month.




Alora Administration Team


#329066 Introduction

Posted by ishurina on 29 December 2019 - 08:43 AM

Just posting to say hi, nice to meet you all, and i hope i have fun on this rsps

#322996 ........did we killed hcim? xddd!

Posted by Horror on 26 November 2019 - 07:47 AM

1st day after retiring & my opps still getting bodied ;///////

why he had rev brace he is NOT close 2 revenant cave lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  B)  wat a dumb noob!!!





#322357 Ultimate Raider episode 1 - Wilderness Adventures!

Posted by Elite on 23 November 2019 - 09:04 AM

Welcome to my new series boys! For those of you who didn't see the first episode explaining what this is going to be about my goal is to compelte both raids collection logs doing every chambers solo while allowing myself to do group tob. I will start with base gear and allow myself one upgrade every 30 raids. For those of you who watch oldschool youtubers you may know Asian Rice Cup and this series is inspired by him. 

Much love to all those who supported me. Hope you enjoy the video. Feel free to message me in game if you ever have any questions! <3

#322360 Real Try - Weekly Update #16 (Realism Skiller)

Posted by No CBs on 23 November 2019 - 09:27 AM

Hello guys. We've hit the 4 month mark! I am grateful for all of you who has gone on this journey with me! Many more months to come! <3


See last weeks update -> Click Here






Total XP




Bank Worth




Time Played







#304661 Souls Series

Posted by Groot on 11 July 2019 - 09:47 PM

Darksouls 3 is probably my favorite out of all of them close to bloodborne. Ds3 is absolutely beautiful and reactive in gameplay. Souls series is a masochistic series and that's not a joke. You WILL die alot.... like alot. My first playthrough took almost 110 hours to complete but my second playthrough took no less than 12 hours.

And what GIM FatJesus said about looking up everything on the wiki is no joke either. There is NO tutorial, you get like 5 trash mobs then a boss that's your tutorial lmfaoooo good luck.

I always try to bully people into playing the souls series because it's so fucking good in almost every aspect. Shit even the story line behind everything is top tier and second to none. You just have to pay attention to details and actually read times AND speak to every NPC over and over again just to get that small hint.

19/10 would recommend the soul series to anyone.

#303296 ICE's June Community Awards Results!

Posted by Eim ash on 02 July 2019 - 05:25 PM

noo @Loo is friendly i swear he's not toxic :c

#303085 Dynasty's Third Month of CoX and ToB Loot

Posted by Chicken be on 01 July 2019 - 10:21 AM

Ok, First of all I want to apologize for any mistakes in grammar or spelling considering English isn't my first language.

