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Alora Newspaper 26/03/2018

Alora MOTM Staff Updates March 2018

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 08:31 AM #1


Posts: 5,002
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Location: Netherlands

  •  Member since:
    11 Nov 2016

    • Time spent:
      254d 15h 45m 1s

  •  Total level:

  •  22 bugs found


Hello everyone, welcome to the newest edition of the Alora Newspaper! 


Hope you all are having a great day, enjoy reading!


The rule's book has been recently updated. Please acknowledge these changes:



Date & time of updated rule: 3/21/2018 7:29 AM GMT

Updated section: 8. Third Party Software

Time or date that the updated rule(s) will be put into effect: Immediately 

Part(s) added, changed or removed: RED


8. Third Party Software


Applying the use of third party software that allows a member to have any unfair advantage whatsoever will result in a 5 hour jail, followed by a 24 hour ban, with an ending result of a permanent ban. We strive to maintain an honorable environment where fairness flourishes and hard-earned achievements are commended. This includes auto-clickers, auto-typers (if it provides an unjust advantage), etc.


• a. The use of botting clients/scripts is forbidden and will result in an IP-Ban as well as permanent bans on all owned accounts.


Brief explanation (optional): The use of botting clients/scripts will not be tolerated on Alora. 


Keep up to date with our rules & full list can be found by clicking HERE!


Since the last Newspaper there have been 2 major updates, the first update was dropped on 03/03/2018.

The second update was dropped on 09-03-2018.


The first update consisted of the World Event: God bosses, the new pets and some bug fixes.


The second update consisted of God Boss revision, Vorkath slayer helmet and many bug fixes.


Thanks once again to @Omicron for all of his hard work to push these updates!


Hey guys,


This update took a little bit longer than anticipated, primarily due to having to spend a few days securing our systems further last week as well as having to implement some preventative measure for bots (which we will continue to do). Nonetheless, the update is here with plenty of new content for you to dive right into!   :) Please note that some game/forum updates shown here may already be in-game from a previous background update.



Game updates:

  • Pet updates:
    • Metamorphosis versions:
      • Corporeal critter is now available!
        • This pet is a metamorphosis version of the Dark core dropped by the Corporeal beast. You can switch between the pets as you’d like, and if you’ve already insured your Dark core, your Corporeal critter is also insured (no need to pay twice).
      • TzRek-Jad
        • This pet is a metamorphosis version of the Jal-Nib-Rek pet dropped by TzKal-Zuk in the Inferno. You can switch between the pets as you’d like, and if you’ve already insured your Jal-Nib-Rek pet, your TzRek-Jad pet is also insured.
      • All dialogues for the new pets are also functional.
      • Fixed a bug where the “head” of the NPC in the dialogue would be invisible after metamorphosis.
    • New pets to obtain:
      • 3 new awesome looking pets can now be obtained! Through the World bosses event, any one of the 3 bosses can drop their own pet. Once you receive one, you can transform it into any one of the others (metamorphosis). 
  • Super anti-fire updates:
    • In some cases, the Super anti-fire effect would not function properly (not reducing damage enough). This has been fixed.
    • Super anti-fire potions can now be decanted.
    • A warning will now be issued before your Super anti-fire protection runs out (in the chatbox).
    • Fixed a bug where Super anti-fire protection would remain after the timer runs out.
    • You can no longer drink Super anti-fire potions with one already active.
  • Vorkath/DS2 updates:
    • You can now kill Vorkath for Slayer experience on a Blue dragon task.
    • Dragonfire ward is now tradable.
    • The “Quest completed!” Interface had a Mage arena II cape on the interface. This has been updated to a Mythical cape.
    • The “Zombified spawn” that shoots out of Vorkath’s mouth will now be shot to wherever you are nearest to.
    • Fixed a bug where Vorkath would disappear mid-kill while “moon-walking” back and forth.
    • Fixed a combat bug where certain NPCs could not attack you back at a certain distance (Eg. Adamant dragon safespot is now patched)
    • Duel bug fix:
      • If a player dced or x-logged during the “countdown” portion of a duel, the player who did not log out would be stuck inside the duel arena, and both players’ staked items would be lost. This has been fixed, and the player who x-logs or disconnects will lose the duel (similar to forfeiting).
  • Box trap updates:
    • Box traps can no longer be triggered by invisible chinchompas.
    • The rate at which chinchompas are “lured” towards box traps has been slightly reduced.
    • Once a chinchompa is caught, it will now spawn in a completely new location rather than immediately under the caught box trap.
  • Vote shop updates / Ornament kits:
    • With the addition of a new voting website (7 total, 6 required), we figured it’d be a good time to release some new items into the vote shop. These include:
      • Anguish ornament kit ~ 180 vote points:
        • You can now create a Necklace of Anguish (or). The same bonuses apply as the regular necklace.
      • Godsword ornament kits ~ 250 vote points each:
        • All godsword can now be ornamented! There are 4 different kits available in the vote shop. The ornamented godswords all have their correct combat configurations/special attacks/etc.
  • Teleport interface updated:
    • Seer’s village is now available on the Cities teleport page.
      • This was requested so that players could set Seer’s as their home teleport and teleport back there immediately upon completing the Seer’s rooftop agility course (this is possible in OSRS).
    • Additionally, a bug which did not allow you to set your home as Draynor village or the Myth’s guild has been fixed. Both are possible, with the Myth’s guild being a convenient home teleport for Wrath runecrafting.
    • Warning on right-click “Previous teleport” option:
      • When teleporting on the PvP menu (eg. To Dark castle), there is typically no warning issued.
        • This is fine, but when you right-click the Teleportation wizard to teleport to the last location, some players may have forgotten that their last location was in the wilderness. 
          • To combat this, a warning will be shown on the right-click previous teleport option if the destination is in the wilderness.
  • Equipment fix:
    • Many items that should not be able to be equipped were equipable through the equipment interface, and have been fixed.
  • Missing item requirement fixes:
    • Dragon chainbody (g)
    • Dragon platelegs (g)
    • Dragon plateskirt (g)
    • Dragon full helm (g)
    • Dragon sq shield (g)
    • Dragon platebody (g)
    • Leaf bladed spear
    • Leaf bladed sword
    • Leaf bladed battle-axe
  • Dark blue graceful added:
    • This graceful set can be achieved by recovering with Graceful marks just as the other sets are, but the price of each piece is ~1.5x higher.
      • This is simply a cosmetic change, all other effects/bonuses of this set are the same as the other graceful sets.
  • Dharok NPC update:
    • Dharok the Wretched will now be able to hit players for very high damage when he gets low on hitpoints. Be sure to keep your Melee protection prayer on while fighting him.
    • Additionally, a bug had caused Dharok to always hit 0s, which has also been fixed. His default max hit is 29, but at 1hp he can hit up to 64.
  • Tentacle whip dissolve warning:
    • When dismantling the Abyssal tentacle, a red warning will appear to notify you that you will not get back the tentacle upon dissolving. You will only have the whip returned.
  • Blowpipe nerf:
    • Blowpipe accuracy has been slightly nerfed (~15%) in PvM.
  • Thieving updates:
    • Ardougne knights thieving:
      • You can now pickpocket Ardougne knights for 1.5k each.
