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Alora Newspaper 9/01/17

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Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:13 PM #1

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Hey guys, welcome back to the latest edition of the Alora Newspaper. In this months edition we will be going over some huge updates, some new staff. and a couple of new rules updates!


Apologies for quite delayed newspaper edition, hope you can all still enjoy reading!



Date & time of updated rule: 8/18/2017, 3:23 PM GMT

Updated section: Forums

Time or date that the updated rule(s) will be put into effect: Immediately

Part(s) added, changed or removedRED


4. Spamming


• a. Posts that consist of one word (e.g. posting "support" on a suggestion thread) are considered spam and will be deleted off of the thread along with the wrongdoer receiving a warning or an infraction. This rule does not apply to the Spam section or the Red Carpet section.

• b. Posting in the correct section and board is required at all times. Failure to do so results in an infraction.

• c. Grave digging is the act of posting on an inactive thread (last post being 14 days or older). Unless a member is posting relevant, useful information regarding the topic at hand, then it is considered spam and an infraction will be in order along with the removal of the post. Members are permitted to comment on older threads only in the suggestions section if given a detailed response otherwise they will be punished accordingly.

• d. Trolling is not permitted on the forums. This applies to any portion of Alora.

• e. Posting in the marketplace section without the intent to buy or sell something is prohibited.



Keep up to date with our rules by clicking HERE!



The Updates that come out on 8/27/17 & 9/1/17 was huge! The following was added;


  • NPC “walking through walls” bug fixed:
    • Sometimes, larger NPCs such the Giant mole would appear to walk through walls away from you and disappear.
      • This bug was visual, meaning they didn’t actually walk through walls but only appeared to be doing so (this is why you could still be damaged by them). 
        • Nonetheless, this bug has been fully patched and should no longer occur.
  • Skotizo bug fixed:
    • Skotizo was unspawnable in the world since the server thought he was still alive. This has been fixed.
    • Skotizo can now drop totem pieces as intended.
      • Usually only monsters within the Catacombs can, but Skotizo is the only exception.
  • Raid formula changes:
    • Small changes to balance out the formula now that we have collected data.
  • Purple slayer helm will now go to the Lost items manager upon death.
  • Double-action bug fix:
    • A bug that allowed you to perform 2 of the same actions in 1 tick (eg. Cooking) has been fixed.
  • Skilling timers fixed:
    • Some skilling actions were too fast (Eg. Using bones on an altar, or crafting uncuts). The timers have been matched to OSRS.
  • Combat changes:
    • Tele-block fix:
      • You can now throw up Protect from Magic prayer while someone is tele blocking you (after they’ve started the animation) and only get half of the TB time.
      • Tele-block projectile fixed (reverted from new-school gfx)
    • Dragon claws are now more accurate.
    • Magic formula tweaks:
      • Magic defence is now more effecting, meaning proper gear will make you less vulnerable to magic attacks.
      • If you have -65 or lower Magic attack bonus, you will always miss (PvM or PvP)
    • Melee formula tweaks:
      • Melee accuracy has been very slightly buffed overall.
    • Dragon spear special fix:
      • When attacking a player who was stunned for awhile with by Dragon spears, only a few (4) hits would actually damage them once they were unstunned. This special attack has been changed:
        • At the end of every stun, there is 1 tick of “immunity” where the player takes damage and can eat food (1 food).
          • During this period of immunity, the player cannot run, though.
    • Leaf-bladed battleaxe is now functional.
  • PvM balancing changes:
    • Ranged accuracy has been reduced across the board.
    • Magic accuracy has been increased across the board.
  • Classic mode changes:
    • Shop changes:
      • Sapphires and Emeralds have been removed from the Classic shop.
      • Chaos runes have been removed from the Magic shop.