First up, my name is Chicken Be and I'm one of the owners of Dynasty.
Now normally I stay away from this staff/clan drama but now I feel like I just can't. The absolute lack of pure professionalism of certain High Staff members reacting to this topic and to our Dynasty achievement topic (56125) completely disgusts me.
After looking at the ICE raid drops topic, I agree it looks very similair. I don't really look at forums besides it being Dynasty related or some pk banter once a while, so I didn't notice this earlier. But seeing as this is our 3rd month of posting our raid drops, and noticing just now how strongly you guys don't agree with using the same layout, I would have expected a response sooner. This hit me very hard because, for me, this came straight out of the blue. As an owner of Dynasty I would really appreciate to be notified if you guys have any problems with us, forums/ discord or ingame wise.
All replies on both topic were positive, in my eyes an overall good thing for Alora, it brings the people closer. But now that KP, Hellish, Mack and Drai posted these unnecessary forums replies, all the work Ash put into both topics got absolutely destroyed. This guy still worked hard on both these topics and now it all went to shit due to these negativities. 
I love some good clan rivalry, it pushes us all to do better. Competition makes us want to be the best, that is why both ICE and Dynasty raid threads are full of big drops, we want to compete and there is nothing wrong with that. Same goes for our pk clans on alora, they push both sides to be the best, all of them got their own favorite way to pk but that's choice. In the end aren't we competing with other rsps's? To make (or keep) Alora Number 1? This isn't good for the community.
The most fun I had during an Alora event was the Juggernaut event, when ICE/Peeks/Dynasty went against CVI/Liths. Such a big war with pretty much everyone in in which pretty much everyone who cared had a small participation. It was awesome to hear other voices in discord VC, hearing some kind of coordination come through from people who never interacted with eachother. It's safe to say, I had a blast back then, after the event, most went their own ways again and that was that. I would certainly not mind cooperating with another clan in the future for certain events, I would invite all Alorian clans to do so. 
Another lovely event was the last Pvm cup, Dynasty took it home, but for me that wasn't the best thing that happened that day. It was certain people pming me or some staff coming into the Dynasty CC to congratulate us on a fabulous achievement and teamwork. Those things make a community great, not this petty bullshit of 'stealing layout' and flamebaiting us on forums. I'm not talking about the whole staff team, only the ones that found it necessary to react to us in this childish way. We won't flame back though, that's what ICE asked us a few months back. We as Dynasty had a bad rep of certain actions taken by certain individuals. We took the message to heart and we reformed Dynasty, we will punish if we see hard flaming or flamebaiting in yell or on forums, our discord is a safe haven. We are a new Dynasty, I can't control everyone and I don't wanna threat all our members like little children, but if we are aware of certain things being said, we will take action, you can take my word for it. As I would have wanted to see it being asked through a private message, we will put our designers to work to change up the lay out aswell for next month.
We will change when things are being asked of us but YOU HAVE TO CHANGE TO. I see it multiple times on the Alora yell, certain people flamebaiting (mostly flamebaiting Liths for not being able to singles (seeing as this isn't their main thing) @Skill 99) AND NOTHING IS BEING DONE. I'm not here to speak on behave of everybody but this is very clear. I also reported a certain individual not long ago for constantly flaming Dynasty (in which we barely reacted to the flame), I posted multiple screens and all the guy got was a warning. You can say what you want from not being biased but it's noticable. Alltough i must say, the certain guy hasn't flamed as he used to so it worked, ty for that. But I can't stop feeling that if it would be someone else, the punishment would be worse than a warning.
So what I really want is that you stop with these smug remarks to try and get my people aggravated. I expected more from such high tier Mods and Admins, I feel like they should be a role model for the Alorians to follow.
I would like to so only positivity on this topic as I think I covered all the bases.
So @Eim ash, Great work on both topics brother, we will keep em coming, in a new format ;)
And also @DynastyClan, the whole clan is doing so good, 1 year ago, Chase/Ash and myself, dragged us from 20 member to being this absolute MAMMOTH of a pvm clan of roughly 100 active members. Being able to look at these drops, I couldn't picture myself doing this, we ofcourse picked up some very good capable Higher Ups on the way there though! 
P.S Next time, pm me on discord if you have any trouble with Dynasty, I am not a 12 year old kid who can't argument his thoughts

Much Love from Chicken Be


#303035 Dynasty's Third Month of CoX and ToB Loot

Posted by Aritus on 01 July 2019 - 01:17 AM

This is very fascinating, you either straight up copied the layout from my clans topics, or we inspired you, either one wouldn't surprise me at all.

If you just copied it, That's really disappointing, @Eim ash . You can literally click on both Prayer Scroll images and you get your answer. We did nothing to get this in return.

Nonetheless, the loot is tremendous and i would love to see more of these topics, possibly with a more original template/layout.

I truly understand that you guys may think that Dynasty copied the whole format from your clan, but actually they got inspired by the former clan Phereus.

Here u can see that we posted our drop loots way back before ICE dropped their first: https://www.alora.io...s-loot-week-19/

The confusion of the copyright may be seen, but Ashkal clearly asked if he may use our headers to post their raids monthly drop thread. I allowed it, however we didn’t use spoilers back then.