      • These are a good option once your Thieving level is a bit higher as you stop failing on them at 95 Thieving.
    • Formula for pickpocketing improved:
      • The failure rate for pickpocketing has been decreased, meaning you’ll fail less often across the board.
  • Kourend Catacombs update:
    • Dwarf cannon can no longer be used here.
    • To allow for Magic training through bursting, we’ve made some changes:
      • Abyssal demons in the catacombs were very buggy. They’d “freeze” and attack you from long-range. 
        • Additionally, there weren’t enough of them in the area. Both issues have been addressed.
  • Slayer task changes:
    • Nechrayels can now be assigned by a Slayer master. (35-100)
    • Dust devils can now be assigned by a Slayer master. (55-125)
      • While on a Dust devil task, Smoke devils can be killed and you will still gain experience.
    • Slayer helm / Black mask bonuses fix:
      • We’ve changed the way that Slayer helm/Black mask bonuses work. Previously, if you had a task, your bonus would only work on that exact NPC (Eg. Blue dragon task, bonus on Blue dragon). Now, your helmet bonuses will also be applied to any related NPCs, such as Vorkath while on a Blue dragon task.
  • Completionist Monkey updates:
    • Crush attack bonus increased from +4 to +6 to match the Mythical cape.
    • Ranged attack bonus increased from +4 to +8 to match Ava’s assembler.
  • Staff of Light:
    • The staff of light can now be created! 
      • You can create this staff by using Saradomin’s Light (dropped by Commander Zilyana) on the Toxic staff of the dead.
        • It is identical in stats, bonuses and special attack to the Toxic staff of the dead.
  • Wilderness/Combat changes:
    • Resource gate changes:
      • Resource gate now opens.
        • Previously, this gate would teleport you through. It will now allow 1 person to enter at a time. 
      • Cost reduction for donators:
        • The price to enter is now reduced from 10,000 for donators:
          • Master ~ 1k
          • Uber ~ 2k
          • Legendary ~ 2.5k
          • Extreme ~ 4k
          • Super ~ 6k
          • Regular ~ 8k
    • Bounty hunter QOL:
      • The chatbox message when you’re assigned a target will now say “You’ve been assigned a target: <username>” rather than “You’ve been assigned a target!”.
    • Teleblock change:
      • Whether the teleblock time will be full or half was previously determined when the spell landed, but the check will now be done as soon as the spell is casted. This means that if you aren’t praying Protect from Magic while the spell is casted, turning it on later will not halve the TB time. (Reported as a bug by players, if this is incorrect please let me know.)
    • EdgePvP changes:
      • EdgePvP (Instance) PJ timer increased to match the Edgeville wilderness PJ timer.
      • A rejuvenation pool has been added to the Edgeville PvP instance. It functions the same way that the regular Edgeville pool does.
    • DDS experience drop fix:
      • The DDS special attack would sometimes still send an XP drop if you hit 0-0. This should no longer occur.
  • Bloody key boost:
    • Bloody key loot has been heavily boosted across the board. Certain items such as DFS/Arcane spirit shield rates have been increased, but we’ve also removed general junk (ancient staff, d boots, etc) as well as increasing the chance of getting any single rare item.
  • Hunter - Box trap reset option:
    • You can now reset your box traps that have either caught a creature or collapsed.
      • If a creature is caught, you will collect the creature and re-set the trap.
      • If no creature is caught, you will take down the trap and re-set it.
    • This is no faster than taking down and re-setting the box trap manually, it is simply more convenient.
  • Staff updates — anti-bot measures:
    • As temporary bot prevention while we work on automated bot identification and prevention, we’ve added some new features for staff to use to track down bots. Our next update will focus on better random events as well as ways of flagging accounts that may be botting, which will then be sent to staff members for manual verification.
  • New random event:
    • A new random event which will ask players a random question has been added.
      • Topics:
        • General knowledge (eg. Name of the server)
        • Basic mathematics
        • Basic spelling task
        • Dynamic questions:
          • “Player-unique” questions. For example, “What is your current total level?”
          • “Server-unique” questions. For example, “What is the current bonus skill of the day?”
            • You can often use abbreviations for answers. For example, if the bonus skill of the day is Hitpoints, you can enter “hp” and it will suffice.
      • The same random event rewards as the old “Odd one out” event will be given.
      • If the player fails 3 times, they will be jailed and the staff team will be notified. If the player does not answer it within 5 minutes, they will also fail the random.
    • Random events will now also be presented during:
      • Fishing
      • Digging a Barrows grave
      • Boarding the Zulrah boat
      • Runecrafting
      • Agility course obstacles (not shortcuts)
        • Excludes wilderness agility course
    • It is important to note that random events do not show up unless you are actively performing an action (eg. Clicking on something). For this reason, most cases of players failing to solve a random in time are likely to be bots. 
      • The only exception is fishing, where you only have a possibility to get a random event on the first fish you catch. (Assuming you are still around for the first fish)
        • If you are semi-AFK fishing, you’ll have up to 5 minutes to answer the question.