    • Lost items shop changes:
      • Buy-back prices are now 50% of what normal players pay due to the lower GP rate on Classic mode.
        • Of course, this means that if you die in the wilderness (to any player) that player will only receive 50% of the usual GP drop for any items that are reclaimable.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Using magic on a dormant rock crab was previously buggy. It will now wake up the rock crab as intended.
    • Fight caves NPCs will no longer un-aggro you after a certain distance. They will always try to follow you until blocked by an object.
    • Gree-grees (and other spoof items) no longer make you invincible to NPCs.
  • Clan chat fixed:
    • Ranked members can now kick lower ranks in Clan chats.
  • Hunter changes:
    • System overhaul:
      • Many people know that the hunting system was very buggy overall, sometimes box traps wouldn’t disappear, or would dupe on the ground. We’ve rewritten major parts of the code to hopefully not have any of the aforementioned issues occur again.
    • Hunter accuracy (chance of catching a trappable npc) has been increased overall.
      • Hunter npc will now be more likely to walk towards your trap(s). This is based on your Hunter level.
    • Baby implings will now spawn more often in Puro Puro.
  • Forum Loyalty program updated:
    • To account for the previous top record of 2,500 posts being broken , we have added a new goal for everyone to reach:
      • 5,000 posts reward:
        • The never seen before, all new Rainbow Scarf!
        • Wily Hellcat
  • NPC Pathfinding fixed:
    • Some NPCs were walking oddly (eg. Through pillar in the Inferno) since the last update. This has been patched.
  • Magic fix:
    • When freezing a target (eg. Using Ice barrage), they would unfreeze if you were 11 steps away or further. This has been increased to 14 steps away before unfreeze.
  • Abyssal tentacle whip now has a chance to poison your enemy for 4 damage.
    • The special attack yields an even higher chance of poisoning your opponent.
  • Cannonball smithing is now available:
    • To create cannonballs, simply have an ammo mould in your inventory and use Steel bars on a furnace!
      • Ammo mould (tradable) can be purchased from the Slayer reward shop for 15,000 points.
  • Raid points major changes:
    • Inactive players’ (logged out or left raid) points will be removed from the team total.
    • A major overhaul to the way Raids points affect your loot rate has been implemented:
      • It is now based on 3 factors:
        • Your points
        • Your points relative to the average # of points for your team this run
        • Your points relative to the average # of points that are historically obtained based on your team size
      • In this way, we are ensuring that players who do better than the rest of the team are suitably rewarded, but also that players who do better than average historically are rewarded.
  • Battle Royale changes:
    • Southern waiting area is now a safe-zone (not used as a waiting area typically, but staff sometimes teleport players into there)
    • Administrators can now set a custom countdown timer for how long players will spend in the waiting room.
    • Ring of life/Defence cape will no longer teleport you out of here (or any other tele blocked area) 
    • You can now watch Battle Royale even if you are not participating! (Or have died)
      • Type ::watchbr to view the battle area.
        • You must be able to teleport, not already in the battle, and not in combat to be able to watch.
          • You can use the orb interface to move around the map.
  • Achievements which have been made easier:
    • On a Roll:
      • Previously: Reach a 5 player killstreak
      • Now: Reach a 3 player killstreak
    • Rolling Stone:
      • Previously: Reach a 15 player killstreak
      • Now: Reach a 6 player killstreak
    • Slaughterhouse:
      • Previously: Kill 50 random players
      • Now: Kill 30 random players
        • Additionally, you can now kill any players to fulfill this achievement, even if they are low risk.
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Examine prices fix:
      • When examining certain items, sometimes the wrong alch prices would be shown.
    • Olm fix in Raids:
      • Falling crystals will now do damage as intended (bug from last update)