Here is the screenshot of our conversation of asking the headers: https://gyazo.com/d0...43d30d153010783

Here is the topic that Dynasty dropped their first drop thread where you see that @iron 2ridic (ex Phereus member) suggested the Raids dropthread suggestion: https://www.alora.io...x-and-tob-loot/

So if you guys think if Dynasty copied from ICE I can tell you that they did certainly NOT copied from you guys. For sure not their intentions. Our apologize for the confusion.

OT: I’m glad to see all the drops, may there be more in the future! Good job Dynasty clan!

#302829 Got my account back, more animations

Posted by Oudinet on 30 June 2019 - 02:18 AM

Hey! I recently created a new account called 'Tween' but I have now recovered my old account (this one). Anyway, here's some new animations:

(More stuff at: https://www.instagra.../framesequence/)




#302254 Scythe of Vitur

Posted by Groot on 26 June 2019 - 06:15 PM

As someone who has a scythe on Normie EIM and GIM I will not support this suggestion. On normie I have maybe 70kc and earned around 800 vials. EIM I have around 225 ish kc with nearly 3k vials from that. GIM I have roughly 100 kc and around 1.7k total vials on that. Yes we like to offer ease of access things compared to osrs but the Scythe of Vitur is a very prestigious weapon if not THE MOST prestigious weapon.

And as such it should come with a cost as many other individuals have said here. But adding the "fuel" of the highest tier melee weapon to a shop that can be considered "infinite " would cause detrimental devalue to the Scythe itself.

As iron aritus said vials were never the problem to the weapons that required them. It was the blood runes that was the bottleneck to this problematic conundrum. This has since been "fixed" .

Though I can see your point and understand where you're coming from the addition of a shop with vials of blood just seems like the best way to devalue TOB more than what it is currently. There are a multitude of reasons I would never support this suggestion but I would be rambling for hours about this.

If you take my drops into account 800+3000+1700=5500~ vials of blood in 400~ raids = 13.75 vials of blood per TOB. Now a standard TOB time to complete is around 18-20 mins if you have a team that's half decent at mechanics. So 42 vials an hour equates to 12,375 blood runes. The Scythe has an attack speed of 5 with 3 second intervals. So in theory you would use "ROUGHLY" 40k charges an hour if you hit non stop the entire time. Now divide that by 100casts per one vial that's 400 vials for an entire hour.

This is where I would somewhat agree with you on putting them into a shop. But at the end of the day it would devalue the Scythe of Vitur DRASTICALLY.

I'm sorry but if you want to use the most powerful weapon as much as you'd like. I would camp the trading post and no life TOB just like everyone (Normie and all Ironman modes) do.

Have a great day

#302268 Theater of Blood Drop rates

Posted by Groot on 26 June 2019 - 08:51 PM

One point I could make is that CoX has easily 2.5x more items that run on the drop table. So of course you're going to see an increased amount of drops from CoX than TOB. But with that being said we did in the past increase and fix the drop rates of TOB though I feel it really didn't do its justice.

I personally feel that the Ghrazi Rapier is far more rare than a Scythe of Vitur. Just look at the loot threads of ICE and Dynasty. It really shows just how rare these higher tier drops can be.

My only worry is possibly overcompensating the drop rate of TOB. We don't want a HUGE influx of these super rare and prestigious items to just completely flood the economy. It almost defeats the entire purpose of raiding in general.

Should I go dry in TOB? Yes most definitely
Should I go 100+ dry without a single drop? Yes and no. Yes simply because RNG was not in your favor. No because RNG should be weighted a bit more to be quite frank.

I will remain neutral for the time being but I do feel something should be done to give us the players more incentive to do TOB. It's extremely irritating that nobody wants to do TOB at all just for this simple fact. I personally see the same handful of people doing TOB over CoX nearly every night.