World bosses event - Gods’ Battalion:

  • Backstory/Lore: (Thanks to F 8 for the awesome idea and creating the backstory!)
    • Before Zorgoth was defeated and his conquest to take over Alora suppressed in Dragon Slayer 2, he opened a pulsating rift located at ::event while he was attempting to summon Vorkath, the undead dragon. From this point forth, every 2-3 hours the 3 demon disciples of Guthix, Zamorak and Saradomin will descend upon the ::event area to torment any players fearsome enough to take them on. Porazdir being a Tsutsaroth demon, who was once one of Zamorak's most trusted generals during the God Wars. Justiciar Zachariah a Saradominist Justiciar, in the elite of Saradomin's army. Derwen is an ancient servant of Guthix. He takes great interest in Justiciar Zachariah and Porazdir, attempting to keep a balance between them. Each of these Demons are essence of what they used to be in the ancient God Wars, originally they were encaged in an endless fight to the death. You must stop these beasts before they reap carnage across Alora!
  • General:
    • Three bosses — each one appointed by a specific God, will spawn together once every 2-3 hours.
      • Attacking any of the bosses for at least 100 damage will grant you with the “Blessing of the Gods”:
        • Granted once any of the bosses die, this give a stackable, bonus experience of 20% for 30 minutes. This is reduced to 10% for Classic mode players.
        • You will receive a chatbox messaging stating when the bonus experience starts/ends as follows:
          • “Blessing of the Gods is now granting you 20% bonus experience for 30 minutes!”
          • “Your Blessing of the Gods has worn out.”
        • This timer saves on logout and will only be reduced if you are active (AFK players don’t lose time).
      • These bosses spawn at the ;;event area which is a safe death, multi-combat area.
  • Possible loot:
    • NOTE: For each boss, the top 2 hitters will be rewarded loot. 6 people will be able to loot in total during each event.
    • Shared:
      • Supplies:
        • White berries, desert goat horn, teak plank, mahogany plank, pure essence, numerous herbs, flax, coal, crushed bird’s nests, grapes, magic logs, uncut gems (incl. dragonstone)
      • Special:
        • Clue bottles (hard and elite)
        • Clue nests (hard and elite)
      • Rare:
        • Staff of light (reskinned Toxic staff of the dead)
        • God boss pet (Baby porazdir, Baby justiciar, Baby Derwen — but all 3 can be metamorphosed into one another, so you only require 1)
    • Unique:
      • Saradomin:
        • Saradomin dragon hide set, cloak
        • Holy blessing
        • Saradomin hilt
      • Guthix:
        • Guthix dragon hide set, cloak
        • Peaceful blessing
        • Bandos hilt
      • Zamorak:
        • Zamorak dragon hide set, cloak
        • Unholy blessing
        • Zamorak hilt
  • Bosses:
    • Saradomin boss - Justiciar Zachariah:
      • Attacks evenly with both Magic and Melee. Can hit multiple enemies with either attack depending on your distance. (Within 2 steps for melee, within 8 steps for the magic special)
      • Weakness:
        • Ranged
      • Strategy:
        • Zachariah’s melee attack is the strongest. Keep your distance and attack with range. 
    • Guthix boss - Derwen:
      • Attacks primarily with magic, and sometimes with range. Can hit multiple enemies. Highest hitting of all 3 bosses.
      • Weakness:
        • Melee
      • Strategy:
        • Protect from Magic and damage with melee.
    • Zamorak boss - Porazdir:
      • Attacks primarily with range, and sometimes with melee. Can hit multiple enemies.
      • Weakness:
        • Magic
      • Strategy:
        • Protect from range while keeping distance and attack with magic. 
    • General strategy:
      • Combined with the strategies above, try to keep the bosses separated. Since they can all damage multiple players, it is best to not be within fighting distance of 2 or more of them at the same time. Drag each one out to it’s own corner and isolate it.
  • Pet(s):
    • All 3 bosses can drop a pet version of themselves. Once you have obtained one of these pets, you can morph it into any one of the others. In essence, one pet means you have obtained access to all 3: Baby Justiciar, Baby Derwen and Baby Porazdir. 
    • You can “Pray-to” these pets for a cool effect/over-head shout.
  • Forums crash (redirect loop) fixed:
    • New accounts created in-game would not be able to properly access the forums without the page breaking. This has been fixed.
  • Easy 2fa link:
    • www.alora.io/2fa will now take you to your use CP 2fa settings page for easy access/referrals.
  • Security updates:
    • Many security updates have been applied to both the website and game.

Store updates:

  • New items:
    • The God bosses pet (which can transform between all 3 new pets: Baby justiciar, derwen and porazdir) is now available for 1500 tokens!
  • Rune pouch in the store now has an ironman symbol next to it (has been buyable for some time now, but it was missing the symbol).
  • “Custom Donation” button added to FAQ on shop to link to the customs thread.