You can find more information about August 20th updates HERE! September 1st updates HERE!



You can find more information about our recent updates by clicking HERE!


Many thanks to Omicron for these amazing updates!



Over the past couple of weeks there have been some coming and goings. The following changes have been made to the team. I'm sure you'll all join me in welcoming the new members to the team as well as thanking past staff members for their efforts.


Staff update as of September 1st, 2017:



Classicals has been promoted to Server Moderator.

2 swords (Syntax) has been promoted to Global Moderator.

Sheep has returned as a Global Moderator under a name of ClassicSheep .

Ryuu has been promoted to Server Support.



Ikta has resigned from Forum Moderator.



Staff update as of August 27th, 2017:


Thorr2 has been promoted to Server Moderator. 
Prague has been promoted to Server Moderator. 
Volta has been promoted to Server Moderator. 
Thunk has been promoted to Server Support.
Cuddeh has been promoted to Server Support.
King has resigned from Global Moderator.
Monaco has resigned from Server Moderator.
Twist bows has been demoted from Global Moderator.
Lapis Lazuli has been demoted from Server Moderator.
Miss Sara has been demoted from Server Moderator.

Congrats to everyone promoted and best of luck to those gone.

All staff updates can be found HERE.
We are proud to announce that the Player of the Week has been awarded to  Ill max soon Ill max soon  as of late has gone up and above anybody else to help improve the community. The activity and helpfulness that have come in from  Ill max soon  as of late have been phenomenal. Keep up the great work, we're happy to have you in our community!
This week I've decided to Interview 2 staff members from the community I hope you guys enjoy what they had to say!
The first person I interview is Classicals a.k.a. Yin !
DivaDescribe the color yellow to somebody who is blind.
Classicals : If I were to describe the color yellow to a blind individual, I would simply relate it to a smell of a flower such as a sunflower, as I find that it is easier for them to relate colors to smells by using their other senses aside from vision.
DivaIf you were to get rid of one state in the U.S., which would it be and why?
Classicals : If I were to get rid of one state it would be Oklahoma, because there is literally nothing there really to actually be worth visiting.
DivaYou’ve been given an elephant. You can’t give it away or sell it. What would you do with the elephant?
Classicals : I would keep the elephant, and i would strap heat seeking missles to its head, thrusters to its back, mounted 50 cal machine gun to the rear and ride him to Korea.
DivaWho would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman?
Classicals : I believe that Spider-Man would win in a 1v1 with batman because simply he has the agility to move and dodge batman's utilities and the strength to deal a crushing blow.
DivaHow would you convince someone to do something they didn’t want to do?
Classicals : I would convince someone to do something they wouldn't want to do by simply offering them a 6 pack of beer and a steak. After all I would be keen on that myself.
DivaA penguin walks through that door right now wearing a sombrero. What does he say and why is he here?
Classicals : The penguin would say sorry to barge in but I can't get it up if you know what I mean, I assume he is looking for the north pole  :lol:
Thank you for fun answers, Classicals ! ^_^

Next on our list is Postimees !


Diva : Tell us something that you really regret?


Postimees : I regret not inviting someone up to my place after an evening out. Still think to this day what could be different if I had done that.

Diva : When was the last time you lied and to whom and why?


Postimees : Last time I lied was probably to one of my teachers, most likely about studying something at home which I really didn't, I'm gonna take a brave guess and say history teacher, just because I probably felt like I had more important things to do.

Diva : What’s a body part that you wouldn’t mind losing?


Postimees : I'd mind losing any body part tbh, perhaps I would care the least about my legs because I'd still be able to play on the computer in that case.

Diva : What is the dumbest way you’ve been injured?


Postimees : When I was like 8-9 years old I loved just kicking a football as hard as I can just to see how big of an impulse it would have or how far it would fly, in the school gym there was a wall so I practiced just kicking the football at the wall, it bounced back and hit my face and I got a nosebleed from that.

Diva : If you could know the absolute and total truth to one question, what question would you ask and why?


Postimees : Who the fuck built the Stonehenge?


Diva : What ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing?


Postimees : My parents tricked me into believing god existed, that was pretty ridiculous.


Well, thanks Postimees for giving your story! :)



The link to vote for August Community Awards will be updated here once the thread format comes out.
Keep an eye on "Community Input" section on the forums.
Please nominate your favourite staff members and the players in the community in the link provided above.
After the nominating ends, we'll post a separate thread for nominees. Stay tuned!



That concludes the end of this newspaper! 

Read our last newspaper by clicking HERE!

Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:21 PM #2


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Congrats to all the staff promotions!


Also shout out to I'll max soon. You've been very active and helpful anytime I've seen you around. Also seem like a really genuine guy.


Great post Diva .

Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:30 PM #3


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I love this newspaper article :D im famous jk, but seriously good work on it!

Posted Image

Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:33 PM #4


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Congratulations to all who got promoted and sad to see some go, weird interviews.








Posted 01 September 2017 - 12:46 PM #5

Ill max soon

Ill max soon
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Hey thanks for choosing me as member of the week :) unsure if this went to a vote system within the staff team or not.


Very grateful and loving my time here :) Congrats on everyone promoted this week too.

No longer playing 'ill max soon' my focus is on maxing my Classic.


Classic Account Name = ClassicMax








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Posted 01 September 2017 - 01:05 PM #6


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Diva ,


This looks absolutely amazing, and very well put together!

Loved reading all the interviews, all 3 were hilarious.

Congratulations to @ Ill max soon on the player of the week!, well deserved.  

Posted Image
Posted Image

Posted 01 September 2017 - 01:07 PM #7

2 swords

2 swords
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Hey thanks for choosing me as member of the week :) unsure if this went to a vote system within the staff team or not.


Very grateful and loving my time here :) Congrats on everyone promoted this week too.

congrats, well deserved - you've been super active - well deserved

Main Account - Syntax

Posted 01 September 2017 - 01:27 PM #8

Not Salter

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Fantastic idea to have a newspaper! Lovely read!

[url=""%20title="External%20link"]Posted Image[/url]

Posted 01 September 2017 - 06:16 PM #9


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Awesome read! Always love reading the newspaper. Good job Diva with the post!

Congrats on all staff getting promoted, sad to see some resign.

Also congrats to Ill max soon for POTW and love the interview Postimees and Classicals ! :D



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Posted 01 September 2017 - 06:23 PM #10

little Alice

little Alice
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This was actually a really cool thing and its the first time I've seen it done like this looks beautiful DIva!


Also congratz all around to everyone on their promotions! And nice work max on being POTW keep up the work!


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