Client updates:


  • The welcome screen on resizable has been fixed (invalid placement for the Welcome message)
  • Fixed a bug with HD + Resizable on Macs, where your client would be sized incorrectly.


If you want to check out the entire update list, click HERE!


Here's the update list of 09-03-2018!


Hello everyone,


Today’s update is mostly focused on getting out some important bug fixes, including some that have been lingering around for quite awhile now. For the next update, we’re working on getting out some content that we’ve been meaning to implement for awhile as well (Fossil island content, Battlestaff crafting, etc.), so make sure to keep an eye out for another update soon!
Game updates:

  • World bosses update:
    • Hitpoints on all world bosses has been increased.
      • The fight did not last long enough (usually 15-20 seconds max) for players to get there and participate / obtain the God’s blessing XP bonus.
      • Increase from 750 HP to:
        • 1,750 for Saradomin/Zamorak bosses
        • 2,500 for Guthix boss
    • With the above HP change, the Guthix boss (Derwen) now has better chances of dropping the pet as well as the Staff of Light.
    • The minimum damage required to obtain the God’s blessing has been reduced from 100 damage to 75. This, along with the hitpoints increase, should give most players an opportunity to participate for the blessing.
  • Cooking update:
    • The cooking skillcape bonus (no burn at 99) now works when wearing the Max cape (only the red one — not the variants) or the Completionist monkey.
  • Slayer changes:
    • If you have a Smoke devil task, you can defeat the Thermonuclear smoke devil and it will count towards your task.
      • Additionally, if you have a Dust devil task, you can also kill the Thermonuclear smoke devil and it will count.
    • Black mask (i) can now be unimbued.
  • Magic fixes:
    • Staff of the dead / Toxic SOTD can now cast Zamorak flames spell.
    • Staff of light can now cast Saradomin strike.
    • Fire surge fix:
      • When using the Tome of Fire while casting Fire surge, the max hit is increased from 24 to 36.
        • This brings the true max hit up to 49 in PvP when using:
          • Tome of fire
          • Occult necklace (10%)
          • SOTD/SOL/TSOTD/Kodai (15%)
          • Ancestral outfit (6%)
          • Imbued god cape (2%)
          • Tormented bracelet (5%) 
        • TOTAL: 38% magic bonus * 36 max hit = 49
          • The max hit in PvM with an imbued Slayer helmet could be as high as 55 with the above gear.
    • Slayer mask/helmet/salve amulet were not properly providing the magic damage bonus. This has been fixed.
  • Range fixes:
    • Crystal bow bonuses have been fixed. It now has +100 Ranged attack and +70 Ranged strength.
  • Vorkath fixes:
    • Vorkath fight:
      • Zombified spawn:
        • Crumble undead would sometimes splash on the Zombified spawn. This can no longer happen.
        • The spawn can no longer be evaded.
      • Antifire effectiveness:
        • Antifire potions/shield will now be slightly more effective in defending against Vorkath.
    • Vorkath’s Turquoise Slayer helmet:
      • The Turquoise Slayer helmet can now be created through one of the following methods:
        • Vorkath’s head + Slayer helmet
        • Vorkath’s head + Slayer helmet (i) (gives Turquoise Slayer helmet (i))
          • Additionally, if you added Vorkath’s head to a regular Slayer helmet, you can then imbue it with an imbuement scroll.
      • Has all the same bonuses from the other Slayer helmets.
      • Can be reclaimed from untradables shop for 400k GP.
  • Farming update:
    • When farming herbs, you will now receive Grimy herbs rather than clean ones. This will give some extra Herblore XP when cleaning herbs, and matches OSRS.
    • Empty watering can added to Ironman supply shop.
  • Bones on altar update:
    • You can now use Superior dragon bones on altars, including POH altars (gilded and otherwise.)
  • Technical:
    • Fixed some bugs that were not allowing users to login at times (stuck on connecting for awhile)
  • Yell updates:
    • Youtube icon will now show up in yell.
    • If you are a classic or ironman player but also a donator, your title in yell will now reflect your donator status.
      • For example:
        • Previously (where (*) represents ironman symbol):
          • [<gray>Ironman</gray>](*)Omicron: message
        • Now, assuming I am an Ironman but also a Legendary donator:
          • [<purple>Ironman</purple>](*)Omicron: message

Client update:

  • Page-up button (or Fn+Up on OSX) can now be used by all players to re-enter your previous messages in your chatbox. You can also use Page-down to move through them.
    • This was previously broken for regular players and moderators.

Store update:

  • JalRek-Jad reduced from 1500 tokens to 1000 tokens.


If you want to check out the entire update list, click HERE!


Many thanks to Omicron for these spectacular updates!


Over the past couple of weeks there have been some new faces and some familiar faces coming back in to the team, also some have left and we'd like to thank past staff members for their efforts and time.


Staff update as of February 24th and March 12th, 2018:



Collerkar76 returned to the Staff Team as Global Moderator.

Salter has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Dr Drew has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Another Cow has been promoted to Forum Moderator.

King purple has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Pkdealer has been promoted to Server Moderator.

CL Hellish has been promoted to Server Moderator.

Marvellous has returned to the Staff Team as Server Support.

Marushin has been promoted to Server Support.

Historia has been promoted to Server Support.

HCIM Ultima has been promoted to Server Support.



Endeavor has resigned from Server Moderator.

Chase has temp. resigned from Forum Moderator.

Pproxy has resigned from Server Moderator.

Nick has resigned from Server Moderator.

Savitr has resigned from Server Moderator.

Flowers has resigned from Server Support.



Scenery has been demoted and banned.

Casual has been demoted from Global Moderator.

Watch Hentai has been demoted from Server Support.


For more info on the Staff updates, click HERE!


I have decided to interview two other members of our staff team! I hope you enjoy hearing what they had to say  :)




The first person I interviewed was CL Hellish!






Xuf: What is your biggest fear?


CL Hellish: Becoming an incompetent physician and costing somebody their life.


XufIf you could come back to life as any celebrity, who would it be and why?


CL Hellish: Steve Irwin, I'm an animal-nut and would have loved to do what he did.


XufWhat movie can you watch over and over?


CL Hellish: Zombie Land - I believe I have watched it 13 times now.


XufWhat is something you were really into when you were younger, but think is silly now?


CL Hellish: Conkers (an old British school game, I actually cracked my skull in a related activity).


XufWhat is the most useless thing you know how to do?


CL Hellish: Recite 'the ultimate showdown', word-for-word.


XufWhat is something that has a really small impact on you, but is the most satisfying thing?


CL Hellish: Knowing that I've improved somebody's day in any way.


Xuf: If you could sit in a room with any historical figure, or person of interest, who would it be and why?


CL Hellish: The late Christopher Hitchens. The conversation would be riveting.


XufWhat is one thing that has made a big impact on who you are today?


CL Hellish: Failures in the past have allowed me to build myself up from the ground and make sure they never happen again.


XufIf you had to choose one thing to dedicate your life to (besides alora, you already signed the contract) without having to worry about money etcetera, what would it be?


CL Hellish: Medicine, I adore it.


XufWhat is one story that you know as of right now you would tell/have told your children?


CL Hellish: Not something that happened to me personally but a relative, if honesty makes you stray from your path, it wasn't a path worth being on.



Thank you for taking the time to answer those questions CL Hellish, definitely some cool answers!








Next on our list is Omicron!






XufIf you were to go to the grocery store and you could buy 5 different things, what would you get?


OmicronRight this instant? I hit the grocery store a few days ago but fell short on fruits, so it’ll probably sound unconventional, but I’d grab a watermelon, some mangoes, avocados... some almond magnum bars... and a box of Rice Krispies. 


XufHypothetically speaking, if something happened with Alora, what is one thing that you can take with you/you have learned or appreciated the most?


OmicronAlora has already exceeded my expectations, so I’ll always feel accomplished in that sense. I hadn’t ever imagined it growing this large, and I definitely did not expect to have such an incredible and dedicated community stem from it, not to mention the many friendships that have been formed within the community.


XufWhat is one food you have never tried, but would really like to?


OmicronI’d say Durian. Apparently it has a very pungent smell, to the point where it’s banned on some airplanes and in some hotel rooms, but it’s also supposedly delicious. 


XufWhat is the coolest place you've been?


OmicronIt’s tough to pick any one place that I’ve been to. I once spent a few days in Japan, and although it was a bit chilly at the time, I really loved seeing how different their culture was to western culture. It’s a completely different world. Going to a Maid cafe in Tokyo has to be one of the weirder things I’ve experienced in my life. 


XufWho was (or still is) your celebrity crush?


OmicronI’ve had a thing for Jessica Alba since I was young, can’t say that has changed much.


XufWhat is the funniest joke you know by heart?


Omicron(Warning: The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain racist themes that some readers may find offensive)


XufWhat was something cool when you were younger, but isn't cool now?


OmicronRollerblade shoes. Or glow up shoes. I had both. Pretty sure that Lowkey still wears those from time to time.


XufWhat goal do you think humanity is not focused enough on achieving?


OmicronSustaining our planet. Human activity in the past century has devastated the world’s forests, pushed many species into extinction and melted our ice caps at an alarming rate.


XufIf you could be a character in any fictional movie, who would you be?


OmicronBatman in The Dark Knight, hands down. Mostly just to drive the bat-mobile.


XufWhat is your secret talent most people don't know about?


OmicronMost people I know IRL have no idea that I’m into programming, so I’d say that was my secret talent for awhile. Everybody here knows that though, so I asked a friend and she said that I’m good at making deals (better deal closer than Trump), helping people/counselling, and cat whispering.



Thanks Omicron for taking the time to be interviewed!




Have any interview questions you would like to ask any of the staff members?

Don't hesitate to send me a private message via forums/discord and I'll include them in next edition along with the answers from that staff member!





The MOTM poll has concluded and here are the final results received from the community.

The 3 top winners have been picked and the final voting has taken place among the staff team.




The very final winner of January MOTM is....



Not a Nerd


Congratulations @Not a Nerd! You have stood out in the eye of the community as well as in the eye of the staff team. Thank you for being a great member here on Alora.    :)

Contact Lowkey for your 3 bonds prize in-game, and your Forum Awards will be active shortly.


Stay tuned until the next month when voting takes place!


The March Community awards are out now!

Visit this link to check it out;




That concludes the end of this newspaper! 

Read our last newspaper by clicking HERE!







Posted 26 March 2018 - 08:35 AM #2

Not Salter

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Thanks for making this ^_^

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 08:44 AM #3


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Cat whisperer? Now we know what Dan is doing when he’s ignoring us.

Posted 26 March 2018 - 09:01 AM #4

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Props to you for releasing the newspaper @Sheep. Great read with some awesome interviews. Really liked this edition, keep it up. 

Posted 26 March 2018 - 09:40 AM #5

Badass Iron
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This was a great read and it was very interesting to find out a little bit more about our lord and savior Omicron, Thank you for another amazing newspaper :).

Posted 26 March 2018 - 10:09 AM #6

Sassa fras

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Thanks for continuing these, they're wonderful to read.

#1 Ultimate Ironman Tbow Dropper

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 11:14 AM #7


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Another fine edition of everyone's favourite newspaper.
You've done a great job, Sheep!

Keep up the good work ♥ 


The darkest night makes for the brightest stars.

Posted 26 March 2018 - 11:17 AM #8



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Would be a cool idea if the questions throughout the interview(s) were mainly Alora based. It would of made this newspaper article so much more intriguing finding out certain things that we’d never know or be able to ask Omicron.

Regardless thank you for this months newspaper, @Xuf & Sheep.



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Posted 26 March 2018 - 11:23 AM #9


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Well done Sheep I am a proud dad.

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Posted 26 March 2018 - 12:08 PM #10


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very nice :)
hey there

Posted 26 March 2018 - 11:57 PM #11

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Cleaning my PC while I refresh on Alora updates. Love how well these are structured! :)

Posted 27 March 2018 - 05:22 PM #12

Jake M
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I have bounced around a LOT of RSPS communities and I've got to say this is one of the neatest concepts I've seen. I love the idea and it's executed well, has everything you need to see in one spot and is an easy up-keep for new people to stroll in and see what's new.


I love it! Good work.

Posted 27 March 2018 - 09:01 PM #13

Cmdr Data
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This was an awesome read!  I love the huge update list as well as the staff interviews.  This is excellent community involvement and something I find increasingly rare amongst RSPS's.  

Posted 28 March 2018 - 05:43 AM #14

Austin Post

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Omicron, the cat whisperer...Great addition, guys, well done. Would love to see interviews being made with players and not just Staff though. 

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